Posts Tagged ‘Bronze Shimmer Brick’

Monolid Makeup Tip: A Different Usage for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

January 8, 2009

Monolid girls might face some confusion when attempting to do nude eye makeup look. In fashion magazines or websites, it ALWAYS states that you should use a matte brown eyeshadow with no shimmers at all to shade some dimension into your eyes.

But I found out, based on my experience, that it’s a bad advice, but correct to a certain extent.

Why is it bad advice?
Monolid girls do not have a pair of deep set eyes with plenty of width for shading purposes. Our eyes are pretty flat, unlike double eyelid girls, you see. So if you cake on brown eyeshadow, it might look (1) you got beaten up or (2) your whole eyeshadow simply looks dirty.

But it’s somewhat correct, you need brown tones to shade monolids!
Aha! This is the fun part. It’s about choosing the right shade of brown, girls. And it’s not all about matte browns. We need to aim for something subtle yet gives dimension. For this purpose, I think I’ve found a holy grail.

The Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick.

The hues are so so so subtle, with extremely minute shimmers that reflect light just beautifully. As background info, BB Bronze Shimmer Brick is used as an overall face illuminator, much like MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. So using it as an eyeshadow in pretty much a second (self-invented) option.

You see, there are 5 shades in the brick, and the colors are properly separated, much unlike MAC’s baked MSF. Which leaves you with 5 perfectly lovely eyeshadow shades to create a nude look! 😀

These subtle little shimmers give dimension to your eyes, much unlike the matte brown I have swatched on the right. Can tell? 😀

The dark brown falls flat IMHO. Bobbi Brown’s shimmers are just very very subtle yet make all the difference in the world.

Swatches of the shades – I tell you, these swatches don’t do the color justice. It’s lovely!

If you feel that it’s on the frosty side judging from the pictures, I can tell you they’re not at all. Trust me! Go to a Bobbi Brown counter and check out the shimmer brick yourself! 😀

I shall follow up this post with a FOTD soon when I have an outing and have a chance to makeup, because I think this picture doesn’t show much of the eye makeup. Don’t look at my pimples please! LOL.

PS: My friend say I look like a ?? with the fringe. -_- I know, I know, paired with eyeliner-less monolid eyes, I look like the typical China mui. -.-

I am so glad I didn’t buy MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. My sister-in-law has a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in her stash and I picked it up. Lesson: Dig through your female elder siblings / cousins / relatives makeup stash. Especially those who never love all these but like to buy impulsively! Kakakakaka…

Good night! 😀