Archive for the ‘Sekinchan’ Category

Sekinchan with ShutterAsia!

November 9, 2009

I think Sekinchan has the most beautiful Chinese name ever.

适耕庄 – literally means it’s a Land Suitable for Farming…

Ah the simplistic beauty of Chinese words. 🙂

So I went to the much anticipated Sekinchan trip organized by ShutterAsia members. I devirginized my Panasonic Lumix LX3. First time cucuk him into the computer too. Whooops.

In Sekinchan, I did this.

Thank you fulat.

After this, I did that. Boh paiseh.

I did NOT learn this from the slumdog kid in India. It was a synchronized shot you know. Like monkey eating the other monkey’s flees liddat.

Thank you SoftBunny.

The ever-hungry Waisekmeow was a prankster. Threw a bunch of rope at me to gauge my reaction coz I stepped on a dried up snake earlier on.
So I hentam him.

He’s also the one responsible for this cute picture of us.

Shoot lai shoot qu.

The introvert bf was shy to take a picture in front of a table full of new acquaintances, so I ‘wei’ him.
Just then, the shutter was pressed, engraving that mischievous grin forever.

Thank you Akonana.

Somehow this picture from Henry makes me all warm and fuzzy in the inside.

Li Lian, the sweet but pale girl behind this photo, hints us about her skin tone with this picture. Colors are so pale also! LOL!

Spot the similarity between man and canine in the two pics above.

Thank you Origor.

Fantastic trip with nearly 30 of us raiding the whole Sekinchan, breathing in the beautiful colors of nature.

But hor, so many people leh, only noticed some of you all. Some of you stray far far then shy shy liddat, make me shy also.

However, I do know it was each and everyone of you that made everything interesting.

Special thanks to Alan Tan for the ride,
And Mr Henry who welcomed us warmly to his home when the rusty old Bimmer didn’t behave.

Thank you to EVERYONE and I look forward to the next trip! 🙂