Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

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January 21, 2010

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The Indecisive Chaborkia.

May 18, 2009

Akonana told me the Sabah trip this August with his family was canceled.

My parents finally allowed me to go traveling with his family after some persuasion. I shouldn’t be happy that the trip is canceled; But somehow after knowing about the cancelation, I heaved a sigh of relief. 

Weeks ago, when he told me about the possible trip of conquering Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, there has been a silent battle raging in my head.

I have been debating whether should I brave Mount Kinabalu with Akonana, or to retreat and go shopping with aunty . It’s not that I have no guts. I don’t know the mountain and wouldn’t dare test it’s limits without a good headstart. Wouldn’t be nice to faint halfway and burden people’s family right?!!!!! But what if it’s not as difficult as it seems? See… I don’t know it’s limits… So I was very undecided then. Going to Sabah without climbing Kinabalu would be pretty much like coming to Ampang and not eating yong tau foo. XD

note to self: spotted possible gym location in India residence. need to pump up my cardio routine. 

Now that it’s canceled, I don’t have to make that decision anymore! Not that I’m happy about the trip being canceled, but I heard we’ll be going to a more accessible holiday retreat? Sounds good to me, less burdensome on the pocket as well. 

I really need to stop this indecisiveness. I can stop in front of a cosmetic counter and be torn about two choices for at least 30 minutes before I make the decision. I’m that bad. Grrr.

In fact, which girl doesn’t when it comes to choosing a color / shopping / choosing a foundation color / choosing amidst two potential guys / etc etc?


Hopefully I will be back in time to join Akonana’s trip. Dear, I miss you so much. 

Will post pics from my first trip out of the house in India tomorrow, hopefully.






Monolid Makeup Tip: A Different Usage for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

January 8, 2009

Monolid girls might face some confusion when attempting to do nude eye makeup look. In fashion magazines or websites, it ALWAYS states that you should use a matte brown eyeshadow with no shimmers at all to shade some dimension into your eyes.

But I found out, based on my experience, that it’s a bad advice, but correct to a certain extent.

Why is it bad advice?
Monolid girls do not have a pair of deep set eyes with plenty of width for shading purposes. Our eyes are pretty flat, unlike double eyelid girls, you see. So if you cake on brown eyeshadow, it might look (1) you got beaten up or (2) your whole eyeshadow simply looks dirty.

But it’s somewhat correct, you need brown tones to shade monolids!
Aha! This is the fun part. It’s about choosing the right shade of brown, girls. And it’s not all about matte browns. We need to aim for something subtle yet gives dimension. For this purpose, I think I’ve found a holy grail.

The Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick.

The hues are so so so subtle, with extremely minute shimmers that reflect light just beautifully. As background info, BB Bronze Shimmer Brick is used as an overall face illuminator, much like MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. So using it as an eyeshadow in pretty much a second (self-invented) option.

You see, there are 5 shades in the brick, and the colors are properly separated, much unlike MAC’s baked MSF. Which leaves you with 5 perfectly lovely eyeshadow shades to create a nude look! 😀

These subtle little shimmers give dimension to your eyes, much unlike the matte brown I have swatched on the right. Can tell? 😀

The dark brown falls flat IMHO. Bobbi Brown’s shimmers are just very very subtle yet make all the difference in the world.

Swatches of the shades – I tell you, these swatches don’t do the color justice. It’s lovely!

If you feel that it’s on the frosty side judging from the pictures, I can tell you they’re not at all. Trust me! Go to a Bobbi Brown counter and check out the shimmer brick yourself! 😀

I shall follow up this post with a FOTD soon when I have an outing and have a chance to makeup, because I think this picture doesn’t show much of the eye makeup. Don’t look at my pimples please! LOL.

PS: My friend say I look like a ?? with the fringe. -_- I know, I know, paired with eyeliner-less monolid eyes, I look like the typical China mui. -.-

I am so glad I didn’t buy MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. My sister-in-law has a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in her stash and I picked it up. Lesson: Dig through your female elder siblings / cousins / relatives makeup stash. Especially those who never love all these but like to buy impulsively! Kakakakaka…

Good night! 😀


December 16, 2008

If you looked at my previous posts, they are mostly makeup related.

