Posts Tagged ‘monolid makeup’

Monolid Eyelining Guide – Find What’s Suitable!

May 30, 2009

If you have been following my makeup posts, you’ll notice my eyeliner is usually done in this style, with varying thickness and flicks at the end.

Anna Sui Doll 044 by you.

Thick, vibrant, unblended, and always black eyeliner, no browns, no grays. Somewhat Egyptian style-ish. I swear I won’t do the pursed lip thing again, make me look like lala wannabe. T.T

I have tried various methods of lining my single eyelids but unfortunately, not much suits my eyes. They simply don’t bring out my features.

But first, let’s take a look at my type of monolid.
As you can see, I have virtually no crease, inside out, nada. Some people HAVE a crease but are folded deep inside; some don’t. So you really must experiment to see what suits yourself!

akonana date 006 by you.

It can occassionally fold up to a double eyelid too, which is freaking annoying and can hamper my makeup, making me look big-small eyed.

07-10-20_16-261 by you.

Ok I really hate it when that happens. Sibeh unnatural and not ‘me’.

As everyone of us is unique, we need to spend some time to find a style that suits you. What works for others may not suit you. So play around and have fun searching!

Monolid girls should also note that not all the rule of thumb in eye makeup will suit you. (Makeup has no rules actually – screw those ‘rule of thumbs’!)

This guide ought to show you how to gradually try each of the common methods, and make you find out WHAT actually rocks on your eyes, and what doesn’t.

Click Read More To Find Out How!


Chaborkia’s Bad Luck With Electronics.

May 26, 2009

This morning I bustled around in my room with great inspiration to write a monolid makeup post. A series of shots were taken with my Nikon S520, but a defect that I thought I could handle with a little skill wound me up with NO usable shots. 


No makeup post then. Even a simple test shot also blur. Shit.




But then again, my skin has come a long way! I don’t have to be self conscious of blackheads and cystic acne since I started treatment. Thanks EPI Derma Formulation (will post bout this salon in future).

Back to my camera problem, I have already suspected a problem since my bro handed me the camera. The Nikon S520’s motor was extremely noisy, and when it’s switched on you can actually hear the motor inside working furiously even when you’re not working it. To add insult to injury, my Sony Ericsson W800i, a phone, can focus better than a REAL camera.

It’s not exactly the latest model in the market so I cut it some slack and dismissed the problem. On one ocassion, I happened to pass by the camera shop and asked them to inspect my camera. Upon inspection, they diagonosed Mr Nikon with a lens defect. It can’t focus properly. Le sigh. And I was leaving for India the next day, so I didn’t have time to get it fixed. =(

I thought I could handle this little flaw if I took corrective measurements. BUT NOOOOOOOOO, my Nikon wouldn’t give me the time of the day and behave. DAMN. So I brought a dysfunctional camera with me. Sigh.

I dunno what’s up with me. I seem to have the most rotten luck with my electronics. My Dell Vostro 1400, for example, had a screen defect TWICE before I got a satisfactory replacement. And the second defect was not a defect at all. It was simply because of an unexplained phenomenon that drove me into so much agony, I just NEEDED Dell to replace it. 

Ever heard of a laptop screen that makes your eyes tired? Bet all laptops do. But my previous screen was lethal. 15 minutes and you’ll feel your eyes dying. When I called Dell for a replacement with the above reason they thought I was trying to be funny. I wasn’t. Even my bro agreed that any session with that screen for more than 30 minutes and you’ll feel like doing LASIK without anaesthesia.

Time to shelve my ego and use dad’s Sony instead. What’s done is done – My pics are ruined. A simple snapshot can take forever to focus properly / 101 attempts before I get it right, so the pics you see in are precious. I sincerely hope you enjoy them.



Monolid Makeup Tip: A Different Usage for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

January 8, 2009

Monolid girls might face some confusion when attempting to do nude eye makeup look. In fashion magazines or websites, it ALWAYS states that you should use a matte brown eyeshadow with no shimmers at all to shade some dimension into your eyes.

But I found out, based on my experience, that it’s a bad advice, but correct to a certain extent.

Why is it bad advice?
Monolid girls do not have a pair of deep set eyes with plenty of width for shading purposes. Our eyes are pretty flat, unlike double eyelid girls, you see. So if you cake on brown eyeshadow, it might look (1) you got beaten up or (2) your whole eyeshadow simply looks dirty.

But it’s somewhat correct, you need brown tones to shade monolids!
Aha! This is the fun part. It’s about choosing the right shade of brown, girls. And it’s not all about matte browns. We need to aim for something subtle yet gives dimension. For this purpose, I think I’ve found a holy grail.

The Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick.

The hues are so so so subtle, with extremely minute shimmers that reflect light just beautifully. As background info, BB Bronze Shimmer Brick is used as an overall face illuminator, much like MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. So using it as an eyeshadow in pretty much a second (self-invented) option.

