Archive for October, 2009

Protected: I Don’t Get You.

October 28, 2009

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Different Beauty, Different Times.

October 19, 2009

While I was admiring this sample picture taken by my next potential camera, the Panasonic Lumix LX3, dad walked over to see what I was up to.


Courtesy of DPReview Lumix LX3 Gallery

Me: Look at the whole feel of the picture!
Dad: *Scoff* My Sony camera can do better.
Me: *Points at the amazing bokeh* For a compact camera to achieve this, it’s amazing!
Dad: *Scoff* My Sony camera can make sure the girl and the background also sharp. Background so blur, how can wan.

HAHAHAHAHA apparently people of different times appreciate a different perspective of beauty.

Chabor’s Ramblings of Going Abroad and Being ‘Just’ 19~

October 15, 2009

Hi guys! Do you miss me? I hope so.

131754 by you.

Because, I miss you, not. Blek. Jk jk.


No, I haven’t lost it. I really just prefer not using the laptop for prolonged periods of time.
You see, I take a long time to think through my entries, and don’t write crap for the sake of writing.
Even if some interesting shit happened, if I don’t have the perks to write about it,
There simply won’t be any sparks flying out from the articles no matter how funny the situation is.
I want to deliver articles that actually contribute to a good laugh on your side,
Who wants to read about a random chaborkia from the universe anyways? *Cough*

Motivation, I has it. Inspiration, I am waiting for it.

Whoa, and it came! I’ll tell you how it feels to be 20 years old.

I refuse to admit that I’ve reached the 2x marker of my life. I’d always coyly tell others I’m still just 19. Just.

An influx of emotions always arise at this point of life.

What have I done for the past years?
Where am I headed to?
Are my current decisions working it’s course to lead me to a good future?

What the fuck, I must be mad – I’m going overseas soon all alone without family sobs~
When I was younger I was in denial when parents offered the chance to let me go abroad,
But now after clearing up my ridiculously childish mindsets garnered by lack of experience,
I’ve made the choice~
Hell I’ve even gone as crazy as going to poverty-stricken India where most people tend to evade.
I can’t get any crazier than this…

Thinking long and hard about deciding to study abroad is good enough to fuck up your entire mind.

You’ll be thinking about your choice of country,
Your choice of tertiary institution,
Your finances, your future there, your education,
How will it turn out when you hand yourself over to the other country,
What’s in store in the other side,
Who will be your new peers,

For every uncertainties in life, I always needed an answer. Unfortunately, I can’t get these answers anywhere, I’ve realised the hard way.

I just need to get my butt over there and find out for myself.

Then there are other issues to ponder as well,

What will happen to existing friendships,
How will my dear mom cope without her daughter by her side,
How will my sweet dad cope with the heavy load of financial burden,
Who will be there to watch over my brother and make sure he drinks enough water in the office,
But there’s a great sis-n-law watching over him now. 🙂

So I’m currently in the vicious cycle of keeping myself cool,
Then turning into a total witch and tormenting the bf with my devious ingenuity,
Then turning back into the demure chaborkia I once was and pestering him for kisses.

God what am I saying. Can you tell, I’m just so lost. Acting all composed nia.

But one thing good about growing up (I refuse to use the word ‘aging’),
I’ve finally come to love my own features.
I never seem to accept my oblong facial features previously,
But now I do!
See! I’m wearing a hair band with all my hair pulled up!
Last time when I was still little you ask me to pull my front hair up I can bash you in the face wan.

Then there’s my distinctly Asian eyes.
I’ve always griped about my single eyelids,
Tried using makeup to make them look larger!
I’ve finally realised, it’s ridiculous to try too hard to fake it,
But still necessary to know the skill of course *cough*,
But I absolutely love them now!

Try looking adorable without fake eyelashes and forcing your eyes open,
I pwn you anytime okay? Even with small eyes!
*Gives you a beady-eyed stare*

One thing I don’t love,
Is a terrible skin condition that neither people wanted,
And that’s…

Acne. Fuck you all! *Curses all my zits away*
If only I can. Sigh.

Whoa and you made it to the end of my random rambling! Thanks for supporting the Chaborkia as always. 🙂