Posts Tagged ‘travel’

Ipoh Mali Mali, Pigi Makan Makan~

September 30, 2009

Gosh I’ve been sitting here trying to whip up something witty to write but failed. I guess my English deteriorated without the constant dose of blogging. Or lack of idea thereof. 😦

I think it’s time to move my butt and start blogging before I start to t4lk l1k3 th1s due to sheer NBTDness.

What have I been doing since I got back…

At the start of the month of September (procrastination ftw), I went for Ipoh Mali with ShutterAsia forummers~

Foh San Dim Sum by you.

Foh San Dim Sum – I prefer old school restaurants served with age-old cutlery.

Woke up at 4 am to go for this makan-makan trip. It was insane – by 4.30 am I was hungry and my whole biological clock is totally fucked. Wound up with an upset stomach by afternoon, which made me miss the chicken hor fun!!!!!!! FML

Traditional Mooncake Uncle by you.

We basked in the old-school aura that can only be found in Ipoh town.

Gua Kek Lok From the Stairs by you.

Must visit – Gua Kek Lok.

Straight From Camera Scenery by you.

Haih Mr Nikon why can’t you produce pictures straight out from your stick without me editing? I never doctored this picture and it’s absolutely perfect!

Photo Head by you.

50mm ftw.

Supreme Cleavage by you.

Shutterbugs galore. This was the trip that had me deeply intoxicated by DSLR cameras. Our dishes were no longer hot coz the shutterbugs hounded it before I could dig in!

LOL by you.

Life goes on after 3 months of India – Still love you as always. ❀

Being the little princess of my household, my parents are usually reluctant to let me travel with friends. And they love giving the excuse that I’ve traveled pretty much everywhere in the globe with them since young, and why would I even bother going to local places like these.

My answer was simple. As much as I enjoyed traveling with my family, sometimes a change of company can make the type of enjoyment a totally different one.

It was good company I had and a true enjoyment indeed.

For more makan-makan, please visit the blogs of

Mormorbunny, the kicking one,

Bunny Kick Meow by you.

and the Waisekmeow, the one being kicked.


Goodbye India.

August 21, 2009

Goodbye India.

Indian shoes by you.

It has been a pleasant shopping experience. All the above are less than RM10 omg wtf.

I can rant endlessly about the atrocities of this country; how the most favourable delicacy in the whole of Gujarat state made me shit bricks; how the persistent honking culture of the Indian traffic left me with mild ringing ears; how my heart’s capacity is pushed to it’s limits when I’m riding an auto-rickshaw; how my nasal glands withstand the stench true to India…

And I’ll never forget the peculiar hospitality of the people here. Some are so friendly they just drench your heart with honey; while some leave you baffled at their behaviour, standing in front of you to gawk on and on and on. In the literal sense! And rudely, mind you.

… But I really need to admit, India has a beautiful charm that can be found nowhere else in the planet. Read: where lah in the world to find old crumbling buildings with spectacular architecture, only to have it left to rot by lazy (corrupt!!!) modern civilization who refuses to lift a finger to restore it’s magnificence? And where lah you can find so many cows and goats that smile benignly at you?

Do consider coming here for a great eye-opening experience…

Just be sure to buy travel insurance.

Wish me safe flight! =)

Dada Hari Vav : India’s Ancient Stepwell.

July 15, 2009

So last weekend, we visisted a monument near our city. It was nearby, but still out of town and we needed a car ride to reach there.

And I swear I will not do it again! It’s just HORRIBLY dangerous to travel here! No bus system, train maybe okay but I can imagine the horror, and auto rickshaw is out too coz it’s too far, so we had no choice but to call a taxi.

We thought it’d be more comfortable, but I was soooooo wrong!

Drivers here are TERRIBLE. It seems that they never mastered:

  • Braking: They don’t brake when there’s an obstacle in front. If possible, they’ll swerve off without looking at the side mirrors, and then if they have no room to swerve, they honk. HONK LAN MEH?! You honk jor the traffic stuck in front will move meh?!
  • Brake, damn it, BRAKE!
  • Common sense: They can stop in the MIDDLE of the road and ask for directions. Hey wtf, there is traffic incoming behind us, and what with you all not mastering how to BRAKE, what if the people behind ram into us? Besides that, they can also stop and curse at an offending driver. Or stop to chit chat. Wah at this point I wanna take a stick and whack the fella liao.
  • No sense of fear: We were on a road, something like going up to Gabai Waterfalls or Cameron, small two-way lanes, ya know. And a bus was speeding like a crazy Metrobus towards us. Our taxi failed to keep to his lane. Instead, he chose to FREAKING ignore the flashing of headlights, a sign of warning by the bus. Rather, he sped along as though trying to see who will give in first. DAMN YOU IF THE BUS SOMETHING WRONG WE COULD HAVE ALL DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • No driving etiquette: See above.

So if you’re coming to India, be sure to buy insurance and do more cardio to build up your heart. The poor thing will be under a lot of stress wan I tell you.

