Archive for the ‘Project 365’ Category

Anyone feeling horny? I have a Horny Goat Complex for you.

April 16, 2009


Day 28 : 2009-04-12 ~ Anyone horny? Take this.

Day 28 - horny goat by you.

Available at Waton’s for RM29.95. When everything seems done, the Horny Goat is here to keep you UP!

topshop shoes by you.

Nice or not? I want a pair of platform heels so badly~~~~~~~~~ T.T I hate Nine West, makes ridiculously nice shoes for ridiculously mid range prices that makes me indecisive. I can afford it but I’ll be so broke for the month I don’t have money to take taxi home in case my bf decides to dump me on the streets. T.T

Oh… These are from Top Shop btw. It is a bit too rugged for my liking, was thinking about matching these with my dresses. Wanted something more girly. Le sigh.

Day 29 : 2009-04-13 ~ Sushi King conned me wtf.

Day 29 sushi king by you.

K lah not Sushi King’s fault. I didn’t know the expensive stuff were not on the RM2 promotion so when my friends rounded up the bill, I paid the fucking most expensive price. T.T

It’s always fun to hang out with my classmates though. 🙂

Day 30 : 2009-04-14 ~ This is just a hamburger!

Day 30 by you.

My brother crazy wan. When I boarded the treadmill, he did all the settings for me and the speed was too slow. So I proceeded to jack up the speed to varying degrees of 7.5 to 9.5 and I sweated like crazy and nearly fainted. I was puzzled, those are my usual speed, why I can’t handle wan? After running only I realize my bro jacked up the Incline to 4 when I wasn’t looking. %&^%%# Imagine climbing a slightly steep hill top speed for 15 minutes. 

Oh ya, after that, when I was doing barbell lifts, he added two of these on either side. He said, ‘hamburger only!’.

Then after he see me go through these effortlessly, he added two more. I threw him a dirty look and he said, ‘double cheeseburger nia!’.


Day 31 : 2009-04-15 ~ NBTD at Papa John’s

Day 31 - akonana date 011 by you.

Two blog owners, one drink, one heart. ❤ 

Day 32 : 2009-04-16 ~ Om nom nom the lala.

B7 steamboat by you.

I am a lala. My camera phone picture pics are crap. Wish I’d bring my camera. I am a chaborkia scared shitless by the Malaysian crime rate. Shit you. Go fugg yourself.

As per the title, I am already expecting the horny Google hoarde entering my blog through very wrong means. Don’t care lah. Horny faggots, you can proceed to shag yourself nao. Babai.

The Day My Aunt Left Us… A Project 365 Approach to Life.

April 11, 2009


Day 22 : 2009-04-06 ~ Women’s Achievement Awards (WAA!)

Looks real right? Actually this pic is just a setup. A setup that required 3 poor students to run amok in a shopping mall, trying to gather a baju kurung and saree clad women to pose for us. Fricking pose for an event that does not exist but must look real and credible. Imagine explaining that to bewildered passer-bys and KLCC security guards. Cheongsam girl is courtesy of a friend’s help.

Day 23 : 2009-04-07 ~ All Women for Earth and Equality

Yet another fake but must look real event courtesy of my course syllabus. Did a press conference where I had to be some sort of fake CEO for a real company and doing a fake event that must look real. Phew what a mouthful. Glad it’s over.

Day 24 : 2009-04-08 ~ My Serious Skincare Regimen Starts TODAY

I have had enough with having oral antibiotics for acne. I have a faint suspicion that I’m not doing it the right way. Hence, grudgingly, I went to EPI Derma Formulation for treatments. Hope they can cure me.

Oh ya, first time I do facial painlessly and don’t go back home with even more pustules to pop by myself. See above for proof.

Day 25 : 2009-04-09 ~ The Day My Aunt Left Us

It’s amazing how news can travel so rapidly. A call from my cousin informed me that my aunt has passed away due to an accident. It took her 0.3 seconds to blurt it out, and it took me several minutes to sink in. I was walking in the streets when I came to an abrupt halt. I cried.

