Archive for the ‘Chaborkia's Life Insights’ Category

Chabor’s Ramblings of Going Abroad and Being ‘Just’ 19~

October 15, 2009

Hi guys! Do you miss me? I hope so.

131754 by you.

Because, I miss you, not. Blek. Jk jk.


No, I haven’t lost it. I really just prefer not using the laptop for prolonged periods of time.
You see, I take a long time to think through my entries, and don’t write crap for the sake of writing.
Even if some interesting shit happened, if I don’t have the perks to write about it,
There simply won’t be any sparks flying out from the articles no matter how funny the situation is.
I want to deliver articles that actually contribute to a good laugh on your side,
Who wants to read about a random chaborkia from the universe anyways? *Cough*

Motivation, I has it. Inspiration, I am waiting for it.

Whoa, and it came! I’ll tell you how it feels to be 20 years old.

I refuse to admit that I’ve reached the 2x marker of my life. I’d always coyly tell others I’m still just 19. Just.

An influx of emotions always arise at this point of life.

What have I done for the past years?
Where am I headed to?
Are my current decisions working it’s course to lead me to a good future?

What the fuck, I must be mad – I’m going overseas soon all alone without family sobs~
When I was younger I was in denial when parents offered the chance to let me go abroad,
But now after clearing up my ridiculously childish mindsets garnered by lack of experience,
I’ve made the choice~
Hell I’ve even gone as crazy as going to poverty-stricken India where most people tend to evade.
I can’t get any crazier than this…

Thinking long and hard about deciding to study abroad is good enough to fuck up your entire mind.

You’ll be thinking about your choice of country,
Your choice of tertiary institution,
Your finances, your future there, your education,
How will it turn out when you hand yourself over to the other country,
What’s in store in the other side,
Who will be your new peers,

For every uncertainties in life, I always needed an answer. Unfortunately, I can’t get these answers anywhere, I’ve realised the hard way.

I just need to get my butt over there and find out for myself.

Then there are other issues to ponder as well,

What will happen to existing friendships,
How will my dear mom cope without her daughter by her side,
How will my sweet dad cope with the heavy load of financial burden,
Who will be there to watch over my brother and make sure he drinks enough water in the office,
But there’s a great sis-n-law watching over him now. 🙂

So I’m currently in the vicious cycle of keeping myself cool,
Then turning into a total witch and tormenting the bf with my devious ingenuity,
Then turning back into the demure chaborkia I once was and pestering him for kisses.

God what am I saying. Can you tell, I’m just so lost. Acting all composed nia.

But one thing good about growing up (I refuse to use the word ‘aging’),
I’ve finally come to love my own features.
I never seem to accept my oblong facial features previously,
But now I do!
See! I’m wearing a hair band with all my hair pulled up!
Last time when I was still little you ask me to pull my front hair up I can bash you in the face wan.

Then there’s my distinctly Asian eyes.
I’ve always griped about my single eyelids,
Tried using makeup to make them look larger!
I’ve finally realised, it’s ridiculous to try too hard to fake it,
But still necessary to know the skill of course *cough*,
But I absolutely love them now!

Try looking adorable without fake eyelashes and forcing your eyes open,
I pwn you anytime okay? Even with small eyes!
*Gives you a beady-eyed stare*

One thing I don’t love,
Is a terrible skin condition that neither people wanted,
And that’s…

Acne. Fuck you all! *Curses all my zits away*
If only I can. Sigh.

Whoa and you made it to the end of my random rambling! Thanks for supporting the Chaborkia as always. 🙂

What, You’re Practicing Hygiene Just Because of H1N1?

August 18, 2009

It’s no secret that I am the world’s biggest hygiene freak. For starters, let me share with you some of my antics at home.

