Posts Tagged ‘Bobbi Brown lipstick’

I am going to SINGAPORE. :D See my makeup stash for the trip.

December 21, 2008

I’ve sorta finished packing all my vanity.

My skin care:

L-R: Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base, Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam, Shiseido Pureness Moisturizer, Shu Uemura cleansing oil disguised as Shiseido, and finally, Simple toner disguised as Shiseido. Wtf? XD

My eye makeup:

In no particular order, Prorance eyeshadow in P17, Anna Sui eye color, Clinique Color Surge Eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge, Pure Luxe Kaleidoscope collection, Bobbi Brown lipstick and Estee Lauder lipgloss. W00t.

And which one of you should I bring? *ponders*

L-R: Estee Lauder, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Diorshow, Lancome, Kate mascara base

Ah yes, I’m all done packing. 😀

Oh wait…

I haven’t freaking packed my clothes! Wtfness… I have officially become a makeup-holic. Makeup first clothes later. -_- From the above pictures, can you tell? I’m a cheapstake, all also using sample size. XD

Ha ha, no lah. Gotta be wise when you spend money on makeup. Mascaras can’t last, why buy a full sized one when you can fish for GWP sizes? That way, you get more variety, innit? 😀 Eyeshadows? Prorance cheap, Clinique is sample size, Pure Luxe cost RM9 nia, Anna Sui, Estee Lauder lip gloss and Bobbi Brown lipstick I steal from my sister-in-law. Cost her a bomb, cost me nothing. XD She never uses them anyway; I can’t stand seeing them lying around waiting to expire. So they’re sorta mine now. 😛

Will update during the trip when possible due to the awesomeness of ze’ Asus Eeepc. Departing 23rd December. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers. 🙂

Officially my first travel trip with the boyfriend. Can’t you tell, the chaborkia is super excited about the trip. 😀 I miss mommy, though. No one beats her for the best shopping mate award. ;_;