Archive for the ‘Chaborkia's Vanity’ Category

Women and Foreigner? Don’t Dare Bare Legs in Gujarat!

July 7, 2009

I didn’t bring much clothes to India since it’s just a brief trip. I packed some shorts, singlets and sleeveless tops worthy of summer. Which essentially means, less fabric, slightly more revealing. XD

When I unpacked and dressed up for outings, my dad always had something to say about my attire.

“Locals don’t wear like this,” he declared solemnly.

I looked at myself. Shorts and a nice top, nothing too revealing. And I shrugged it off, because local Indians wear the traditional Punjabi suits and sarees. Which I reckon, makes up to why my dad said that locals don’t dress the way I do.

Till I saw this.

women in gujarat by you.


A few weeks before I saw this, The Times of India (India’s national newspaper) proudly declared Gujarat a ‘safe’ state, meaning it’s generally safe to live here. That’s why this piece of news has me all baffled.

If you say that legs are revealing, then what about broad pieces of back and navel peeking out of sarees? And for God’s sake, some women here don’t wear bras beneath their saree tops! Which means standing titties greeting you when you walk past them… *Ahem*

So my wardrobe choice has sharply degraded to…

harem pants by you.

Harem pants!

Singlets, and pants bought here in India. I never brought any jeans or long pants. It’s insane to wear anything LONG in this weather. 41 degrees OMG WTF.

But, I’ve found new love.

flowery maxi skirt by you.

Maxi skirts!

Friends have been telling me I look better in jeans or anything long, drags my height up a few more inches. I hate jeans (coz they leave no breathing room), and I’m glad I found something to substitute. I love the skirt above. Won’t be wearing it again in India – It’s a nightmare walking through slush and dust and going up and down an auto rickshaw. I’ll be dragging this precious thing all over and make it dirty! So yeah… Banished. Meaning another less option in my wardrobe. T_T

Actually, it’s just excuse to shop more nia, ngekz. πŸ˜›

On another hand, I have plenty of purchases lying around. Such as this baby.

bling bling skirt by you.

Ah, reminiscence of my ballet days. The Russian Character dance required us to wear an umbrella skirt with lace trimming and high heels. Hardly find any shops in Malaysia sellling full umbrella skirts. But I found this.

BUT, no waist band, no zipper, no nuts. So they’re really just selling you the artwork. @#%$#^W%$Y Sooooooooo I’ll be lugging this back and hopefully someone can help me with making this wearable.

bling bling skirt 2 by you.

Just LOVE the details. Soooo bling bling.

And do you guys remember this fabric?

orange print fabric by you.

I drew a larger version of one of my designs and colored it. I wonder whether it’ll look good when I actually hand the stuff over to the tailor.

sketch by you.

Paiseh for the kiddish drawing lol.

Okay, off to bath. Good night dudes and dudettes!

Chabor’s Shopping Loot from India~~~

June 17, 2009

Bummed but not dead yet. =D

Let me intro a little about shopping in India. It can be a very unpleasant experience. If I had my way, I’d just be generally cursing all the Indian sales persons to bits without explaining.

The sales persons in India are simply nasty. They can stuff with you lots and lots of things you are not interested to see, only to turn into a murderous vampire who wishes nothing but to kill you when you do not make a purchase. So your best bet will be keeping a distance from them, and don’t get over-friendly nor spend too much time thinking over an item. If you want it, just grab it, don’t mope around. If you mope around and end up not buying, the people here can turn VERY nasty.

And I bought all the items below from reputable shopping centers. Of all the places that I shop in Incredible India, I shop in a MALL?!!!!!! I should be scavenging around the streets of India, exploring the shops and seeing what the native Indians really do.

Haha, I thought so before I came here. How naive I was. If the sales person in India from a reputable shopping mall can turn so nasty, imagine what those street-side shops can do to you when you walk out their shop without making a purchase. Tried already, they seem to take it very offensive if you enter and don’t buy. I was so eager to really explore but wound up hurt and disappointed. Am never going back to those street-side shops again!