She had only just recovered dramatically from a major surgery and has been well and healthy and had been a good grandmother to her grandchild. She had only just appeared in my brother’s wedding a few months back, full of life and dressed beautifully for the occasion.

Now, she’s gone.

Guys, cherish the people around you – Life is just so so so fragile. I have no idea how people can hold grudges for a long time. Boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, children – If you are mad at your loved one, pull them to a hug and tell them you love them… No anger is worth holding that long if you love the person… Don’t leave it too long, it might be too late then…

Dearest aunt, I hope you rest in peace.

Day 26 : 2009-04-10 ~ Big Foot Eated my Brinjal

See previous post for the LOL factor.

Day 27 : 2009-04-11 ~ My Brother is a Good Cook

Yes, you heard me right. My brother was only halfway through his portion when I nearly reached the end of my bowl and took this pic. My bro is a great cook – Does wonders with herbs and olive oil and all things western, Italian, fusion etc. Anyone wanna hire him? He does professional C&S Engineering too. 😉


Ma, Mai Brinjals Got Maggots.

April 10, 2009

A woman was lying down comfortably at her yoga mat, at peace with the world while doing her meditation.

The phone rang.

“Maaaaaaaaaa there is a maggot in mai ngai gua (brinjal)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111”

Being the loving and patient mother she was, she replied, “Just throw it away if you see anything funny with it.”

With that, she went back to her yoga mat and resumed lying down.


And the phone rang again.

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a lot of maggots ah! Eeeee-yeeeeeeer!”

“What lah you, little bit also make long distance call to complain, in the future how to cook for husband?!!!!”



I got very little cooking experience mah, and maggots are fugly.



Maggots in brinjals irk me particularly because they look fucking disgusting, like sleeping inside the squishy body of the plant. Wtf?! How the hell they get it there? Am never gonna buy brinjals again! I cooked brinjals about the 5th time since I started my culinary adventure, and all 5 times at least one got maggots inside! Shit!

And don’t forget, I’m just another bimbotic fickle chaborkia you see on the street who goes ‘eeeeeeeeew’ at all things yucky. Am. A. Normal. Chaborkia. That’s why I go ‘eeeeeeew’.

Oh ya, I have heard a lot of raves about Jusco’s fresh groceries. Well, don’t be too confident on Jusco’s groceries just yet. I found this in my bunch of brinjals.

Day 26 : 2009-04-10 ~ Big Foot: I can has brinjy?

They stacked about 3 of ’em together, so the spoilt place is well concealed. Like wtf, what happened? Big Foot? got hungry and took a bite? I didn’t know he’s vegetarian. Gawd, why is he a he? I have no clue about Big Foot’s sex either wtf.

Which ends my totally random brinjal post. I guess I will leave the rest of the Project 365 pics till tomorrow. The pics ng lah gang lah.

Good night! I hope you sleep as comfy as the maggy inside my brinjy. 😉


Kids, Cute? Bah Humbug!

April 5, 2009

Day 16 : 2009-03-31 

My lousy CGPA that never improved throughout the semesters. Le sigh. People straight A hor? I straight B. Some more in sync one, B+ B- B+ B-. Symmetry OMG!

Day 17 : 2009-04-01

I’m too lame for April’s Fool. But this ain’t a joke. A real set of Adobe CS4 Student Edition. Dear gege bought this wonderful gift for me last week. No occasion, simply just a gift for his dear younger sister. Love you. ❤ Btw do support original software, RM400++ for the full set of Adobe software, for STUDENTS. Worth every penny IMHO. Comes with lots of training too. 

