Posts Tagged ‘Clinique’

I am going to SINGAPORE. :D See my makeup stash for the trip.

December 21, 2008

I’ve sorta finished packing all my vanity.

My skin care:

L-R: Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base, Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam, Shiseido Pureness Moisturizer, Shu Uemura cleansing oil disguised as Shiseido, and finally, Simple toner disguised as Shiseido. Wtf? XD

My eye makeup:

In no particular order, Prorance eyeshadow in P17, Anna Sui eye color, Clinique Color Surge Eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge, Pure Luxe Kaleidoscope collection, Bobbi Brown lipstick and Estee Lauder lipgloss. W00t.

And which one of you should I bring? *ponders*

L-R: Estee Lauder, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Diorshow, Lancome, Kate mascara base

Ah yes, I’m all done packing. 😀

Oh wait…

I haven’t freaking packed my clothes! Wtfness… I have officially become a makeup-holic. Makeup first clothes later. -_- From the above pictures, can you tell? I’m a cheapstake, all also using sample size. XD

Ha ha, no lah. Gotta be wise when you spend money on makeup. Mascaras can’t last, why buy a full sized one when you can fish for GWP sizes? That way, you get more variety, innit? 😀 Eyeshadows? Prorance cheap, Clinique is sample size, Pure Luxe cost RM9 nia, Anna Sui, Estee Lauder lip gloss and Bobbi Brown lipstick I steal from my sister-in-law. Cost her a bomb, cost me nothing. XD She never uses them anyway; I can’t stand seeing them lying around waiting to expire. So they’re sorta mine now. 😛

Will update during the trip when possible due to the awesomeness of ze’ Asus Eeepc. Departing 23rd December. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers. 🙂

Officially my first travel trip with the boyfriend. Can’t you tell, the chaborkia is super excited about the trip. 😀 I miss mommy, though. No one beats her for the best shopping mate award. ;_;

My Cosmetic Warehouse Sales Makeup Haul!!!!! :D

December 19, 2008

My mom has always refrained me from participating in overwhelmingly crowded warehouse sales or unbelievable bargains done by so-called ‘branded’ shops. I finally know why. My mom, is a woman of dignity. Buy what you can afford, she says, why hog the place looking for cheap branded stuff treated like trash? Good old branded items thrown out to the hungry flock like worthless rubbish, I grimace at the thought of that. >.<

Yet, at the same time, I was glad that my girl friend invited me to go to the warehouse sale located at Wisma UOA today. I think I’ve found a winner mascara people! 😀 And bear in mind, it’s UOA, not UOB. We made a detour to OSK/UOB Building just because of that damned alphabet. -_- But the crowd is just too overwhelming. I guess this will be the last time you’ll find me hogging these places. -_-

And, not to mention the dirty sides of warehouse sales. You see lots of uncivilized people opening up the tubes, squeezing them on their filthy hands, stuffing their noses into the item to smell, sticking their fingers in to test the cream, and so on. Gross, isn’t it? Why buy stuff that has been repeatedly raped probed by people?

Argh, I know I’m slapping my own mouth because I was one of the people picking on unwanted trash.

Anyway, here’s my haul.

I got:

– Diorshow Blackout
– Exceptionnel de Chanel
– Clinique blusher in Precious Posy (a lovely pink shade with golden shimmers)
– Clinique eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge (light pink shade with shimmers and brown as a highlight color)

Lancome Maquicake UV Perfect Forever is FAIL because I think I’ve gotten the old batch who has easily breaking / cracking issues, as per my research here (see post #320) . FYI, if you’re one of those unlucky people who got the older batch, you can approach your nearest Lancome counter to get an exchange.

When I brought it home, I expect compact powders to have strong staying powder and not crumble all over the place. The thing is, I was taking a sling bag and there wasn’t impact. HOW LAH CAN A COMPACT POWDER CRACK just because of my walking beat?!!!!!!! I am not a god damn elephant leh! I don’t stampede, I walk! *Screams*

METROJAYA, you suck actually. Yes, these cosmetic warehouse sales are usually organized by MJ. Why are you selling all these GWP (Gift with Purchases) when they’re supposed to be given out to customers who spent so much money on you? I really dunno the source of these items, honestly. Curiosity got the better of me and I ignored my mother’s wisdom and went to this sort of sale. BUT I’m still glad I did because I think I found a winning mascara without costing a bomb. Ooooh, twice I mentioned liao wor. 😉

Now the question is, WHICH is the winning mascara? Stay tuned people! 🙂

FOTD: This time, I has Double Eyelid Surgery. No srsly.