  • When I reach home after a day out, the first thing I do before anything else is to wash my hands and feet. Yes feet too. You have no idea the luxurious feeling of having squeaky clean floors that don’t have muck stuck on them.
  • I never throw my bags or items such as wallets on my bed. Never. Well except for my phone because I’ve been busy SMSing someone for years. *wink wink* Why? Sometimes you’re left with no choice but to place your bag on the floor or the carpet of your car. Okay I wouldn’t mind that, but no way am I introducing germs into my BED.
  • Don’t even get me started when you’re forced to place your handbags on the sink when you’re at a public toilet. Ever seen bloody disgusting dudes sneezing or hacking their life’s worth of scum in a public toilet? It’s bad enough WITHOUT the threat of H1N1. I have no idea why people never pondered about this.
  • I change to fresh clothing when I come back home before I sit on my couch or my bed. After sharing public facilities such as seats (often stained) with unknown people, I really don’t wanna transmit any unnecessary particles to my household items, thank you very much.
  • I absolutely despise it when people sit on my bed after a long day out. Or dump their bags on my nest. I won’t be anal to visitors to my house lah of course. I’m a good host. 😀
  • Once, I visited a skin specialist who was also a sex specialist (talk about the sexpert! XD), my bf was being reluctant to sit on the couch. It was a sex specialist clinic and most probably the patients are struck with herpes or some scary STD. He couldn’t imagine how many patients with rotting crotches sat on the couch before.
  • That’s when I pounced on his point and told him: ‘Okay, so you picture this: If our herpes patient went to Pavilion, sat on the nice clean-looking sofa, and you’re the next guy who sat on that sofa, how leh? That’s why NEVER sleep on my bed after you’ve come back from outside! And always, always wash your hands and change your clothes!’ And he kept quiet. XD

Some people may be saying that I’m way overboard with this whole ordeal, but living through the H1N1 pandemic, do you see my rationale as to why hygiene must be practiced as a lifestyle habit, not due to fear only when a pandemic strikes?

In fact, H1N1 is spreading like wildfire, and one of the reasons being – a lot of people simply do not practice the fundamentals of keeping themselves and their household clean!

Do you really need H1N1 to teach you how to maintain your cleanliness? Just because other diseases are not as contagious as H1N1, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

Keep clean, and be safe!


Reasons why I’m so worked up about this whole H1N1 thing:

  • It ruined Project Akonana. Akonana was supposed to come to India but not anymore no thanks to this shitty virus. Screw H1N1.
  • Bf imposed a 3 day home-quarantine for me when I come back. Okay fine, which means no kissing when I finally get to freaking see him in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lose-lose situation. Screw H1N1.
  • On the same day I land, there’s a party going on! Out of respect of the house owner, I’m not going. I have not been involved in any form of social activities since I freaking came to India. Except for the McDonald’s guy who is friendly with me. XD And now got a party on the same day I land and I can’t go out of caution as well as courtesy. FML. Screw H1N1.
  • I want to go for a facial before I see anyone in KL and I *might* need to do it 7 days later, depending whether the salon permits me to go or not. Need to be nice and ask whether they mind mah, right? Screw H1N1.
  • Certain cities in India have no finances to buy any thermal equipment and if you’re saying that KLIA scanning is abysmal, wait till you check out India. When I first landed in India, I was given a form to fill about my health condition, and nobody took it from me. People who’ve visited high-risk zones were never tracked down and now they’re panicking? Screw yourself, you idiots. It’s your fault that your people are dying. Eat more lah eat more! Corrupt sial. Screw H1N1.
  • My dad will be escorting me to the international airport. Never mind if I kena Jackpot or Toto, but my dad, I don’t want anything happen to him during our trip together. I’ll be worried sick. Screw H1N1.

Perhaps it’s time to set up a website similar to FML, but instead of ending the posts with FML, you end it with Screw H1N1.

Hahahaha bye.

A (Slum) Dog’s Life at India.

August 3, 2009

UPDATE: I’ve added a little bit of background stories about the pics to this post.


