Archive for August, 2009

The Internets Lead me to Hair Kunst.

August 31, 2009

Someone please stop me!

I hate it when my hair is half long not short. It’s at the point where it has past the short border, but not long enough to be categorized as long. My hair is at it’s ugliest at this length. Grrrrrrr.

Before my hair cut in Hair Kunst by you.

Middle parting wtf.

Stop me pleaseeeee. I promised myself no hair cut after 3 months of abstinence in India. T_T But I freaking did it again.

Hair Kunst bob by you.

Poor bf waited for me in the salon to get this done and egged me on for a short style. Where got guy like short hair girl wan?! My bf is weird. -_- But then again, he’s the best ❤ ❤ <3, tarak merajuk for waiting so long. Sigh guys are so pity sometimes.

Oh ya, the internets lead me to Hair Kunst at The Curve, Damansara. I’m too poor and not adventurous enough to go around and experiment on my own. LOL.

With an overwhelming amount of salons and tons of people all too eager to milk your money, I really hate visiting so-called hai crass salons. They’re usually the most pushy. But yet, cheap salons have aunties that have a set of skills worthy of the sixties. It’s 2009 yo.

I love the hair color Imran, the color technician, gave me. I never thought non-vibrant colours made an impact on your looks but I’ve changed my mind. And walah, another bob. It looks like my previous hair cut, but if you see it live, there are bits and pieces of detail that makes the thing special and lively. I’m a bit paiseh to Mr Faris who tended to me, I was telling him my Indian story and talked about how slumdogs didn’t have money to eat. Ah damn forgot it’s Ramadhan. Sorry dude. T_T

I approve! Since it’s the internets contribution, it’s my turn to contribute back lol.

Hairkunst, The Curve, Damansara,
Lot 226, 2nd Floor
6, Jalan PJU7/3, Mutiara Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-77105585

Kthx good night!

Miracle Cure for Sinusitis: A Plane Ticket to India.

August 26, 2009

Since young, I have been struggling not only with acne but also a persistent nose condition. Say hello to sinusitis. I believe 8/10 of you reading this blog *might* be a fellow sufferer.

First thing you should do when you wake up is to breathe in fresh air. That’s so idealistic dude. The first thing I feel every morning is the reluctance of waking up AND the familiar morning nose itch and drip. It’s unbearable and ruins your daily routine, especially when you’re in the middle of socializing, giving presentations, in fact, doing practically everything; to have sneezes and agonizing itches drive you crazy in the midst of important business. Are you guys familiar with juggling tasks while holding on to a piece of tissue to control the unbearable drip accompanied with an itch? I’m one of them. It’s disgusting, I know, but I can’t help it. 😦

So before I went to India, I stocked up my supply of Nasonex (nasal spray) and anti-histamines, in preparation of the losing battle I need to fight.

I thought the culprit for my condition was my extreme sensitivity to anything dusty.

I was soooooo damn wrong. My trip to India debunked EVERY SINGLE speculation I have as to what contributed to my sinus issues.

  • First, India is 101x more dusty than Malaysia. And the air condition is pure shit (pun) there, what with the cow dung and all. My air-cond vents are so stuffed with dust, you need to scrub them vigorously to get them off the filters.
  • Second, India’s roads are not as well-paved as Malaysia. Which means their cars are usually parked on sandy pavements and you’ll be attacked by sand everytime you walk or when a car drives by.
  • Third, India is REALLY dusty. Read point 1.
  • Fourth, India is not exactly the most hygienic place. Trash is everywhere and there are all sorts of weird fumes coming out from unknown objects abandoned by litter bugs.
  • Fifth, India is simply very crowded. Even though the country is second largest next to China, the amount of people there is overwhelming. And a LOT of them have cars, and the traffic there is legendary! Imagine the amount of exhaust fumes… And count in the cows too, there are an abundence of them, they fart and burp, it’s CO2, you know. Air in India is terrible. The stench and quality alike.

All the five points above were my worst fears. I felt that I was condemning myself to hell when I decided to go to India.

I was WRONG.

My nose was perfectly fine in India. Not one single drip nor a single sneeze. No itch too. I’ve tried to defy this condition for many years, but I’ve finally accomplished the impossible, unexpectedly. I won the battle over sinusitis. By traveling to India.


Weird hor? My parents used to be fiercely protective by keeping me away from all forms of dust. Which loosely translates to donating my plush toys to charity and wrapping them up in plastic. Or not allowing me near the area when there’s cleaning of dust involved. T_T

Vain efforts, I tell you.

