Archive for November, 2009

It’s Heart-Wrenching, Really.

November 20, 2009

Last weekend I went into a camera store, not to buy something but to satisfy my curiosity over the Olympus Pen EP1. Warao Micro Four Third wor, sure wanna see see touch touch look look lah.

But somehow I was the one being seen, and recognized, from a stranger in Facebook. And that stranger was the camera shop promoter who tended to me when I tried out the EP1.

Damn weird loh, a promoter suddenly asking for your name only to tell you she has you on her friend list and reads about my Facebook updates. The world is small.

First I got to know my bf online gazillion years ago, I met a long-lost friend through several mutual friends, bumped into some kawan on the streets at the most unexpected places, and an old friend of mine is the current girlfriend of my boyfriend’s friend. Wtf. Really sibeh scary.

That aside, Ms Joyce recognized me particularly well because she lives with my bestie near the TARC campus.

It was then that found out that Ms Bestie always mentioned about me and the good old times? *Sob*

She told me that she really missed the times we handled assignments together, and wished I was there with her. She missed talking to me and my name was always mentioned to Ms Joyce. Reliving the past and talking about the struggles and joys we had together…

Dear, I wished that I was grinding my nose raw with you guys too. It was a hard decision for me to leave college so soon…

After we finished Diploma’s final examinations and bade our goodbyes, hugging each other and dropping our greetings before we parted ways, I actually thought about 2 potential routes which I can take.

1. Go to India, miss New Zealand’s July Intake and rot for a few months to wait for February.
2. Stay back in TARC, do a little bit of Advanced Diploma before flying off to NZ.

Option 2 was my vain attempt to spend a lil more of my scarce time with friends before I leave Bolehland. But alas, I can’t bear to miss the chance to visit a country that is so fascinating, and I owe it to myself to see how was the living situation of my parents, so I went for No. 1.

And now that I heard about Ms Bestie’s struggle from a third person’s perspective, I nearly cried in the camera store. 😦

How I wished that I can be by your side, but the sad reality is, everyone needs to move on.

Will you still remember your friend who misses you with her heart and soul even after 2 years of not doing things together? I really wish I could be by your side now, and I hope you won’t blame me for not doing Adv Dip together…

Because every time I hear about you, I really want to be by your side, but I can’t. One thing I can be sure of that Ms Bestie is a very very strong gal, and now has someone who loves her very much to take good care of her.

My vice president in a press conference lol.

That is man love, but mine is girly love. NOT LESBIAN OKAY! Love you my dearest Christine. ❤

Take good care of yourself… Be strong…

Chapter 1 – Chabor’s Skincare Philosophy

November 19, 2009

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my skin condition.

I have some sorta taboo thing going on. For example, if I were to rave about the fantastic weather on a nice day, BOOM it’ll rain cats and dogs. FML so I’ve grown used to the silent treatment whenever I have the urge to RAVE.

But if I don’t rave about it, the Internets will lose a sucker’s advice on a possibly great solution that could help lots of acne-sufferers out there.

And I think if I rave on the Internet my skin won’t hear me and go break out again lah hor? Right? LOL.

Now from what I gather from previous readers who’ve commented on my acne-related posts, I can tell they’re pretty darn serious cases. Not those that surface 1 or 2 in  a blue moon, but full-blown, out of control ones that seem impossible to control.

And I’m sure all of you are sooooo tired of the common preaching from 101 other Internet gurus. No offense, seriously, because I admire the efforts they put in to help so many out there. Although, technically, I’m writing this because their efforts dun work for me. T_T

Some examples:

Cleanse, tone, moisturise even though you have acne!

Problem is, peeps, acne sufferers need special care. And you just can’t simply classify skin as oily or dry. Not so simple wan.

It’s ok to makeup as long as you take it off properly.

Then I ask you lah, if your skin is capable of absorbing skincare, wouldn’t it drink in some of the gunk you’re putting on?

Don’t touch it, it will heal by itself.

REALLY? Screw that! I’ve tried leaving the problem alone and it NEVER healed. People who said this are ones that never suffered from acne. And you KNOW it is just IMPOSSIBLE.

Isotetrinoine or oral medication from the doc is bound to heal acne.

NOT. I’m living proof. However my bf is the complete opposite. His face is flawless as of now, after 1 year of oral medication.

Don’t eat -insert seafood or innocent food here-, sure break out wan.

Thanks, but no thanks. Even if I fasted like the Dalai Lama, my acne is still raging because I’m a woman with hormones. FML

Maintain your hygiene lah! Wash your face more often~

WTF *shows fist* I know I have acne but it doesn’t make me a dirty bugger, you idiot!

And various other typical methods preached on and on by 101 other people, but somehow there are still a big population of acne sufferers crying for help.

Do you see just how much can a persons skin vary from one another?

And as much as I appreciate all the feedback from all the lovely beauty websites / bloggers out there, being a chronic acne sufferer, I just can’t bring myself to believe anything because eventually I know it’ll bound to screw up my face.

So anyways, I’m pretty impressed with my skin progress after joining this salon.

And have an army of products to get rid of acne, once and for all.

I have been devoting myself to go to this salon weekly and using their products consistently for the past months since I’ve came back from India with a bad acne infection, and it cleared up well.