No, Slumdog Millionaire ain’t no fragment of the director’s imagination. Poverty is happening in India right when you’re lounging at a costly restaurant somewhere in KL. And for me, lounging in restaurants usually means I am undecided on what to eat. Sui hor? We’re so spoilt for choice and yet we still have 101 things to complain.

well fed by you.

We’re like this well-fed kid. Rich jor some more lan ying.

I think his family is trying to train him up to become’s Bollywood’s next biggest thing. According to some sources, Bollywood dances are full of dancing talents. These people might just be finding a way to weave through the competition and to reach stardom to avoid the terrible living conditions that some have to go through.

See the pics, and FEEL the lives of these poor people. If our Bolehland gahmen continues to rasuah kao kao, I don’t see why we wouldn’t end up like this one fine day. Tsk tsk.

Slumdog No Millionaire

playing children by you.

This is what we call ‘home’. Usually homes like these consist of two or three families within. They sleep on the floor, cook with only 1 pot, no gas stove, and drink direct from the tap. Mind you, India doesn’t have an Indah Water equivalent, that’s why ‘Delhi Belly’ is apparent in foreigners. Never eat roadside food and drink only bottled water when you travel here.

scavengers by you.

It’s a dog’s life: Scavenging whatever I could eat before the mongrel gets to it first. Yes, the poor slumdog’s nutrition consists of whatever leftover the people throw out. And if DBKL doesn’t buckle up, I think Bolehland’s streets will be something like the above lah.

tents by you.

Just make yourself at home: The majority of the population live like this, with no roof and no cement floor in between them. Some of them don’t even have tent material for shelter.

family of slumdogs by you.

Say hello to my family: A family of slumdogs trailing behind their young mother. Much, much too young. After my dad gave Rs.10 to the little girl behind (look closely), the whole family came and hoarded us. Groped us, touched us, talked in Hindi / Gujarati with us, keep on doing the ‘food to mouth’ gesture. All they want is just to eat.

home by you.

Unemployed due to recession? I don’t think so. Welcome to my life.

Did you notice that they can produce soooo many children under this type of horrible conditions? No house, no roof, no cover, no surroundings, PLUS they already have several existing children to tend to. I wonder how they ‘DO’ stuff lah. It’s these instances that I truly pity their offspring, doomed to lead the lives their parents led – begging for money and starving, wandering aimlessly… No thanks to the gahmen nor the people here.

aunty slumdog by you.

All in a day of work: After selling her produces, this aunty calls it a day and sleeps on this dingy little corner beside a tarmac road filled with trash.

boy slumdog by you.

Feed me please?

– END –










Rendezvous with India’s Locals: Facts about Gujarati Weddings.

July 8, 2009

We’ve had the pleasure to acquaint with some locals after starting our exercise routine. One day, we visited our friend’s house. It was elaborately decorated, Indian style. The floor tiles, the beddings, the cupboard designs, all of them are full of Indian flavour.

I hope I can bring pictures for ya all, but since it’s our first time visiting, it’s not nice to step into a person’s house and snap pics as you please, innit? It isn’t like in Malaysia where you can just camwhore and let people stare or complain that you’re vain and LOL it off.

But anyway, I’ll try. Since I’ve got no pics this time, lemme compile a list of facts that I found out about…

Indian weddings. Or maybe Gujarati weddings, if you may. Just like the Chinese, we have Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew and etc clans, so stuff might differ.

First and foremost,

MOST weddings are pre-arranged by the family. Which explains the staggering amount of movies revolving around Indian brides. Running away from home to achieve their own dreams to escape the ghastly fate of marrying someone you never knew and never loved ARE true and not a fragment of the director’s imagination.


The standard age to marry is 22 years old. For females. Males I dunno lah. My friend’s daughter will be getting married in another 2 years with a pre-arranged partner. She is the same age as me and currently still in college. And it took a lot of self-restraint from going OMGWTF at their face. This family I’m talking about… They’re the rich class of Indians, you’d expect them to be more modern when it comes to these matters… But no, it’s still a die-hard custom. Die lah if I marry 22, I still wanna hang out check out cute boys clubbing flirt fool around enjoy my youth leh.


