Posts Tagged ‘FOTD’

102 Reasons That People Really Need to STFU When They See Acne-Sufferers.

July 13, 2009

preview of Hari Dada Vav by you.

I think I’ll blog about my trip to Hari Dada Vav later on. I really wanna blog about my skin first. Just coz I’m so excited. XD Still remember this article (101 Stupid Reactions People Give When They See an Acne-Prone Kid) where I spilled my guts on how I despise the way people treat us acne sufferers? Read that before you proceed.


I’ve come a long way, from this piece of shit,

all sorts of acne by you.

To what I have now.

sunkissesd by you.



FOTD: I Has A Christmas Frog on ze’ Shoulder.

December 2, 2008

What better way to start off your posts with a vain picture of yourself? In this case, because I’m cranky with lack of sleep, let me appetize you with my flat-chested Garfield pajama picture.

Okay okay. I just want to share my FOTD, but have no whatsoever good leading sentence to begin with, lol.

My look is so subtle, the colors just ain’t striking. But what better way to make a classy statement of yourself by using Estee Lauder’s High Gloss Ultra Brilliance lipgloss? 02 Ivory is an extremely nude shade that does not wash you out yet gives you outstanding glow. Item courtesy of our family’s new dishwasher member.

PS: If you’re squealing to know how the hell did I get that ‘double’ eyelid, lemme tell you. Don’t sleep tonight. Tomorrow you will have all the double, trip, quadruples of eyelids that you ever begged for. (For those ungrateful buggers who whine about their natural born beauty XD)

For my barely visible eyes hidden under my fringe, I used:

Kate Mascara Base
Anna Sui Long Mascara
Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner
Eyeshadow : First, I applied a layer of Prorance eyeshadow in P17 (Gold), topped up Pure Luxe’s minerals in Carousel, then on the outer lid, I shadded the crease very very lightly with Clinique’s Sparkling Sage. Remember, eyeliner comes last if you want a well-defined eye for monolids. Opting for a day look? Don’t go waaaaay too thick for the eyeliner since it’s not the main attraction, unlike the one that a MAC artist did on me.

See the eyeliner? Subtle yet makes all the difference in the world.

You can hardly see the eyeshadow colors, but trust me, it’s there. Looks very sweet and baby-ish. Subtle pink and greens often reminds me of babies, where they use light shades to decorate baby’s clothes, etc. Cute hor?! 😀

And on a totally unrelated note, I had that frog on my shoulder during my span in Pavilion on a shopping trip. Tee hee. How many chances you get to purchase an overpriced doll from Parkson anyways? 😉

Ladies, if you love my look, do tell me by dropping me a comment okay? 😀

FOTD: This time, I has Double Eyelid Surgery. No srsly.

October 7, 2008

I take back what I said about my appreciating and embracing single eyelids. It’s hard, living in a world surrounded by the stereotype of big is beautiful. And that, my dears, applies to boobs, and even eyes, you name it.

Now, after succumbing to the pressure, I chickened out and went for double eyelid surgery.

Jaws dropping? Here’s proof of me, making good use of my Hari Raya holidays. Recuperating from my surgery.

See the tell tale cut? Yeap, it’s permanent. Forever gonna haunt me, the girl who once bragged loudly how much she appreciates her natural born single eyelids.

Not anymore.

*Eyes grow misty, about to cry*

Ahem, doctor said not to cry, might affect the outcome of my plastic eyelids. Anyway, let’s go on to the FOTD part shall we? I name it, Muted Violet.

Why? Because I goddamn wanted the colors to be vibrant when I started off this look, but it all turned out so muted. Urgh. Don’t care lah, it’s a new discovery for me as it’s my first attempt layering eyeshadow to produce a new color.

– Clinique Superfit Makeup sample in 06
– A very light touch of Signature Minerals blush in Rose (plus Photoshop brand blush to pump the color)
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing


– Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner (can you tell, I’m addicted, sorry Bobbi Brown)
– Prorance gold eyeshadow in P17, overall color for the entire lid
– Pure Luxe eyeshadow in Carousel blended over the gold, hence the muted gold tone
– MAD Minerals in Purple Iris for the outer contour. A note about this eyeshadow is that it doesn’t show easily on the lid. And the color payoff is not up to my expectations but what the heck, slap it on several layers and the color will show. Patience is virtue. 🙂
– Pure Luxe Shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight to highlight browbone.
– Kate mascara base (it rocked!)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– False eyelashes from China. They’re so fine, they just blend in to my sparse eyelashes. No amount of surgery can pay me back the ones I’m not born with. Le sigh.

I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. On impulse.

So there you have it. My revelation of my low profile surgery and a FOTD. Do you like it? I hope monolid girls won’t throw rocks at me for betraying them.

Oh btw, when you read blogs, do you TAKE NOTE OF THE TAGS? I just found out, they’re very informative. 😉

Good night.

FOTD: Coralesque Sheen

October 2, 2008

Firstly, I wanna show off my new curls.

Say hi to them, baybeh.

I love Maggi Mee.

Then, let me introduce to you, my first ever Cats Whiskers purchase. Kononnya I’m a kampung chaborkia, so it takes a while to catch up with the latest fashion trends, you see. I still shop at Sungei Wang, the uber lala land, but am proud of it. 😛

La kimono girl with her makeup pots scattered all over the table top.

THEN THEN THEN! My shopping hauls, you JUST gotta see ’em.