You see, there are 5 shades in the brick, and the colors are properly separated, much unlike MAC’s baked MSF. Which leaves you with 5 perfectly lovely eyeshadow shades to create a nude look! 😀

These subtle little shimmers give dimension to your eyes, much unlike the matte brown I have swatched on the right. Can tell? 😀

The dark brown falls flat IMHO. Bobbi Brown’s shimmers are just very very subtle yet make all the difference in the world.

Swatches of the shades – I tell you, these swatches don’t do the color justice. It’s lovely!

If you feel that it’s on the frosty side judging from the pictures, I can tell you they’re not at all. Trust me! Go to a Bobbi Brown counter and check out the shimmer brick yourself! 😀

I shall follow up this post with a FOTD soon when I have an outing and have a chance to makeup, because I think this picture doesn’t show much of the eye makeup. Don’t look at my pimples please! LOL.

PS: My friend say I look like a ?? with the fringe. -_- I know, I know, paired with eyeliner-less monolid eyes, I look like the typical China mui. -.-

I am so glad I didn’t buy MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. My sister-in-law has a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in her stash and I picked it up. Lesson: Dig through your female elder siblings / cousins / relatives makeup stash. Especially those who never love all these but like to buy impulsively! Kakakakaka…

Good night! 😀

Monolid Tip: Ayumi Hamasaki’s Eyes are About to Drop off OMG!

December 11, 2008

Girl eye big big very innocent hor?

Oh lookie there! Big big eyes and long lustrous eyelashes! Isn’t that every girls’ dreams? So dear readers, are most of you envious of those alien dove-like eyes, or are you disgusted by the uber fake look?

Hmmm, for me, I’m definitely not a big fan of that type of look. But it’s funny how everyone seems to be finding all sorts of ways to achieve the big-eyed look. It’s okay to a certain extent, but when you go for desperate measures just to get that, or you think that’s the ‘way’ you should look, that’s gross.

Her eyes are god damn scary to me. Looks like they’re about to drop out.

But I duplicated her look anyway. Just for the LULZ.

My attempt on the ‘squint’ and failing miserably. I look so sleepy! Must be the dead weight anchoring on my eyelid skin.

And I didn’t like it. Hmmm, on second thought, maybe this would be a lovely look for night time outings, but how many times do I get to go out at night lol. I’m not a party animal. XD

Anyway, this post is not about my dislike of Ayumi Hamasaki for god damn leading a cult of fake big-eyed girls. I just plainly wanna illustrate my point whereby you can achieve any look you want by using the right tools.

For monolid girls seeking the look above, all you need is just two pairs of false eyelashes and intense black eyeliner. I used a China made false eyelashes for the top and Inuovi’s false eyelashes for the bottom. Revlon Color Stay Liquid Liner as usual, it’s my drugstore holy grail eyeliner. 😉

Yes, you’ve seen this pair of eyes. It was featured in my previous post lol.

Putting on the bottom false eyelashes dramatically enhances the size of your eyes and again, gives monolid girls a little bit of the catty look that everyone loves and deems ‘sexy’. The key is at the outer edges of the eyes. False eyelashes are curly and long, thus making your eyes look longer and sharper. Works wonders for those with droopy eyes. Good thing innit? 😀

A side by side comparison on the difference that you can achieve just by using the ‘right tools’.

So really, don’t fret about why God gave you the less common monolid. Try and find way to work it, gal. Because, you’re worth it. And I mean it. I’m in no way affliated to L’oreal yeah. 😛

Meanwhile, I think I’ll just stick with my good old normal look. It’s about enhancement, not going for the extreme.

Eyeliner plus upper false eyelashes will do for now. 🙂

Good night beautiful ladies! 😀

Tip for Monolid Makeup: Know your own eyes!

December 7, 2008

A few weeks back I was pretty busy and only used my fingers to do my eye makeup. Unsurprisingly, it turned out pretty bad and out of proportion. Which is then I realized the importance of getting your own eye structure right. Right, as in my own context and opinion. If got better opinion do share girls! 😀

And that is when I’ve also realized the importance of a good brush. No one but yourself can actually FEEL the difference I tell you.

So anyway, I wanted to share my little opinion in finding out exactly where to apply your eyeliner eyeshadow. Because we cannot see our eye socket as obviously as double eyelid girls, there is virtually not much guide for you to see where the makeup goes. If it’s hard for yourself to see the socket, it’s even harder for people to notice your eye structure.

Here’s a little diagram I’ve cooked up. And my graphics tablet breaking down, didn’t really help in the process. -.- Sorry for the noob picture.

That’s right. Trace the outer V by yourself. Example picture~

Just a simple look that I concocted for a shopping day out. 😀 Lower false eyelashes were for, urm, research reasons. XD

How to do this?

Trace your eyeshadow outwards, following your lower eye line. This works really well to compliment your eyes. Plus, it gives off a slightly cat eye look. Sexy much? 😛

I didn’t really have a guide for myself because my eyes were very de flat. Cannot be helped, it’s my mother’s gift. AFAIK everyone’s eyes, regardless of single or double lidded, are different, so work around and see what works best for yourself. 😉

Any questions? I will be happy to help! 😀

Next off, I will show you guys how false eyelashes can really OPEN up your eyes. I swear, Ayumi Hamasaki is the scariest alien I have seen on earth.