Indian weddings are grand affairs. They party for days and nights and the bridal money (礼金?) is given by the female family, not the male. The rented house we’re living at is a gift from our owner’s daughter-in-law to her husband’s family. And mind you, this house is VERY big and kononnya hai crass for India’s standards (luxury residence?!). So yeah, if you dun have moolah, no wedding for ya.

These facts are collected from a mound of broken languages and very rusty English from a local individual. So it might be right, it might be wrong too. But that’s what we’ve heard lah.

It’s really surprising to learn that pre-arranged weddings still exist in such a modern part of India. And movies do not necessarily portray reality wrongly sometimes – if you’ve watched Heroes Season 3 Volume 4, Hiro saved an Indian woman from a pre-arranged wedding. It’s dangerous to do that actually, because if someone witnessed a robbery or a crime or an elope attempt, it will be either:

  • They walk away without helping
  • Take matters into their own hands and beat up the culprits. Seen these type of reports in the local papers for way too many times.
  • The girl who tries to elope will be dismissed by the family. And in an extreme case from the local papers, a girl from a rich and well-respected family was shot because she ‘disgraced’ her family from running away from her pre-arranged wedding. She died and the main suspect was her own family.

And they call this place a safe state? Niasing lah!

Boy am I glad to be born in a place with decent (yes just decent! not great! Bolehland you hear me?!!!!!!!!!) female rights and independence to choose my own partner. I really cannot imagine bringing myself to marry a guy whom I’ve never knew my whole life, and suddenly being pushed into a scenario where I’ve become his dearest. Seriously crazy shit.

Doing a Bella without the Edward.

June 10, 2009

Coming to India is just like doing a Bella. Leaving behind Phoenix and banishing herself to Forks because she wanted to give her mother freedom to live with her husband. (Go read Twilight nao if you dunno what I’m talking about OMG Edward Cullen yums)

I’m feeling the full blow of social withdrawal right now. As I emphasized several times, civilization is not what it seems in India. I’ve made friends, yes, but none that I dare approach close. Being the odd one out, I try not to get too much attention (especially guys, never see cinapek and cinagirl before). There ARE good people out there, but being outsiders, we always maintain constant vigilance. So social acquaintances are just the usual hi’s and bye’s and the awkward laughter when facing a cultural conflict, then there’s the whole head-shaking thing, PLUS the adaption of my English to suit their accent. I swear I’m feeling rusty now.


My TARC mates have already moved on to Advanced Diploma, constantly whining to me about their new assignments and the new event to handle. As much as I feel a sense of belonging while talking to them, I really have no idea what’s going on. In essence, yes; but sadly, life isn’t just all about essence; life is multi-faceted.

Then there’s my bro and his wifey. I miss them too. Going to the gym in India is but an effort to keep in shape and trying to persuade my mom to work out more. I miss our sessions so much. T_T Oh well, what am I to worry? There is already someone to cook for my dear gege anyway. My services are no longer needed? LOL no lah. He still needs someone to scold and nag. =P

And finally my dearest Akonana. Some asked whether I was worried about leaving him. As in, leaving him ALONE and openly allowing potential new threats (!) to invade our relationship?

Threats? Scared of him seeing new girls?! *OMAI GOD I LOLZ* Not really. Ask him to try and find someone more awesome than me after all these years. 😉

The whole insecurity thing while being away from your partner for a long period of time is really sick. Anyone parted from their partners so far away ought to be worrying about their partner’s well being, not fretting whether he’d see someone else. So scrap that!


Yeah, full blown social withdrawal now. I feels it.

But the fuel that keeps me going is seeing my parent’s happiness at my presence. Mom blew me a fly kiss before retiring to her room and that filled my heart with strong affection.