Day 18 : 2009-04-02


Day 19 : 2009-04-03


Day 20 : 2009-04-04

I stared long and hard at this self portrait, thinking how should I glamourize it with Adobe Photoshop. I looked and looked, finally deciding that I don’t have the sort of taste it takes to induce false perfect complexions and fantastic ‘lighting’ for pictures. Either my taste sucks, or I’m just not in the mood. Once a while, a gal gotta looks fab though. =)

Day 21 : 2009-04-05

After this session of assignment dealing with kids, it further fortified my hate towards them. My friend, who was fond of kids 5 seconds before she was hoarded by the lot of ’em, turned to me and said she needs to consider about whether she really wants kids in the future. Wakakakaka.

There is this one kid the moment he saw me he said, ‘Eeeyer why your face liddat one?’ Fuck, whatever happened to the humble greeting of ‘jie jie’?

Of course, he’s refering to my acne condition. Kids, although extremely well-kept on the outside, have overdeveloped brains no thanks to monster concoctions by melamine milk powder companies that does them no good but to turn them into selfish, stuffed up little beasts. Whatever happened to childhood innocence? It’s all gone. 

Silently, I curse in my heart, I hope you have a bee hive face when you grow up, kiddo.

PS: Kids nowadays have ahmads driving Estimas to pick ’em up for classes. Wtf.
PSS:  Kids nowadays are smart-asses that you wish to strangle the moment they open their mouth to insult you.
PSSS: I REALLY hate kids.


Day Before, Yesterday, Today.

March 27, 2009

This whole Project 365 is making me a little tense. What pics should I take when the only interesting thing I see was the bf frolicking like a kid or LOL cats on the street? Or maybe I’m tensed up overall so I sorta have writer’s block. Didn’t play with my makeup ever since I saw some faint creases at the side of my eyes. Fuck the acne medication. It’s causing dry spots all over my body that I absent-mindedly scratch. Acne be gone, but wtf now my skin is extremely dry neh. >.<

But, I must persevere. Both acne medication and the Project. I totally understand the reasoning behind this project and I wouldn’t want to make myself regret! 😀

Day 10 : 2009-03-25 ~ All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) Visit

I visited AWAM, an NGO today. I’m sitting at their cozy counseling room with my friend. Girls, if you ever meet with any form of domestic violent or crime against you, please do yourself a favour and approach for help. They are pretty professional and strict when it comes to keeping their client profiles. FOC too. Help is always there for those who needs it. 🙂

Day 11 : 2009-03-26 ~ Absolut Vodka Akonana

Naaaaaah bf not an alcoholic, but he loves collecting nice bottles. Nothing to capture so I shoot him instead. XD

Day 12 : 2009-03-27 ~ Snoopy Akonana

Must have drooled on the pillow for him to bury his face like that. -_-But eh honestly, certain types of drool smells pretty good. 

Ha ha no lah, he’s just shy. -_-

I’d love to rant on certain things, but really, it’s better to just sleep it off.

Good night. 

PS: Eeeeeeeeeh nooooooooo I visited AWAM for assignment purposes, not coz I kena beaten up k. Choi touch wood pray pray namo amitabha. 

Many Days in One.

March 24, 2009

Day 6 : 2009-03-21 ~ Dewy, or not

Attempted dewy finish makeup only to realise my skin has tanned = mismatched foundation OMGWTF! Plus, my bright red Anna Sui makeup, once lightly applied, rocks! 😀

Day 7 : 2009-03-22 ~ Fresh from Hokkaido

Thank you aunty for the savoury morsel, it’s so yummy once paired with Heineken! 😀

Day 8 : 2009-03-23 ~ OMG Note Cat

Lazy bugger been sleeping over our pile of lecture notes.

Day 9 : 2009-03-24 ~ Welcoming yet another new family member

I have a flytrap plant that spurts babies as fast as rabbits do. Here’s one that I found after scurrying through it’s thick bush. So tiny, so cute!

I can hardly catch my breath due to college assignments… But I’ve pledged myself to do Project 365, so here I am. I do not lead an extravagant lifestyle, so here you’ll just see the daily little miracles that the Chaborkia deems memorable. 🙂

Take care guys!