But I dunno lah, we’re like the only foreigners in the whole of this city.

Okay, back to my purchases!

Shopping anytime brightens a girl’s day! I especially love going to countries where the exchange rate is low, like Hong Kong. OMG so syok can just live there forever! Prices are bolded and in Rupees.

orange print fabric by you.

India is cotton land! They sell this type of fabrics in abundance. Typically comes in 3 pieces. Rs.499



Anyone feeling horny? I have a Horny Goat Complex for you.

April 16, 2009


Day 28 : 2009-04-12 ~ Anyone horny? Take this.

Day 28 - horny goat by you.

Available at Waton’s for RM29.95. When everything seems done, the Horny Goat is here to keep you UP!

topshop shoes by you.

Nice or not? I want a pair of platform heels so badly~~~~~~~~~ T.T I hate Nine West, makes ridiculously nice shoes for ridiculously mid range prices that makes me indecisive. I can afford it but I’ll be so broke for the month I don’t have money to take taxi home in case my bf decides to dump me on the streets. T.T

Oh… These are from Top Shop btw. It is a bit too rugged for my liking, was thinking about matching these with my dresses. Wanted something more girly. Le sigh.

Day 29 : 2009-04-13 ~Β Sushi King conned me wtf.

Day 29 sushi king by you.

K lah not Sushi King’s fault. I didn’t know the expensive stuff were not on the RM2 promotion so when my friends rounded up the bill, I paid the fucking most expensive price. T.T

It’s always fun to hang out with my classmates though. πŸ™‚

Day 30 : 2009-04-14 ~Β This is just a hamburger!

Day 30 by you.

My brother crazy wan. When I boarded the treadmill, he did all the settings for me and the speed was too slow. So I proceeded to jack up the speed to varying degrees of 7.5 to 9.5 and I sweated like crazy and nearly fainted. I was puzzled, those are my usual speed, why I can’t handle wan? After running only I realize my bro jacked up the Incline to 4 when I wasn’t looking. %&^%%# Imagine climbing a slightly steep hill top speed for 15 minutes.Β 

Oh ya, after that, when I was doing barbell lifts, he added two of these on either side. He said, ‘hamburger only!’.

Then after he see me go through these effortlessly, he added two more. I threw him a dirty look and he said, ‘double cheeseburger nia!’.


Day 31 : 2009-04-15 ~ NBTD at Papa John’s

Day 31 - akonana date 011 by you.

Two blog owners, one drink, one heart. ❀ 

Day 32 : 2009-04-16 ~ Om nom nom the lala.

B7 steamboat by you.

I am a lala. My camera phone picture pics are crap. Wish I’d bring my camera. I am a chaborkia scared shitless by the Malaysian crime rate. Shit you. Go fugg yourself.

As per the title, I am already expecting the horny Google hoarde entering my blog through very wrong means. Don’t care lah. Horny faggots, you can proceed to shag yourself nao. Babai.

Nobody Love Me, Everybody Hams Me.

March 18, 2009

So far, 5 comments for posting up a cutesy hamster picture. Weeeeeeei what do you guys mean by that? Am I not cuter than the hamster?


Okay lah admittedly I am NOT that cute, but thanks for beri muka hor. πŸ™‚

Today I left college early because I needed to deal with a project that I’ve promised my art teacher I’d do. ‘Twas the only day Akonana was free to bring along his bro and gf to help out, so I figured I lead them for their head start. They can go whenever they want afterwards, where me andΒ AkonanaΒ will probably be too busy to bring them again. Huay Xin, I hope you and Lup enjoyed our activity today! πŸ˜€

Day 3 : 2009-03-18 ~ Om Nom Nom

Lolspeak really grows on me, I never fail to use them whenever given the chance.

The top mangkuk was done byΒ Akonana. Flip it over and you’ll be in for a surprise! But I didn’t take much pics coz my Memory Stick is full. 😦 Bottom vase is done by myself. Stacked ’em together to take this picture. My work is always very flat and childish, but my teachers and darling insists that it’s a style that no one but myself can come out with. πŸ™‚Β 

In response to my dear reader awh,

hey, thats not fair. why u highlighting moebius nia? i also follow for some time edi.