It’s a two-barbed wire. When I’m in KL, I miss them. When I’m in India, I miss him. And every facet of my life. My gege, my friends, KFC, beef, pork, etc. Whaddaf.

Stay strong, chabor. Remember the fly kiss! =)

PS: If you were lazy to read the full text, let me sum it up for you. I’m lonely here ok. I like writing lengthy long cheong hei blog posts simply because I’m THAT awesome.

The Not-So-Eco Hype about Eco Bags.

May 15, 2009

The eco bag hype is pretty much apparent everywhere.


Now, let’s name all the hypermarkets Malaysia has. 

Cold Storage,

and so on.


Everytime we reach the exit of these supermarkets or hypermarkets, our frail heart-strings are pulled by these blood-thirsty corporations. ‘Save the environment, use our bags’, and all sorts of nonsense.

Does anybody fall prey to have 101 eco bags at home, only to bring back even more after each shopping trip because we forgot to bring the ones we already own?
Do any girls here buy the eco bags just because it looks chic, only to dump it elsewhere when you set your hands on a spanking new Coach / LV / whatnot? 

I’m guilty as charged for the former. It’s our family’s impulsive shopping habit that always catches us off guard, and we leave our eco bags lying at home, only to fend with even more plastic bags, or to buy more eco bags from these shopping malls.
And the end result will be lots of unused eco bags lying around at home, and lots of new plastic bags in exchange.

Now, even fashion labels’ hop into the bandwagon and attempt to sell these eco bags. First is the ever famous Anya Hindmarch’s I’m Not a Plastic Bag, which created a frenzy.

Now selling for ridiculous sums on eBay: Anya Hindmarch's alternative to the plastic bag


Seriously, if these companies really care about the environment, stop the production of these eco bags already, I believe each household has already have enough of these lying around. Wanna make sure the consumers will remember to bring their own eco bags next time? 

Cut off plastic bags entirely.

I really hate this half-hearted attempt at ‘saving the environment’, when the actual message that these shopping malls are trying to convey is ‘buy these attractive looking things, then I can suck your moolahs dry’.

I have already stashed several of our existing eco bags into my brother’s car compartment in attempt to curb the habit of not having a bag when you need one. What is your effort in helping the environment?


April 18, 2009


To my dearest friends Christine, Yee How, Moon and Kenny:

It has been an incredible two years of college life with you guys. And finally, we have reached the point where we need to say goodbye to each other and move on with our lives.

5 of us are the best of friends and always did everything together, and we always excelled in our homework, just because our personality traits and talents complement each other so well. Everything that the college threw at us, we handled it gracefully together. We have created so much memories with each other, remember? 《十月的后巷》, Faces of Malaysia, 《308大选》(except for you Kenny Air Pancut), running around in shopping center to chase people for interview, watch movie, shopping, etc… 

When I found that all of you are staying for Advanced Diploma, my heart feels very heavy – I’ll be the only one breaking off from our wonderful team because I’ve got other plans for my future… Yes, we have been laughing and fooling around for the past few days like nothing happen but deep down my heart is so heavy and I’m always close to tears. Because the prospect of parting from our team is pretty painful to me. All of you left such a deep impression on me… I will never forget all the moments we shared. Thank you for the lovely picture – Our smiles are very nice hor? 我们真的很合作!

I hope after you all experience so much more together for the next two years in Adv Dip, you wouldn’t forget about the Yahoo that has accompanied you throughout our Diploma years… 

After chatting with Christine via SMS for a while, she said that our group will not be the same… But I hope you all will meet with an even better team member and also continue to excel in your studies… Life goes on, right?


Yee How,


YH n YH by you.

He’s not my boyfriend. Shut up.