FOTD: This time, I has Double Eyelid Surgery. No srsly.

October 7, 2008

I take back what I said about my appreciating and embracing single eyelids. It’s hard, living in a world surrounded by the stereotype of big is beautiful. And that, my dears, applies to boobs, and even eyes, you name it.

Now, after succumbing to the pressure, I chickened out and went for double eyelid surgery.

Jaws dropping? Here’s proof of me, making good use of my Hari Raya holidays. Recuperating from my surgery.

See the tell tale cut? Yeap, it’s permanent. Forever gonna haunt me, the girl who once bragged loudly how much she appreciates her natural born single eyelids.

Not anymore.

*Eyes grow misty, about to cry*

Ahem, doctor said not to cry, might affect the outcome of my plastic eyelids. Anyway, let’s go on to the FOTD part shall we? I name it, Muted Violet.

Why? Because I goddamn wanted the colors to be vibrant when I started off this look, but it all turned out so muted. Urgh. Don’t care lah, it’s a new discovery for me as it’s my first attempt layering eyeshadow to produce a new color.

– Clinique Superfit Makeup sample in 06
– A very light touch of Signature Minerals blush in Rose (plus Photoshop brand blush to pump the color)
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing


– Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner (can you tell, I’m addicted, sorry Bobbi Brown)
– Prorance gold eyeshadow in P17, overall color for the entire lid
– Pure Luxe eyeshadow in Carousel blended over the gold, hence the muted gold tone
– MAD Minerals in Purple Iris for the outer contour. A note about this eyeshadow is that it doesn’t show easily on the lid. And the color payoff is not up to my expectations but what the heck, slap it on several layers and the color will show. Patience is virtue. 🙂
– Pure Luxe Shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight to highlight browbone.
– Kate mascara base (it rocked!)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– False eyelashes from China. They’re so fine, they just blend in to my sparse eyelashes. No amount of surgery can pay me back the ones I’m not born with. Le sigh.

I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. On impulse.

So there you have it. My revelation of my low profile surgery and a FOTD. Do you like it? I hope monolid girls won’t throw rocks at me for betraying them.

Oh btw, when you read blogs, do you TAKE NOTE OF THE TAGS? I just found out, they’re very informative. 😉

Good night.

Monolid gals in Malaysia – Anyone?

September 21, 2008

Single eyelid, or monolid girls, ever got stuck in a rut trying to find a tutorial to teach you how to do eye makeup on yourself, a lesser minority of the world populated by the conventional double eyelids?

It’s pretty frustrating to live in a world where the term ‘double eyelid’ naturally goes along with ‘beautiful’, you see. Whoever said small little Asian eyes aren’t pretty? We have models like Du Juan outshining any model alive with big dove eyes. Come on!

People also eye small small what. 😛

Hence, I’d love to introduce a new section to tutor gals with single eyelids, or also known as monolids, on how to do their eye makeup. Admittedly I am not fond of doing face makeup – foundations, concealers and all that. Still young leh, wanna appreciate my youthful skin no matter how my acne scars mar my looks.

Rather, I prefer dolling up on the eye part and doing the foundation part only when necessary. So anyone with me? If yes I’ll be updating more frequently on the eye looks that I’m doing followed with good quality pictures. And another thing to note is I won’t be using double eyelid sticker, tape and all those to fake a lid. Yucks, why force a lid unto yourself if you’re not born with one? Though… It’d be fun to do it sometimes, with the aid of false eyelashes, haha! See, we have the power, ladies, we can change from single to double at our own will. Isn’t that great?! 😀

Meanwhile here’s less talk, more pics.

Giving my readers, and any monolid girls who stumble upon my blog, a bit of love. *Mwah*

Look ma, who said single eyelid girls cannot do funky eye makeup? *Blek*

Detail details.

For this look, I did a full face makeup. I used:

– Clinique foundation in 69 Honey (N) as an overall base
– Signature Minerals blush in Rose for my cheeks
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing
– Pure Luxe shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight as a highlighter

– Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner in Black Ink to line upper lash line.
– Prorance eyeshadow in P17 to fake a double eyelid (it’s the gold part)
– Minerals Mate in Amber Gold (brown)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– Lancome Definicils
– MAC Powerpoint Pencil in Buried Treasure for bottom lash line
– Eyebrow pencil? I dunno the name bwahahaha. Some China brand maybe

Nada. Firstly it’s because I simple fail to find a lip color that suits me, second I have the tendency to kiss my bf whenever his cheeks reach near my lips sooooooooo it’ll be gross to kiss with lip color on. Bleurgh.

On a totally unrelated note to compensate my love for humour… Here’s something for readers:


I holded it in mah hands! Bare hands! OMG!

Okaaaaaaay I think this totally spoils my girly post. Kthxbai. Drop me a comment if you love to see more of my makeup looks yeah! 😀 And remember, don’t let people put you down just because you ain’t a mainstream beauty, just appreciate what you have okay?! Everyone is special in their own way. 😀