Posts Tagged ‘false eyelashes’

Monolid Tip: Ayumi Hamasaki’s Eyes are About to Drop off OMG!

December 11, 2008

Girl eye big big very innocent hor?

Oh lookie there! Big big eyes and long lustrous eyelashes! Isn’t that every girls’ dreams? So dear readers, are most of you envious of those alien dove-like eyes, or are you disgusted by the uber fake look?

Hmmm, for me, I’m definitely not a big fan of that type of look. But it’s funny how everyone seems to be finding all sorts of ways to achieve the big-eyed look. It’s okay to a certain extent, but when you go for desperate measures just to get that, or you think that’s the ‘way’ you should look, that’s gross.

Her eyes are god damn scary to me. Looks like they’re about to drop out.

But I duplicated her look anyway. Just for the LULZ.

My attempt on the ‘squint’ and failing miserably. I look so sleepy! Must be the dead weight anchoring on my eyelid skin.

And I didn’t like it. Hmmm, on second thought, maybe this would be a lovely look for night time outings, but how many times do I get to go out at night lol. I’m not a party animal. XD

Anyway, this post is not about my dislike of Ayumi Hamasaki for god damn leading a cult of fake big-eyed girls. I just plainly wanna illustrate my point whereby you can achieve any look you want by using the right tools.

For monolid girls seeking the look above, all you need is just two pairs of false eyelashes and intense black eyeliner. I used a China made false eyelashes for the top and Inuovi’s false eyelashes for the bottom. Revlon Color Stay Liquid Liner as usual, it’s my drugstore holy grail eyeliner. 😉

Yes, you’ve seen this pair of eyes. It was featured in my previous post lol.

Putting on the bottom false eyelashes dramatically enhances the size of your eyes and again, gives monolid girls a little bit of the catty look that everyone loves and deems ‘sexy’. The key is at the outer edges of the eyes. False eyelashes are curly and long, thus making your eyes look longer and sharper. Works wonders for those with droopy eyes. Good thing innit? 😀

A side by side comparison on the difference that you can achieve just by using the ‘right tools’.

So really, don’t fret about why God gave you the less common monolid. Try and find way to work it, gal. Because, you’re worth it. And I mean it. I’m in no way affliated to L’oreal yeah. 😛

Meanwhile, I think I’ll just stick with my good old normal look. It’s about enhancement, not going for the extreme.

Eyeliner plus upper false eyelashes will do for now. 🙂

Good night beautiful ladies! 😀

Tip for Monolid Makeup: Know your own eyes!

December 7, 2008

A few weeks back I was pretty busy and only used my fingers to do my eye makeup. Unsurprisingly, it turned out pretty bad and out of proportion. Which is then I realized the importance of getting your own eye structure right. Right, as in my own context and opinion. If got better opinion do share girls! 😀

And that is when I’ve also realized the importance of a good brush. No one but yourself can actually FEEL the difference I tell you.

So anyway, I wanted to share my little opinion in finding out exactly where to apply your eyeliner eyeshadow. Because we cannot see our eye socket as obviously as double eyelid girls, there is virtually not much guide for you to see where the makeup goes. If it’s hard for yourself to see the socket, it’s even harder for people to notice your eye structure.

Here’s a little diagram I’ve cooked up. And my graphics tablet breaking down, didn’t really help in the process. -.- Sorry for the noob picture.

That’s right. Trace the outer V by yourself. Example picture~

Just a simple look that I concocted for a shopping day out. 😀 Lower false eyelashes were for, urm, research reasons. XD

How to do this?

Trace your eyeshadow outwards, following your lower eye line. This works really well to compliment your eyes. Plus, it gives off a slightly cat eye look. Sexy much? 😛

I didn’t really have a guide for myself because my eyes were very de flat. Cannot be helped, it’s my mother’s gift. AFAIK everyone’s eyes, regardless of single or double lidded, are different, so work around and see what works best for yourself. 😉

Any questions? I will be happy to help! 😀

Next off, I will show you guys how false eyelashes can really OPEN up your eyes. I swear, Ayumi Hamasaki is the scariest alien I have seen on earth.

I lied. I didn’t zhng my eyelids!

October 8, 2008

Should I be amused that my readers fell for my lame joke, or should I be ashamed that I lied?

Oh well, I’m bemused. XD

To those who took my joke seriously and didn’t get the catch point, I’m so sorry. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😉 I did actually… Look closer. 🙂

Anyway, the double eyelid thing was a hoax. I didn’t intentionally do it, as Janice dear suggested. This is where things get exciting – How the hell did I manage to do that without any extra help?

Yes, you heard me correctly. I did not put whatsoever eyelid tape, eyelid glue, double eyelid sticker or the latest eyelid wand to force my eyelids to fold.

You see… The recipe to have that temporary double eyelid look is very simple.

Sleep insufficiently. 7 hours a day is not sufficient for me, and your eyes will grow baggy and all folded. I believe every girl experienced that thing – having 3 or 4 extra eyelid folds when you didn’t have enough sleep or when you give your eyes a rub or massage.

For me, a faint outline of a fold appeared. I did my makeup as usual and put on my falsies. The slight weight of the false eyelashes eventually pressured the eyelid a little, making it give way, and to create the fold I had, in the pictures of my previous post. 😀 I’ve gotta warn you though, if your folds are a bit lopsided, eventually you’ll get lopsided eyes also. It’s not obvious, but my eyes are a bit funny after folding itself. LOL.

Simple, right? Don’t want the hassle? Then, DON’T GET ENOUGH SLEEP.