我的好~瘦焖鸡~姊妹,整天都强调我象小妹妹,知道你大啦!哈铪~真的很荣幸认识你哦,我泡仔的功力没你那么厉害,不过我还是很欣赏你的细心,你的温柔,你对朋友的诚恳。。。至少我的彩妆技术可以跟你fight!哈哈哈哈。。。你在Advanced Diploma要好好加油哦,Yee How, Christine and Kenny有在你身边,相信你在Advanced Diploma的路途会走得很愉快。我会很想念我们俩发女人疯,谈爱美,爱情的时刻~


Eh you are a banana right? So lame one you… Haha… Eh I can’t believe you’re staying back for Adv Diploma, fuck you leh, now I’m the only one leaving the group… You make me feel so sad… But I still wanna tell you, I’m honoured to meet such a sweet guy like you, BUT YOU STILL FORGET ABOUT MY CACTUS. What the fuck? Lol… Kenny, take care of our gang during Adv Dip, okay? Don’t be too playful oh, studies are important. Our group is fun with your presence. 🙂
womanizer kenny by you.

My wish is when we meet again in the future, we can still smile radiantly as our family picture and enjoy each other’s company. Yes, future we still can meet, but I have seen too many cases where people grow apart because of distance and time restrictions…

I really don’t wish that to happen, so please, let us make an effort to stay together, okay?

I love all of you, not just the 5 of you, but the whole B7. 


PS: 看看我post的时间,我很少那么迟睡的咧~看我那么地为你们~ LOL~






The Day My Aunt Left Us… A Project 365 Approach to Life.

April 11, 2009


Day 22 : 2009-04-06 ~ Women’s Achievement Awards (WAA!)

Looks real right? Actually this pic is just a setup. A setup that required 3 poor students to run amok in a shopping mall, trying to gather a baju kurung and saree clad women to pose for us. Fricking pose for an event that does not exist but must look real and credible. Imagine explaining that to bewildered passer-bys and KLCC security guards. Cheongsam girl is courtesy of a friend’s help.

Day 23 : 2009-04-07 ~ All Women for Earth and Equality

Yet another fake but must look real event courtesy of my course syllabus. Did a press conference where I had to be some sort of fake CEO for a real company and doing a fake event that must look real. Phew what a mouthful. Glad it’s over.

Day 24 : 2009-04-08 ~ My Serious Skincare Regimen Starts TODAY

I have had enough with having oral antibiotics for acne. I have a faint suspicion that I’m not doing it the right way. Hence, grudgingly, I went to EPI Derma Formulation for treatments. Hope they can cure me.

Oh ya, first time I do facial painlessly and don’t go back home with even more pustules to pop by myself. See above for proof.

Day 25 : 2009-04-09 ~ The Day My Aunt Left Us

It’s amazing how news can travel so rapidly. A call from my cousin informed me that my aunt has passed away due to an accident. It took her 0.3 seconds to blurt it out, and it took me several minutes to sink in. I was walking in the streets when I came to an abrupt halt. I cried.

She had only just recovered dramatically from a major surgery and has been well and healthy and had been a good grandmother to her grandchild. She had only just appeared in my brother’s wedding a few months back, full of life and dressed beautifully for the occasion.

Now, she’s gone.

Guys, cherish the people around you – Life is just so so so fragile. I have no idea how people can hold grudges for a long time. Boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, children – If you are mad at your loved one, pull them to a hug and tell them you love them… No anger is worth holding that long if you love the person… Don’t leave it too long, it might be too late then…

Dearest aunt, I hope you rest in peace.

Day 26 : 2009-04-10 ~ Big Foot Eated my Brinjal

See previous post for the LOL factor.

Day 27 : 2009-04-11 ~ My Brother is a Good Cook

Yes, you heard me right. My brother was only halfway through his portion when I nearly reached the end of my bowl and took this pic. My bro is a great cook – Does wonders with herbs and olive oil and all things western, Italian, fusion etc. Anyone wanna hire him? He does professional C&S Engineering too. 😉


Reason Why I Never Loved Greens and Babies.

March 20, 2009

Day 4 : 2009-03-19 ~ Greens that I never learnt to appreciate

Before I entered TARC, my dad tried to hard-sell the college to me by telling me how big and wonderful the campus is. 