If you look even further back, my blog is loaded with streaks of sarcasm and bits of everyday life humour. My catty little rants, snide remarks, critiques, etc, and doing what girls do best – gossiping.

But now, it’s all makeup. Die lah, have I lost all of my sarcastic streak or my sensitivity towards life issues? I don’t want to live a painted zombie with no depth. I want my depth + being a beautiful zombie chaborkia. Help please?


PS: Please don’t leave me. T.T

Fungus Grows on my Nails LOL?

December 13, 2008

Do these look anything like fungi to you?

I gave a self-satisfied sigh after doing this on myself, and ran out to show them to my brother.

‘Wtf looks like your nails grew some sort of weird fungus.’

Lao eh suddenly kena insulted pulak.


Fine fine, I know it doesn’t look very good, but I still wanna share it out. It’s the exhilaration you get from accomplishing something with your own hands, you know? 😀 And hopefully visitors of my blog will come to appreciate it as well.

If rhinestones weren’t that expensive, maybe I wouldn’t be so stingy to buy more to do my DIY nail art. Le sigh. Anyone wanna sponsor? 😀

102808 CW & PC Wedding Pictures

November 21, 2008

Weddings. Don’t you just love ’em. Well, my brother wedded his honey of 10+ years on October 28th. So sweet to see both of them finally hubby and wifey. Who says true love doesn’t last, huh? Plus, they survived approximately 4 years of LDR. *Shows middle finger to those who jump ship and hump like rabbits and whines and cries that true love is nowhere to be found*

Behold, pictures! All rights belong to and pictures courtesy of Akonana, the impromptu photographer.

1029, The Dinner at Noble Banquet, Bukit Bintang.

The Kiss. My brother did a tango kiss on stage OMG! Photographer was in state of shock to take picture of that. XD

Would have been a nice shot if the bride’s face wasn’t half concealed. Later on, I caught her whining to hubby about how he should have coordinated a little and matched her height. XD LOL.

On the other side of the table, there is also two fellas camwhoring kao kao after finishing work.

Just when I’m prepared to have a good camwhoring session, his EOS 350D flickered and died. No battery coz it was a flash-heavy night. Whaddafark not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair. T.T

On an unrelated note… Do you like my evening gown? 😀

1028, The Ceremony, Tamarind, Ampang, Selangor.

Before heading to Tamarind, we needed to kidnap save the bride from the clutches of the zi mui group.

Got the bride! Amidst the sacrifices on my brother’s side. *Cough cough BBM* Look at his face, that was done by a guy. *Horror*

The prayers.

Their wedding theme? Romance in the jungle. 🙂

HAHAHAHAHA new dishwasher beautiful bride / daughter in the house. Mom looks gorgeous in her dress huh?

BAD lighting will make ANY babe / bitch / bastard look like a zombie. Or drunk. Taken after I’ve run 101 times up and down the staircase, under the sun, tending to the guests, and have all my makeup nearly washed out under the rain. And not to mention hair astray DUE TO THE FREAKING RAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Misuse of wide angle lens on a DSLR will make any long-legged babe / hunk look like they’re dwarves.

Why lah two of those pictures I look drunk one. -.-

Not much I can share due to privacy concerns, I am the Chaborkia of the jungle known as the Internet but not my family mah, lol. But if you do wanna see the series please drop me a message and I’ll show you the rest. 🙂 PROVIDED I KNOW YOU and your forehead doesn’t spell pervert lol.

Good night people. I wish I can post something wordy, but my cheong hei and sarcastic streak seems to have left me. 😦

Makeup for the Monolids, Straight from the MAC Artist’s Mouth.

November 17, 2008

It’s been a while since I’ve updated on monolid makeup tips and the sorts. Well, I have a good one for you ladies out there who have been googling for help and stumbled across my humble little blog.

Last week, I dragged my sick ass to Pavilion to have a brief walk with my cousin. We ended up buat kecoh in a MAC counter. Luckily my cousin bought a decent amount of items else I’d think it’s unfair to leech information out of the nice cute guy there. 😉

This guy is talented AND friendly.