Dear awh, I am awhfully flawhttered to have you as my dearest lawhyal blog reader. I lawhve you so mawhch! Mawhks! I hope you’ll sawhport me fawhever! πŸ˜€

Seeeeeee who said I’ve dismissed your support! πŸ˜‰




When a Girl is Dateless, She Becomes Cheeky!

March 9, 2009

What does a girl do when she’s stuck at home alone with no one to date?

She becomes… Cheeky with her camera and her makeup.

And did this vain shit. XD By all means not a perfect picture because this angle flattened (yes flattened, not flattered) my boobs, then I forgot to suck in mah tummy, then my skin sucks as usual, expression also very blah, but hey, first attempt wor. Comments please? πŸ™‚Β 

Tee hee. Hope you like it. πŸ™‚ Anyone wanna see more?

PS: I love this fluffy skirt so much, do you?Β 

My First Coach OMG OMG OMG.

January 8, 2009

All the way from the US! Thank you my dear! You made my life complete with this wonderful piece of leather art. Not my Playboy (bought from Hong Kong) replacement though, I prefer handbags over crossbody bags.

*Heart heart heart*

Smelling the heavenly scent of pure luxurious leather~

OMG Purple Interior!

And look at the sheer symmetry of the design! Finely done craftwork.

The Chaborkia approves! πŸ˜€

Monolid Makeup Tip: A Different Usage for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

January 8, 2009

Monolid girls might face some confusion when attempting to do nude eye makeup look. In fashion magazines or websites, it ALWAYS states that you should use a matte brown eyeshadow with no shimmers at all to shade some dimension into your eyes.

But I found out, based on my experience, that it’s a bad advice, but correct to a certain extent.

Why is it bad advice?
Monolid girls do not have a pair of deep set eyes with plenty of width for shading purposes. Our eyes are pretty flat, unlike double eyelid girls, you see. So if you cake on brown eyeshadow, it might look (1) you got beaten up or (2) your whole eyeshadow simply looks dirty.

But it’s somewhat correct, you need brown tones to shade monolids!
Aha! This is the fun part. It’s about choosing the right shade of brown, girls. And it’s not all about matte browns. We need to aim for something subtle yet gives dimension. For this purpose, I think I’ve found a holy grail.

The Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick.

The hues are so so so subtle, with extremely minute shimmers that reflect light just beautifully. As background info, BB Bronze Shimmer Brick is used as an overall face illuminator, much like MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. So using it as an eyeshadow in pretty much a second (self-invented) option.

You see, there are 5 shades in the brick, and the colors are properly separated, much unlike MAC’s baked MSF. Which leaves you with 5 perfectly lovely eyeshadow shades to create a nude look! πŸ˜€

These subtle little shimmers give dimension to your eyes, much unlike the matte brown I have swatched on the right. Can tell? πŸ˜€

The dark brown falls flat IMHO. Bobbi Brown’s shimmers are just very very subtle yet make all the difference in the world.

Swatches of the shades – I tell you, these swatches don’t do the color justice. It’s lovely!

If you feel that it’s on the frosty side judging from the pictures, I can tell you they’re not at all. Trust me! Go to a Bobbi Brown counter and check out the shimmer brick yourself! πŸ˜€

I shall follow up this post with a FOTD soon when I have an outing and have a chance to makeup, because I think this picture doesn’t show much of the eye makeup. Don’t look at my pimples please! LOL.

PS: My friend say I look like a ?? with the fringe. -_- I know, I know, paired with eyeliner-less monolid eyes, I look like the typical China mui. -.-

I am so glad I didn’t buy MAC’s Mineralized Skin Finish. My sister-in-law has a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in her stash and I picked it up. Lesson: Dig through your female elder siblings / cousins / relatives makeup stash. Especially those who never love all these but like to buy impulsively! Kakakakaka…

Good night! πŸ˜€

Nail of The Day: An Indian Christmas.