At first glance, my daddy is right. Big and impressive looking, just the way campuses should be. 

2 years later, reality struck. I realized that I’m not living in some winter wonderland where you see students frolicking around in the snow like penguins. No point frolicking in the grass fields like the ang moh’s do because of the excessive amount of cigg butts by our remaja harapan Malaysia. 

Then then then, Malaysia is a burning inferno all year round, and when it feels bitchy, it pours buckets on you. Wei, waging war with the weather daily is NOT fun okay?!

Day 5 : 2009-03-20 ~ Reason why I hate kids 

Sure, they’re adorable. But when things turn sour and their facial expressions change, whoaaaaa… It’s living hell. So yeah, I hate kids. Nice to pinch, nice to touch, once crying, I run far far away.

Celebrated my friend’s birthday party today. Had 2 pieces of KFC, 1 slice of Pizza Hut, a bowl of noodles and lots of curry chicken. 

Told ya i’m not anorexic, it’s just that my stomach is a raging black hole ready to send food to thin air when it should be turned into nutrients to feed this poor skinny girl. T.T


Stroking The Male Ego Ain’t Necessarily a Bad Thing.

February 11, 2009

Since Valentines Day is around the corner, certain blogs might be bombarded with booby traps (advertisements) or way too much flower talk, melancholy notes of single life or unrealistic love stories that only happens in your imagination. So let us take a break from all those, and cut to essentials of the ever waging battle of the sexes.

Let’s talk about a man’s ego. Face it, gals. No matter how much your guy tries to hide his ego, it’s still there, waiting (or begging) to be stroked. The best of guys hide their egos, but if you are not sensitive to this essential need, your man can feel deprived.

I’m speaking based on experience. My darling sheds his egoistic side whenever he’s around me and goes through great lengths to be equal with me. That is why he does not tolerate things like ‘single moms deserve more sympathy than single dads’ and all sorts of sexist nonsense. You may look at him in disbelief, but believe it or not, that’s him. 🙂

Yet, his male ego is STILL present no matter how much he tries to conceal it. He is always fighting with me to pay the bills on certain ocassions. I smell raw male ego, do you? 😛

Hence, it is a NEED that you stroke this little pet lying dormant in the male anatomy. It’s not a matter of all beings created equal or not – You want your man to treat you good, you gotta treat them better in return. Balance, baby.

To those who have a wonderful loving male partner who does not exercise his egoistic side on you, please don’t abuse your man. although you know he will never do anything egoistic to hurt you in any way, he still deserves respect from you. Afterall, he’s still a guy with two balls and a banana unless you’re dating a tranny.

A good petting of the ego at right times will not only makes your man feel respected, it is also an indication that his sacrifices of dropping his ego when he’s with you is effort not gone to waste. It makes them feel empowered and gives them a sense of confidence that only you – the girl of his dreams, can provide.

To me, petting of the ego is another one of the methods of showing your affection – And you must really mean it too. It’s not hard – You fell for the guy because of certain attributes that you find enticing in the first place, don’t you? Work on that, put on your most flirtatious voice and coo him. Praise him, stroke him – He’ll melt, guaranteed. This is way better than all sorts of presents (read: senseless shit) that couples get psyched into buying by the 101 companies out for your money.

All too often I hear about guys who treat their girlfriends lovingly and willingly put down all forms of dignity to please the girl, only to have the girl stampede on the man’s ego. When the guy lets his defenses down, you should not take advantage of it – It takes a lot of courage for a man to do so. If you don’t respect the guy, you only have yourself to blame when he bids you farewell.

Going through all the observations in my head, I smile to myself what a lovely boyfriend I have (stroke), who loves me and does not place his ego first and foremost (stroke), and who loves me unconditionally (stroke).

I love my tiger~ Credits:

Darling Akonana, I thank you for your selfless love for these past 2 years.

I love you dear. And this, is my Valentines Day gift to you. Muacks.