Posts Tagged ‘Egyptian queen’

Monolid Eyelining Guide – Find What’s Suitable!

May 30, 2009

If you have been following my makeup posts, you’ll notice my eyeliner is usually done in this style, with varying thickness and flicks at the end.

Anna Sui Doll 044 by you.

Thick, vibrant, unblended, and always black eyeliner, no browns, no grays. Somewhat Egyptian style-ish. I swear I won’t do the pursed lip thing again, make me look like lala wannabe. T.T

I have tried various methods of lining my single eyelids but unfortunately, not much suits my eyes. They simply don’t bring out my features.

But first, let’s take a look at my type of monolid.
As you can see, I have virtually no crease, inside out, nada. Some people HAVE a crease but are folded deep inside; some don’t. So you really must experiment to see what suits yourself!

akonana date 006 by you.

It can occassionally fold up to a double eyelid too, which is freaking annoying and can hamper my makeup, making me look big-small eyed.

07-10-20_16-261 by you.

Ok I really hate it when that happens. Sibeh unnatural and not ‘me’.

As everyone of us is unique, we need to spend some time to find a style that suits you. What works for others may not suit you. So play around and have fun searching!

Monolid girls should also note that not all the rule of thumb in eye makeup will suit you. (Makeup has no rules actually – screw those ‘rule of thumbs’!)

This guide ought to show you how to gradually try each of the common methods, and make you find out WHAT actually rocks on your eyes, and what doesn’t.

Click Read More To Find Out How!
