Posts Tagged ‘eyeliner’

Discovered: Bourjois and Max Factor in India by the Malaysian Chabor! Spree? :D

June 27, 2009

Hi guys! Just got back from my weekend outing. As usual, another mall raid.

shopping in india by you.

Top is 600 and skirt is 700… Rupees. πŸ˜€

I dun think these two match, but I was just trying it out at home. Fitting rooms here are dangerous – the pr0n industry is booming with tons of MMS on sale, featuring girls trying out outfits in various malls in India.


And guess what? I discovered a Bourjois and Max Factor cosmetic counter, right here in India! And the hygiene standard far surpasses any typical mall here in Ahmedabad City. Kononnya Designer Mall. I wonder how many of the population can afford to visit here. >_> In fact, the mall was empty! @@ I only see an Audi and a BMW parked outside. And there I was taking a Rs.30 (RM3 +/-) auto rickshaw to this ‘designer’ mall. LOL wtf.

I was hogged down by a Bourjois girl swatching whatever eyeliner she got her hands on. Typical Indian salesperson, but slightly more friendly than those from normal malls.

swatch by you.

Suprisingly they don’t budge when I tried rubbing it off, and when I flushed it with water, all the liquid liners went off except for the pencil liner (gray one). o.O And DON’T LOOK AT MY HAIR WTF.

I’m pretty excited to see this two brands here. Anyone wanna spree? πŸ˜€

Monolid Eyelining Guide – Find What’s Suitable!

May 30, 2009

If you have been following my makeup posts, you’ll notice my eyeliner is usually done in this style, with varying thickness and flicks at the end.

Anna Sui Doll 044 by you.

Thick, vibrant, unblended, and always black eyeliner, no browns, no grays. Somewhat Egyptian style-ish. I swear I won’t do the pursed lip thing again, make me look like lala wannabe. T.T

I have tried various methods of lining my single eyelids but unfortunately, not much suits my eyes. They simply don’t bring out my features.

But first, let’s take a look at my type of monolid.
As you can see, I have virtually no crease, inside out, nada. Some people HAVE a crease but are folded deep inside; some don’t. So you really must experiment to see what suits yourself!

akonana date 006 by you.

It can occassionally fold up to a double eyelid too, which is freaking annoying and can hamper my makeup, making me look big-small eyed.

07-10-20_16-261 by you.

Ok I really hate it when that happens. Sibeh unnatural and not ‘me’.

As everyone of us is unique, we need to spend some time to find a style that suits you. What works for others may not suit you. So play around and have fun searching!

Monolid girls should also note thatΒ not all the rule of thumb in eye makeup will suit you. (Makeup has no rules actually – screw those ‘rule of thumbs’!)

This guide ought to show you how to gradually try each of the common methods, and make you find out WHAT actually rocks on your eyes, and what doesn’t.

Click Read More To Find Out How!


Monolid Makeup Look: So Much I Wish to Write, But…

January 19, 2009

I don’t have a fucking camera and I hate showing sub par pictures for the world to see. All except for those LOL funny webcam pictures of course.

Here’s one plus an optional pus-filled pimple for you. That sucker spurted so much blood on my mirror and I ended up cleaning up again. Le sigh.

Monolid makeup info: Subtle cats eyes. Nice? πŸ™‚ I really wish to come up with tutorials, but seeing my phone translate the colors so inaccurately is a big turn off. Imagine purple eyeshadow becoming grey after taking a picture. I. Simply. Can’t. Stand. This. Shit.

Santa apparently didn’t hear my Christmas wish, sigh sigh. 😦

Kthxbai. Hopefully I can get some decent pics from the bf’s camera soon, his computer broke down and I’m feeling so -_- from the lacking of seeing a good picture!!!!!!!!!!! Wtfness…

Makeup RANT – Kate Super Sharp Liner

November 26, 2008

I’ve been running amok in my office looking for a permanent marker pen.

What, on EARTH has that got to do with Kate’s Super Sharp Eyeliner?

Loads, I tell you.

I came across this highly raved eyeliner by chance when my friend brought her makeup supplies to college and I couldn’t resist trying out her stash. She, a double eyelid babe, needed an eyeliner that gives a thin line with precision; I myself needed a pure black eyeliner that is black black (geddit geddit?), and stays put. I don’t CARE if it’s a harsh big piece of ugly black line becaue that’s what my eyelids need for the pick-me-up when it comes to monolid makeup.

After putting on a pretty nude eye makeup using her Line Spicy eyeshadow, I looked like shit without my usual dash of eyeliner. Then I digged through her bag and voila! Kate’s Super Sharp Eyeliner was staring back at me. Yippee! A great chance to try it out. πŸ˜€

Although it was named a black eyeliner, it was greyish in colour. Fine, I gave it several extra strokes till it looked slightly better.