Reason Why I Never Loved Greens and Babies.

March 20, 2009

Day 4 : 2009-03-19 ~ Greens that I never learnt to appreciate

Before I entered TARC, my dad tried to hard-sell the college to me by telling me how big and wonderful the campus is. 

At first glance, my daddy is right. Big and impressive looking, just the way campuses should be. 

2 years later, reality struck. I realized that I’m not living in some winter wonderland where you see students frolicking around in the snow like penguins. No point frolicking in the grass fields like the ang moh’s do because of the excessive amount of cigg butts by our remaja harapan Malaysia. 

Then then then, Malaysia is a burning inferno all year round, and when it feels bitchy, it pours buckets on you. Wei, waging war with the weather daily is NOT fun okay?!

Day 5 : 2009-03-20 ~ Reason why I hate kids 

Sure, they’re adorable. But when things turn sour and their facial expressions change, whoaaaaa… It’s living hell. So yeah, I hate kids. Nice to pinch, nice to touch, once crying, I run far far away.

Celebrated my friend’s birthday party today. Had 2 pieces of KFC, 1 slice of Pizza Hut, a bowl of noodles and lots of curry chicken. 

Told ya i’m not anorexic, it’s just that my stomach is a raging black hole ready to send food to thin air when it should be turned into nutrients to feed this poor skinny girl. T.T


Nobody Love Me, Everybody Hams Me.

March 18, 2009

So far, 5 comments for posting up a cutesy hamster picture. Weeeeeeei what do you guys mean by that? Am I not cuter than the hamster?


Okay lah admittedly I am NOT that cute, but thanks for beri muka hor. 🙂

Today I left college early because I needed to deal with a project that I’ve promised my art teacher I’d do. ‘Twas the only day Akonana was free to bring along his bro and gf to help out, so I figured I lead them for their head start. They can go whenever they want afterwards, where me and Akonana will probably be too busy to bring them again. Huay Xin, I hope you and Lup enjoyed our activity today! 😀

Day 3 : 2009-03-18 ~ Om Nom Nom

Lolspeak really grows on me, I never fail to use them whenever given the chance.

The top mangkuk was done by Akonana. Flip it over and you’ll be in for a surprise! But I didn’t take much pics coz my Memory Stick is full. 😦 Bottom vase is done by myself. Stacked ’em together to take this picture. My work is always very flat and childish, but my teachers and darling insists that it’s a style that no one but myself can come out with. 🙂 

In response to my dear reader awh,

hey, thats not fair. why u highlighting moebius nia? i also follow for some time edi.

Dear awh, I am awhfully flawhttered to have you as my dearest lawhyal blog reader. I lawhve you so mawhch! Mawhks! I hope you’ll sawhport me fawhever! 😀

Seeeeeee who said I’ve dismissed your support! 😉




Meet – Easy, Knowing Each Other – Hard, Parting – Fast.

March 16, 2009

To me, the above sentence pretty much sums up life. We meet new people very easily, but take extremely long periods to get to know each other, and part to our separate ways just as fast.

It’s the last semester of my college life. Certain wonderful people whom I’ve just met 2 years ago have now turned into some of my best buddies, and the thought of parting ways pains me whenever I see the days moving closer to the day we graduate.

But that’s what they call life, isn’t it? I can do nothing but succumb to what life has set in store for me. But this time around, I hope we really can mantain our relationship well. Can we can we? 😀

On a happier note… Day 1 of Project 365.

Day 1 : 2009-03-16 ~ Caught in the Act!

This picture was taken during last year’s Singapore trip. The ultimate goal of our trip was to attend a wedding of my sis-in-law’s relative. The picture radiated happiness for the couple and cheekiness on us. Akonana was digging my belly button when this pic was taken, hence his concentrated look and my silly grin. Trivial but memorable. =)