But before anything else, I need to RAVE about Mineralized Skin Finish, the Natural series. I ain’t no foundation girl because no matter how tarnished is my skin with all those pimple scars, hey it’s still mine. I feel like wearing a sheet of PVC over my face with liquid foundation, so I try to worm my way out using a little bit of concealer and some light powder.

MAC’s MSF are mostly used as bronzers and an all-over powder according to most people. But I had a keen interest on this wonder powder ever since reading some of the makeup blogger’s raving about it. I just needed a teeny bit of coverage to even out the places that I spot conceal. Hence, I requested the MAC artist to try it on me.

It. Was. LOVE!

Pardon the cat-like smile, I dunno what I’m doing lol.

You can vaguely see my acne scars, but that is hardly to matter, coz part of it was rubbed off accidentally during the application. If the concealer was freshly applied, your complexion is just oh wow.

The MSF went OVER my nearly washed out Estee Lauder blush and bronzing powder, yet my own vague pink flush is still visible. Now that’s what I love. It’s creepy to cover up whatever color you have with foundation and then slap on some fake pink tone daily. *Shudders*

Here’s a close-up picture for you to refer to when you’re attempting to draw a winged eyeliner, ladies. For monolid girls, ‘draw a thin line close to your eyelashes’ DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!11 Because our eyelids are pretty fatty compared to those with double eyelids, that’s why drawing a thin line across your eyelashes work in vain. Once you open your eyes, the line just disappears totally! Not sexy I tell you.

Wide open, and the wing effect is still visible yet does not make you like an opera singer. Might be too overwhelming for some girls though, that’s personal preference, can’t control it. *Shrugs*

Gals out there with keen eyes will also note that he contoured my eyes with nude colors. The result? A fake dimension to bring out the eyes. Cool huh? Will attempt my own version next time. Too busy to play with my eyeshadows lately. T.T

Here, a close-up picture of the area that you should put on the eyeliner.

For monolids, always remember the rule of thumb for eye makeup does not necessarily apply to us, so we need to make some changes so that it suits our special type of eyes. 😀

Oh and! I found new love in nude lipstick. I finally know why I never love to put on lipstick… It’s because…
















I’m too cheap to buy my own, I’ve been fooling around with my mom’s colors. Aunty color how can suit small chaborkia like me?!!!!!!!

For this new-found love, I gotta thank my dear sister-in-law for her makeup supplies. Too busy to put it on yet cannot resist buying stuff. -.-

Hope you enjoyed this post! 🙂

I really want to.

November 12, 2008

I really, really want to blog some stuff to share with ya all.

But, it’s a killer week for me.

Readers, bear with me, stay with me, please?

I’ll be back. 😉

I Am In Distress. I Need Professional Help.

November 4, 2008

This is my beautiful wardrobe filled with all my worldly girl possessions.

But, some alien flew in and infested the whole lot, with this.

I hereby, the Chaborkia of this blog, beg you to tell me what the hell is this and how the hell can I get rid of it. I’ve tried cleaning it with a dry cloth, wet cloth, vacuum. Sure, it can be rid of, but it’s not a permanent solution. Come a rainy day and it grows again! All over the cupboard I tell you.

And Thirsty Hippo doesn’t work either. What else does?

A wardrobe, is supposed to be a stationary piece of furniture that shouldn’t cause you problem 10 years from now.

But barely a year, and it has gotten mouldy. Wtf.

Now, please, anyone got experience in getting rid of this fungus thingie? Do tell me okay. 😦

I Just Woke Up… And Did This Shit.

October 25, 2008


Do you like it? I did it on a whim, after having not practiced for a loooong time. I haven’t even eat breakfast nor brushed my teeth. -.-

And this, is also in conjunction with Deepavali. Happy Deepavali my Indian comrades (if any).

Also, to apologise for lack of updates because my brother just got married with his childhood sweetheart and it’s family time for us.

Will upload pics soon! 😀

PS: Oh shit… It’s not dry yet. So what the fuck, how am I gonna pull down my panties to pee now huh?! T.T