Archive for the ‘Lumut’ Category

Yet Another 9 to 5 Week After My 3 Day Excursion.

December 21, 2009

Oh no, yet another 9 to 5 week! *Moans* And my bro smacked me. LOL.

I just came back from a weekend getaway with Akonana and family. Still can feel the lingering effects of salty sea water on mai face because I noticed that the salt content dried up mah pimples.

This is the exact view that took my breath away when I checked out the website.

And I was a happy fool, easily satisfied and infatuated with the scene. Believe it or not, I’ve never went on a beach holiday. It’s not because I don’t enjoy the sun, sand and water. It’s because mom had a terrible jellyfish encounter when she was younger and she doesn’t really like any one of us heading to this type of place.

I was expecting something that was on par with the likes of Redang or Perhentian. Sadly, it’s way below average.

The ugly truth?

Fact is, it’s yet another chop you kao-kao resort with a terrible buffet spread, limited supply of facilities and way too overcrowded with kids (read: monkey / monsters) raiding the pool and disrupting the lives of other patrons, right behind the backs of their unsuspecting parents.

Sea was a miserable murky combination of mud and debris. Didn’t even bother with the mandatory beach shot. So grey and miserable you’ll leave my website without the LOL factor.

Failed jump shot.

But I did LOL during the trip because I had great company by my side. I finally got to spend Akonana’s birthday with him after nearly 3 years of being in love with him. Previous years, we were separated by factors such as distance (goddamn old house was in Cyberjaya *#@#&$%&^) and work commitments. But I no complain also. See I’m such a good gf.

Relationship PRO-Tip: The ever raging battle between the sexes. Just maintain your balance and you’ll do fine.

If you are those gals who complain about your bf not being able to accompany you on every damn holiday (Valentines, relationship anniversary, your birthday, his birthday, your MAFA birthday, your dog’s birthday, some anniversary unknown to humankind), well screw yourself. Get your priorities straight. You do know some things are more important than celebrating all these if your partner’s time is constrained, right? And guys should do their bit by putting in some effort in remembering all this also lah.

But being a chaborkia, I DO enjoy my fair share of birthday celebrations and the occasional surprises. *Cough nudge* Something which I don’t get with a plank for a bf. Sigh.

The bf reliving memories of his childhood.

And here’s a recap of this place for ya all.

Swiss-Garden Golf Resort & Spa Damai Laut

Shouldn’t be hard to miss with all those signboards leading to it.

If you all have quality taste for beaches, please steer clear of this resort. Shoo, go to Redang or Perhentian or something. This place is for families with several attention-seeking monster kids to trample upon Mother Nature.

Please head to to see uber awesome PP’d photos. 😉