I could never bring myself to put 101x faith in skin salons, and never will. But the results achieved with them just amazed me. Nope, I do not have baby smooth skin, nor have I stopped breaking out. It’s really wishful thinking. And near impossible. If you managed to get rid of acne on the surface, only to battle it again and again, and endlessly when it surfaces after you healed it up, I guess you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s a never ending battle.

Let’s take a simple, overly commercialized, overly bombarded and just grossly overrated approach of curing acne.

Cleanse > Tone > Moisturize > Serum > Spot healing.

Clinique *cough* Clinique. And name 101 other brands using this approach.

EPI Derma Formulation, however, breaks down skincare for acne sufferers into a lot of segments, and tackles them one by one. There are no miracle results, but they can clear up your skin from all the bacteria and germs that feed your acne. And when the deep layers of your skin are revitalized and healthy, you’ll still need to keep your facial hygiene well-maintained so that your skin is strong enough to resist future acne infections.

For acne sufferers, depending on how serious the condition, you will need to go through constant acne extractions (tweezers, not squeezing) with them and aid the healing process with their products, to be used at home. And for every different skin type, they will pair different formulations for you. Though I really wonder why one needs that much products to get clear skin, I’ve seen the results so I’ll keep my mouth shut for the time being.

Catch? Helluva expensive and time consuming. But if this is what I have to do to live with clear skin, so be it. I never want to gamble my face with the all too cluttered cosmetics market out there anymore. I’ve had enough.

And no, EPI did not pay me to write about them because I’m just a lauyah blogger, unnoticed in some corner of the blogosphere. And I’m not endorsing their credibility because I’m writing this based on ‘so far, so good’. Anything can happen in the future but please noooooo I dun wanna breakout again anymore. Kthxbai.

Keep yourself posted for Chapter 2!

Middle Eastern Boobies.

November 11, 2009

I can’t bear to have my hands unwashed after a round of gym. Ya know, sharing gym equipment coated with 101 fellas sweat, beh tahan sial lah.

Then hor, I went to the club toilet to wash my hands. To my dismay, the toilet door was closed. Public toilet how can close like that wan?! I can get pretty nasty when I feel unclean and in dire need to wash my hands / pee, so I just barged in.

Just then…

I had a full-frontal view of Middle. Eastern. boobies.
Picture strictly for illustration purposes only.


Round, firm and -TMI so removed-.

Apparently a bunch of Middle Eastern women closed the toilet door so that they can run around stark naked and shampoo each other’s hair in the club’s toilet. Wtf it’s a public toilet you idiots. The one I saw just came out of the shower. Not only boobs, I saw her entire naked body.

I dunno whether should I be amused or traumatized by this experience.

Betcha you’d kill to be in my shoes lol.

Middle Eastern boobies pwns Megan Fox anytime. Neh neh neh neh pu pu.

Sekinchan with ShutterAsia!

November 9, 2009

I think Sekinchan has the most beautiful Chinese name ever.

适耕庄 – literally means it’s a Land Suitable for Farming…

Ah the simplistic beauty of Chinese words. 🙂

So I went to the much anticipated Sekinchan trip organized by ShutterAsia members. I devirginized my Panasonic Lumix LX3. First time cucuk him into the computer too. Whooops.

In Sekinchan, I did this.

Thank you fulat.

After this, I did that. Boh paiseh.

I did NOT learn this from the slumdog kid in India. It was a synchronized shot you know. Like monkey eating the other monkey’s flees liddat.

Thank you SoftBunny.

The ever-hungry Waisekmeow was a prankster. Threw a bunch of rope at me to gauge my reaction coz I stepped on a dried up snake earlier on.
So I hentam him.

He’s also the one responsible for this cute picture of us.

Shoot lai shoot qu.

The introvert bf was shy to take a picture in front of a table full of new acquaintances, so I ‘wei’ him.
Just then, the shutter was pressed, engraving that mischievous grin forever.

Thank you Akonana.

Somehow this picture from Henry makes me all warm and fuzzy in the inside.

Li Lian, the sweet but pale girl behind this photo, hints us about her skin tone with this picture. Colors are so pale also! LOL!

Spot the similarity between man and canine in the two pics above.

Thank you Origor.

Fantastic trip with nearly 30 of us raiding the whole Sekinchan, breathing in the beautiful colors of nature.

But hor, so many people leh, only noticed some of you all. Some of you stray far far then shy shy liddat, make me shy also.

However, I do know it was each and everyone of you that made everything interesting.

Special thanks to Alan Tan for the ride,
And Mr Henry who welcomed us warmly to his home when the rusty old Bimmer didn’t behave.

Thank you to EVERYONE and I look forward to the next trip! 🙂

I Love REAL Men.

November 3, 2009

What’s wrong with girls nowadays? Head over heels with pricks that look like utter sissies? Those Korean guys hired to be ambassadors for Korean skincare brands? OMG beh tahan sial. Long flowing hair and dreamy pose pl0x. PUI.

I, on the other hand, prefer real, tough men.

Seeeee my taste in men reflects even on my camera taste too. No nonsense, practical, sturdy build, no frills, functionable. Just the way I love my man.

Screw pink compact cameras with 101x megapixels. They’re just effing gay.

Say hello, guys, to my new Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. 😀