Kate mascara base to hold my damn short lashes in their rightful curls. Urgh. And the highly raved Revlon Colorstay liquid eyeliner. My drugstore attempt at eyeliners have so far failed me. But we’ll see how it goes with this else I’ll bin it.

Not to mention, I got a freebie too. Jealous? Well, it’s in an extremely tiny jar, so very generous of Clinique. YOU CALL THAT A 7 DAY SUPPLY? Damn you.

Alright, at this point you must be asking, where the hell is the FOTD. Okay lah, here it is. People syok sendiri mah, got chance camwhore whole day, he he. HOLIDAYS, who doesn’t love ’em? That’s the time I love my Malay comrades too. 😀 Selamat Hari Raya buddies. 🙂

How many colors do you see here, babes? It’s pink, coral and bronze blended together, right?

Well, nope. It’s just one color here actually. It’s lights pulling tricks at you, PLUS the magic of Pure Luxe’s speciality eye colors, the Kaleidoscope Collection.

I got Visions for myself, as stated in the website,

It’s a medium cocoa brown in jar. Color changes from red-gold/bronze/green-gold.

Hmmm, not exactly accurate, after swatching it myself. BUT BUT BUT, the color payoff is STILL fantastic! This color is perfect for a day out when you do not have time to blend several eyeshadows to create a look. So trust me, it’s fantastic. Worth the RM11 I got for the sample size. 😀 Stayed on all day without creasing, and doesn’t take a lot for it to show up on my eyes. Fantastic job done by Pure Luxe Cosmetics. This brand is not wildly popular here but here I am shedding a bit of well-deserved publicity to it. 😀 Extremely suitable for day looks, don’t you think? Foil it if you want a dramatic color change. 😀

Oh ya, FOTD how can no my face wan?! Here you go:

My sleepy look, after waking up sibeh early, then had a long shopping session for my house. New family member coming in. 😀 Taken at the end of the day, so my light makeup nearly all washed out except the eyes. Seeeee how powderful is the Pure Luxe eyeshadow now? 😀

I used:

– Signature Minerals foundation in Light
– Signature Minerals blush in Rose for my cheeks
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing

– Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner in Black Ink to line upper lash line
– Pure Luxe Speciality Eye Color in Visions
– Lancome Definicils
– Shiseido eyeliner to extend the wing

I told you I don’t use lip color BLEEEEEEEKS, even though the bf wasn’t around for this shopping trip. Maybe will steal my mom’s Lancome lipstick tomorrow, hehe.

FOOTNOTE: My nose is big. Is this a sign that in the future, I will be a ??? Mr Yim, hear that? 😉

Monolid gals in Malaysia – Anyone?

September 21, 2008

Single eyelid, or monolid girls, ever got stuck in a rut trying to find a tutorial to teach you how to do eye makeup on yourself, a lesser minority of the world populated by the conventional double eyelids?

It’s pretty frustrating to live in a world where the term ‘double eyelid’ naturally goes along with ‘beautiful’, you see. Whoever said small little Asian eyes aren’t pretty? We have models like Du Juan outshining any model alive with big dove eyes. Come on!

People also eye small small what. 😛

Hence, I’d love to introduce a new section to tutor gals with single eyelids, or also known as monolids, on how to do their eye makeup. Admittedly I am not fond of doing face makeup – foundations, concealers and all that. Still young leh, wanna appreciate my youthful skin no matter how my acne scars mar my looks.

Rather, I prefer dolling up on the eye part and doing the foundation part only when necessary. So anyone with me? If yes I’ll be updating more frequently on the eye looks that I’m doing followed with good quality pictures. And another thing to note is I won’t be using double eyelid sticker, tape and all those to fake a lid. Yucks, why force a lid unto yourself if you’re not born with one? Though… It’d be fun to do it sometimes, with the aid of false eyelashes, haha! See, we have the power, ladies, we can change from single to double at our own will. Isn’t that great?! 😀

Meanwhile here’s less talk, more pics.

Giving my readers, and any monolid girls who stumble upon my blog, a bit of love. *Mwah*

Look ma, who said single eyelid girls cannot do funky eye makeup? *Blek*

Detail details.

For this look, I did a full face makeup. I used:

– Clinique foundation in 69 Honey (N) as an overall base
– Signature Minerals blush in Rose for my cheeks
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing
– Pure Luxe shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight as a highlighter

– Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner in Black Ink to line upper lash line.
– Prorance eyeshadow in P17 to fake a double eyelid (it’s the gold part)
– Minerals Mate in Amber Gold (brown)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– Lancome Definicils
– MAC Powerpoint Pencil in Buried Treasure for bottom lash line
– Eyebrow pencil? I dunno the name bwahahaha. Some China brand maybe

Nada. Firstly it’s because I simple fail to find a lip color that suits me, second I have the tendency to kiss my bf whenever his cheeks reach near my lips sooooooooo it’ll be gross to kiss with lip color on. Bleurgh.

On a totally unrelated note to compensate my love for humour… Here’s something for readers:


I holded it in mah hands! Bare hands! OMG!

Okaaaaaaay I think this totally spoils my girly post. Kthxbai. Drop me a comment if you love to see more of my makeup looks yeah! 😀 And remember, don’t let people put you down just because you ain’t a mainstream beauty, just appreciate what you have okay?! Everyone is special in their own way. 😀