About (Updated!)

Hi, I am the Chaborkia.

Anna Sui Doll for About by you.

Dun be fooled by the lansi picture. In real life, I’m like this wan.

tabik by you.

Seeee I’m like that only. Which chabor don’t like to doll up wor. =P

MAC by you.

Every chabor loves to be pretty, hence my love for makeup and the occasional write-ups about health and beauty.

B7 steamboat by you.

Being a Malaysian, I am true to the Bolehland culture.
But I’m not a lala. I am a just chabor leh. *stamps feet*

horns by you.

I am also a generous chabor who loves sharing about everyday life secrets to make life just a teeny bit interesting for ya.
For example, how to grow horns.

B7 by you.

Graduated from TARC’s Diploma program in Public Relations and enriched not just with knowledge, but also friendship beyond words.
None here are single btw. =P

yahui and three gate by you.

Currently stuck in India writing this ‘About’ page, mongering and milking cows.

prince by you.

Will be back in Malaysia soon, in the arms of my prince, in preparation for my next great adventure.
Now that you have spent precious moments of your life reading this, let me yet again reward you with another picture of my face.

Anna Sui Doll 055 by you.

Just making sure you remember me and remember to tune in to Chaborkia.com for your daily dose of LOLZ, health, beauty, cosmetics, lifestyle, sugar, spice and everything nice.
I hero worship the Internet culture oh lol.
I write just about everything. =)

Thank you all.

2 Responses to “About (Updated!)”

  1. arwen Says:

    i feel interest with india..
    how the place actually??

    u will back malaysia soon??
    haha…do india hv nasi lemak??

  2. tessa Says:

    now only i get what chaborkia means…..LOLX cha bor is girl in hokkien ?? lolx…zadao.ahha

    anyway, still love the way u write ur blogs 😀
    keep it up!

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