January 5, 2009

As promised, I’m here to share my DIY nail art as part of my beauty posts. To be painfully exact, this nail art isn’t exactly new coz it was done during Christmas, before my Singapore trip. But anyway, here goes!

“An Indian Christmas”. Art direction by me. Why Indian? Because my friends all said that it had an Indian feel about it when I flashed my newly manicured nails at them. -_-

The ultimate process of putting the rhinestones and glitter were done by a friend. After I finish coloring my nails with gold polish from Skin Food, as seen above, my friend failed to present me a pair of trusty tweezers to do the rhinestones. I was at my friend’s apartment then.

Hence, what turned out to be my own DIY project eventually led to me directing her to do what I want. -_- I’m so sorry for the trouble babe, but cheers to you for your effort and you rock! These rhinestones were stuck with her bare hands – No sticks, no tweezers, no nothing. Geng hor my friend? She’s great in makeup too. πŸ˜€

And thanks for viewing yet another of Chaborkia’s vain posts. Comments? You know where to leave ’em. Kthxbai!

Ngee’n There, D’Ann That.

December 28, 2008

The Chaborkia was here during Christmas eve, amidst the crowd, shamelessly posing for the Canon boy’s EOS 350D.

I wish he had his prime lenses with him, the result could end up so much better. πŸ˜€

Plus a very short and simple verdict for Ngee Ann City’s shopping and all the malls within vicinity:
Expensive, over-rated and too high crass. If you are deeply affected by the economy crisis, don’t let me catch you lining up outside Coach / Gucci / LV to hog for luxury items. Luxury items are still luxury items and they’re still expensive after sales. Bleh. SGD20 t-shirt I also think thrice and quadruple times before I part with my money. In fact, I am so cheapo I NEVER pay RM20 for a normal t-shirt. Eat that. πŸ˜›


FOTD: I Has A Christmas Frog on ze’ Shoulder.

December 2, 2008

What better way to start off your posts with a vain picture of yourself? In this case, because I’m cranky with lack of sleep, let me appetize you with my flat-chested Garfield pajama picture.

Okay okay. I just want to share my FOTD, but have no whatsoever good leading sentence to begin with, lol.

My look is so subtle, the colors just ain’t striking. But what better way to make a classy statement of yourself by using Estee Lauder’s High Gloss Ultra Brilliance lipgloss? 02 Ivory is an extremely nude shade that does not wash you out yet gives you outstanding glow. Item courtesy of our family’s new dishwasher member.

PS: If you’re squealing to know how the hell did I get that ‘double’ eyelid, lemme tell you. Don’t sleep tonight. Tomorrow you will have all the double, trip, quadruples of eyelids that you ever begged for. (For those ungrateful buggers who whine about their natural born beauty XD)

For my barely visible eyes hidden under my fringe, I used:

Kate Mascara Base
Anna Sui Long Mascara
Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner
Eyeshadow : First, I applied a layer of Prorance eyeshadow in P17 (Gold), topped up Pure Luxe’s minerals in Carousel, then on the outer lid, I shadded the crease very very lightly with Clinique’s Sparkling Sage. Remember, eyeliner comes last if you want a well-defined eye for monolids. Opting for a day look? Don’t go waaaaay too thick for the eyeliner since it’s not the main attraction, unlike the one that a MAC artist did on me.

See the eyeliner? Subtle yet makes all the difference in the world.

You can hardly see the eyeshadow colors, but trust me, it’s there. Looks very sweet and baby-ish. Subtle pink and greens often reminds me of babies, where they use light shades to decorate baby’s clothes, etc. Cute hor?! πŸ˜€

And on a totally unrelated note, I had that frog on my shoulder during my span in Pavilion on a shopping trip. Tee hee. How many chances you get to purchase an overpriced doll from Parkson anyways? πŸ˜‰

Ladies, if you love my look, do tell me by dropping me a comment okay? πŸ˜€