October 7, 2008

I take back what I said about my appreciating and embracing single eyelids. It’s hard, living in a world surrounded by the stereotype of big is beautiful. And that, my dears, applies to boobs, and even eyes, you name it.

Now, after succumbing to the pressure, I chickened out and went for double eyelid surgery.

Jaws dropping? Here’s proof of me, making good use of my Hari Raya holidays. Recuperating from my surgery.

See the tell tale cut? Yeap, it’s permanent. Forever gonna haunt me, the girl who once bragged loudly how much she appreciates her natural born single eyelids.

Not anymore.

*Eyes grow misty, about to cry*

Ahem, doctor said not to cry, might affect the outcome of my plastic eyelids. Anyway, let’s go on to the FOTD part shall we? I name it, Muted Violet.

Why? Because I goddamn wanted the colors to be vibrant when I started off this look, but it all turned out so muted. Urgh. Don’t care lah, it’s a new discovery for me as it’s my first attempt layering eyeshadow to produce a new color.

– Clinique Superfit Makeup sample in 06
– A very light touch of Signature Minerals blush in Rose (plus Photoshop brand blush to pump the color)
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing


– Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner (can you tell, I’m addicted, sorry Bobbi Brown)
– Prorance gold eyeshadow in P17, overall color for the entire lid
– Pure Luxe eyeshadow in Carousel blended over the gold, hence the muted gold tone
– MAD Minerals in Purple Iris for the outer contour. A note about this eyeshadow is that it doesn’t show easily on the lid. And the color payoff is not up to my expectations but what the heck, slap it on several layers and the color will show. Patience is virtue. 🙂
– Pure Luxe Shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight to highlight browbone.
– Kate mascara base (it rocked!)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– False eyelashes from China. They’re so fine, they just blend in to my sparse eyelashes. No amount of surgery can pay me back the ones I’m not born with. Le sigh.

I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. I go nude because I love kissing my bf. On impulse.

So there you have it. My revelation of my low profile surgery and a FOTD. Do you like it? I hope monolid girls won’t throw rocks at me for betraying them.

Oh btw, when you read blogs, do you TAKE NOTE OF THE TAGS? I just found out, they’re very informative. 😉

Good night.

Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner Being Put to the Test by… TEARS.

October 5, 2008

Revlon’s Colorstay Liquid Liner deeply impressed me on my uneventful visit to Watsons to hunt for a cheap drugstore alternative to my Bobbi Brown Long-Wearing Gel Liner. It’s getting wearisome to wash my eyeliner brush, use it then wash it again after dipping into my pot of Bobbi Brown eyeliner.

And today, it was put to good test.

I cried.

Big, fat dollop of tears rolling down over my Revlon and my Clinique Lash Power Mascara.

I cried because a certain somebody made me angry. Boo! But it’s hard to stay angry with someone you love with all your heart, the pain of the forceful silence is indescribable! But I’m happy we got over it. Obstacles are for us to go through hand in hand, hor? Not gonna pull us down. 😉

Anyhoo… Makeup again. Hmmm… I was expecting tear streaks of black running down my face. But to my amazement, when I pulled my head up from his shoulder, my tears didn’t stain his pure white t-shirt! OMG that’s a plus, Revlon and Clinique.

But you cannot defy physics. No matter how good a product it, it washes off by a bit. In fact, I’d be shit scared if it totally doesn’t budge! The only thing that doesn’t budge from skin immediately under running water is printer ink, and imagine having printer ink strewn across your eyes… Whaddafarks. Anyhoo, My Revlon eyeliner was still decently on after the ordeal and my Clinique mascara hardly budged- It was still intact and rocking! 😀

Two thumbs and a toe up to these two fellas. There, a simple, straightforward review that hopefully will help in the decision-making of the crybabies ladies out there. 🙂

Someone’s misfortune (me crying) is another man’s treasure (you get a simple tear-resistance review)? I’m pretty sure I got the idiom wrong, but what gives lah! 😀