Ok lah my rants are endless. Here are some pics. I can’t really give you guys a documentation of this place. Because due to the awesome Indian government, there is no one doing any maintenance to this beautiful place, no signboards directing us here, the awesome locals are clueless about this place too, and it’s hard to reach here unless you LIVE here or have a local as a friend. And there is no guide no nothing to tell us about the history of this place. There is only 1 Indian uncle who kononnya calls himself the ‘guard’ and asked for Rs.50 for his ‘services’.

Seriously LOUSY place. But nonetheless, the monument is beautiful. BUT I won’t come here ever again!

Oh ya I must also remind adventurous females that this country is not female-friendly. Sure you’ll feel this place is all lovey-dovey and full of ‘flavour’ if you’re a backpacker and linger around for a few days, but if you’re here to stay for a long time like me, you’ll get really get fed up.

Shit I ranted again. Okay see pics nao!

India's Kids by you.

Vav Signboard by you.



Project Akonana: Failed. =(

July 3, 2009

A while back I talked about the potential success of Project Akonana…

prince by you.

Only to have it fail miserably due to the disastrous H1N1 epidemic.

Le sigh. Lemme fill you in.

Akonana will be finishing his internship in a month’s time, where he’ll be free from all clutches of college life. My parents then suggested he come over to enjoy the sights and sounds of India with us. We went through a bout of turmoil thinking about how to fund this trip; Went through lots of frustration and finally saw a ray of hope when he found that he has got a wee bit of treasure stashed somewhere – only to become disappointed when the H1N1 epidemic grew unbearably critical. His parents let down the final decree – No flights, no travel, no trips.

Grrrrrr I hate you H1N1. I know this is so childish but I’m going to eat more pork to avenge this grrrrrrr (it’s just a lame excuse to pig out when I’m back – dietary choices are terribly limited)

Anyway, it’s good that his parents objected him from coming – I wouldn’t want to put my loved one on unnecessary risk. But yet, I still need to get back to KL somehow soon. Pray tell WHO will still declare it safe to fly around? :-/ I miss my Akonana. T_T I want to go traveling with him… There is a trip on August but yet everything is still undecided… It’s driving me crazy!


On a lighter note…

I was a bit fed up when I asked the bf what was special about our relationship and he couldn’t answer. Being typically himself, he never loves it when I throw this type of questions at him. Guys! *Grumbles* After a bit of pondering, he answered me.

Akonana: Where got special lah? Special is those two three days or few months then no more news that type.
Me: … … … Then?
Akonana: Ours is call good effort.

Good effort indeed, dear. πŸ˜€

A Travelogue-Turned-Shopping Guide in Ahmedabad City.

June 5, 2009

I was in Himalaya (!)………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mall last weekend. The weekend I fell sick with indigestion.

himalaya mall by you.



Oh My God.

June 4, 2009

Will I see him again sooner than anticipated? Not when I get home, but when he comes here?

for blog DSCN0039

Stray pieces of happy thoughts flit through my mind at the prospect of having him here, but I gotta get a grip, really. The lesser the anticipation, the lesser the disappointment.

It’d be fantastic to have another company, being expats here can be pretty lonely. Civilization is not what it seems in India, what with the language barrier and all.Β On the other hand, if he doesn’t come, no big also. I know we can make it through these few months of LDR. Seriously no big. =)

But it’d really be awesome if the scenario turns out to be the former.

Oh well, a girl can dream. =)

Pics of my weekend trip up tomorrow, I was sick these few days. =(

*Continues my dreams*

I am going to SINGAPORE. :D See my makeup stash for the trip.

December 21, 2008

I’ve sorta finished packing all my vanity.

My skin care:

L-R: Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base, Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam, Shiseido Pureness Moisturizer, Shu Uemura cleansing oil disguised as Shiseido, and finally, Simple toner disguised as Shiseido. Wtf? XD

My eye makeup:

In no particular order, Prorance eyeshadow in P17, Anna Sui eye color, Clinique Color Surge Eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge, Pure Luxe Kaleidoscope collection, Bobbi Brown lipstick and Estee Lauder lipgloss. W00t.

And which one of you should I bring? *ponders*

L-R: Estee Lauder, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Diorshow, Lancome, Kate mascara base

Ah yes, I’m all done packing. πŸ˜€

Oh wait…

I haven’t freaking packed my clothes! Wtfness… I have officially become a makeup-holic. Makeup first clothes later. -_- From the above pictures, can you tell? I’m a cheapstake, all also using sample size. XD

Ha ha, no lah. Gotta be wise when you spend money on makeup. Mascaras can’t last, why buy a full sized one when you can fish for GWP sizes? That way, you get more variety, innit? πŸ˜€ Eyeshadows? Prorance cheap, Clinique is sample size, Pure Luxe cost RM9 nia, Anna Sui, Estee Lauder lip gloss and Bobbi Brown lipstick I steal from my sister-in-law. Cost her a bomb, cost me nothing. XD She never uses them anyway; I can’t stand seeing them lying around waiting to expire. So they’re sorta mine now. πŸ˜›

Will update during the trip when possible due to the awesomeness of ze’ Asus Eeepc. Departing 23rd December. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers. πŸ™‚

Officially my first travel trip with the boyfriend. Can’t you tell, the chaborkia is super excited about the trip. πŸ˜€ I miss mommy, though. No one beats her for the best shopping mate award. ;_;