And boy, I was pretty impressed at the staying power and the brush head, albeit the fact that it still wasn’t intensely black like how I have come to expect my eyeliners. The brush is simply perfect for the tiny flick at the end.

My verdict then was it was a good eyeliner, but unsuitable for monolid girls. The last thing monolid gals need is a greyish-looking eyeliner that makes you look like you don’t have money to buy a decent one!!!!!!1

I never spared a thought about it when I was in the bathroom, using cleansing oil to take off my makeup. I kept my eyes shut while giving my eyes a good massage.

When I felt every particle of my mascara wash off, I figured I was about done and I emulsified the oil and proceeded to rinse. That was when I opened my eyes.

Girls, let me tell you. Kate Super Sharp Eyeliner is synonymous with a stationery that is widely used everyday.

Permanent marker pens.

Imagine the horror when I see that the color is deeply engraved on my eyelids.

Like, from this,

To this shit.

And this was after 3-5 washes using harsh soap. Imagine having this shit at the tender skin on your eyes? Eeeeeeew.

Sure, this low-end eyeliner beat it’s mother brand, Shiseido the Makeup’s own auto eyeliner in terms of staying power, but imagine using this on a daily basis. Eventually you will end up looking like you just had a bad tattoo job. The eyeliner turned greenish at my 3rd wash with all sorts of remover you can imagine. 4th time, there were STILL remnants left. Imagine the horror.

PROS: Great brush tip for precision eyelining, suitable for double eyelid gals who do tightlining, cheap.

CONS: Black not black enough. And this stays on like a bitch. Is synonymous with permanent marker pens or printer ink cartridges.

The final final verdict? I give a big fat F for this baby. Sorry, the Chaborkia does not approve.

To quote one of my old pictures from my old blog. I still don’t approve. Lol.

Makeup for the Monolids, Straight from the MAC Artist’s Mouth.

November 17, 2008

It’s been a while since I’ve updated on monolid makeup tips and the sorts. Well, I have a good one for you ladies out there who have been googling for help and stumbled across my humble little blog.

Last week, I dragged my sick ass to Pavilion to have a brief walk with my cousin. We ended up buat kecoh in a MAC counter. Luckily my cousin bought a decent amount of items else I’d think it’s unfair to leech information out of the nice cute guy there. πŸ˜‰

This guy is talented AND friendly.

But before anything else, I need to RAVE about Mineralized Skin Finish, the Natural series. I ain’t no foundation girl because no matter how tarnished is my skin with all those pimple scars, hey it’s still mine. I feel like wearing a sheet of PVC over my face with liquid foundation, so I try to worm my way out using a little bit of concealer and some light powder.

MAC’s MSF are mostly used as bronzers and an all-over powder according to most people. But I had a keen interest on this wonder powder ever since reading some of the makeup blogger’s raving about it. I just needed a teeny bit of coverage to even out the places that I spot conceal. Hence, I requested the MAC artist to try it on me.

It. Was. LOVE!

Pardon the cat-like smile, I dunno what I’m doing lol.

You can vaguely see my acne scars, but that is hardly to matter, coz part of it was rubbed off accidentally during the application. If the concealer was freshly applied, your complexion is just oh wow.

The MSF went OVER my nearly washed out Estee Lauder blush and bronzing powder, yet my own vague pink flush is still visible. Now that’s what I love. It’s creepy to cover up whatever color you have with foundation and then slap on some fake pink tone daily. *Shudders*

Here’s a close-up picture for you to refer to when you’re attempting to draw a winged eyeliner, ladies. For monolid girls, ‘draw a thin line close to your eyelashes’ DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!11 Because our eyelids are pretty fatty compared to those with double eyelids, that’s why drawing a thin line across your eyelashes work in vain. Once you open your eyes, the line just disappears totally! Not sexy I tell you.

Wide open, and the wing effect is still visible yet does not make you like an opera singer. Might be too overwhelming for some girls though, that’s personal preference, can’t control it. *Shrugs*

Gals out there with keen eyes will also note that he contoured my eyes with nude colors. The result? A fake dimension to bring out the eyes. Cool huh? Will attempt my own version next time. Too busy to play with my eyeshadows lately. T.T

Here, a close-up picture of the area that you should put on the eyeliner.

For monolids, always remember the rule of thumb for eye makeup does not necessarily apply to us, so we need to make some changes so that it suits our special type of eyes. πŸ˜€

Oh and! I found new love in nude lipstick. I finally know why I never love to put on lipstick… It’s because…
















I’m too cheap to buy my own, I’ve been fooling around with my mom’s colors. Aunty color how can suit small chaborkia like me?!!!!!!!

For this new-found love, I gotta thank my dear sister-in-law for her makeup supplies. Too busy to put it on yet cannot resist buying stuff. -.-

Hope you enjoyed this post! πŸ™‚