Posts Tagged ‘cats eye’

Monolid Makeup Look: So Much I Wish to Write, But…

January 19, 2009

I don’t have a fucking camera and I hate showing sub par pictures for the world to see. All except for those LOL funny webcam pictures of course.

Here’s one plus an optional pus-filled pimple for you. That sucker spurted so much blood on my mirror and I ended up cleaning up again. Le sigh.

Monolid makeup info: Subtle cats eyes. Nice? 🙂 I really wish to come up with tutorials, but seeing my phone translate the colors so inaccurately is a big turn off. Imagine purple eyeshadow becoming grey after taking a picture. I. Simply. Can’t. Stand. This. Shit.

Santa apparently didn’t hear my Christmas wish, sigh sigh. 😦

Kthxbai. Hopefully I can get some decent pics from the bf’s camera soon, his computer broke down and I’m feeling so -_- from the lacking of seeing a good picture!!!!!!!!!!! Wtfness…