It’s incorrect to conclude that sinusitis is caused by dust and dirty air. I totally debunked that! Or to rephrase, maybe it’s the different characteristics of dust between the two countries. Or maybe even flower pollen! Plenty of greens at my area but not in India. And nope, it’s not humidity either, India is so humid right now, my house doors have expanded to the extent that they can’t be closed properly. Geng leh?

So, if you have been ravaged by the terrible symptoms of sinusitis, buy a plane ticket to India. Guarantee not a single itch, sneeze or drip when you’re there. Guarantee over my, erm, strand of hair. Not worth an arm. XD

Who needs Mythbusters when you can have the Chaborkia? 😀

Goodbye India.

August 21, 2009

Goodbye India.

Indian shoes by you.

It has been a pleasant shopping experience. All the above are less than RM10 omg wtf.

I can rant endlessly about the atrocities of this country; how the most favourable delicacy in the whole of Gujarat state made me shit bricks; how the persistent honking culture of the Indian traffic left me with mild ringing ears; how my heart’s capacity is pushed to it’s limits when I’m riding an auto-rickshaw; how my nasal glands withstand the stench true to India…

And I’ll never forget the peculiar hospitality of the people here. Some are so friendly they just drench your heart with honey; while some leave you baffled at their behaviour, standing in front of you to gawk on and on and on. In the literal sense! And rudely, mind you.

… But I really need to admit, India has a beautiful charm that can be found nowhere else in the planet. Read: where lah in the world to find old crumbling buildings with spectacular architecture, only to have it left to rot by lazy (corrupt!!!) modern civilization who refuses to lift a finger to restore it’s magnificence? And where lah you can find so many cows and goats that smile benignly at you?

Do consider coming here for a great eye-opening experience…

Just be sure to buy travel insurance.

Wish me safe flight! =)

What, You’re Practicing Hygiene Just Because of H1N1?

August 18, 2009

It’s no secret that I am the world’s biggest hygiene freak. For starters, let me share with you some of my antics at home.

  • When I reach home after a day out, the first thing I do before anything else is to wash my hands and feet. Yes feet too. You have no idea the luxurious feeling of having squeaky clean floors that don’t have muck stuck on them.
  • I never throw my bags or items such as wallets on my bed. Never. Well except for my phone because I’ve been busy SMSing someone for years. *wink wink* Why? Sometimes you’re left with no choice but to place your bag on the floor or the carpet of your car. Okay I wouldn’t mind that, but no way am I introducing germs into my BED.
  • Don’t even get me started when you’re forced to place your handbags on the sink when you’re at a public toilet. Ever seen bloody disgusting dudes sneezing or hacking their life’s worth of scum in a public toilet? It’s bad enough WITHOUT the threat of H1N1. I have no idea why people never pondered about this.
  • I change to fresh clothing when I come back home before I sit on my couch or my bed. After sharing public facilities such as seats (often stained) with unknown people, I really don’t wanna transmit any unnecessary particles to my household items, thank you very much.
  • I absolutely despise it when people sit on my bed after a long day out. Or dump their bags on my nest. I won’t be anal to visitors to my house lah of course. I’m a good host. 😀
  • Once, I visited a skin specialist who was also a sex specialist (talk about the sexpert! XD), my bf was being reluctant to sit on the couch. It was a sex specialist clinic and most probably the patients are struck with herpes or some scary STD. He couldn’t imagine how many patients with rotting crotches sat on the couch before.
  • That’s when I pounced on his point and told him: ‘Okay, so you picture this: If our herpes patient went to Pavilion, sat on the nice clean-looking sofa, and you’re the next guy who sat on that sofa, how leh? That’s why NEVER sleep on my bed after you’ve come back from outside! And always, always wash your hands and change your clothes!’ And he kept quiet. XD

Some people may be saying that I’m way overboard with this whole ordeal, but living through the H1N1 pandemic, do you see my rationale as to why hygiene must be practiced as a lifestyle habit, not due to fear only when a pandemic strikes?

In fact, H1N1 is spreading like wildfire, and one of the reasons being – a lot of people simply do not practice the fundamentals of keeping themselves and their household clean!

Do you really need H1N1 to teach you how to maintain your cleanliness? Just because other diseases are not as contagious as H1N1, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

Keep clean, and be safe!


Reasons why I’m so worked up about this whole H1N1 thing:

  • It ruined Project Akonana. Akonana was supposed to come to India but not anymore no thanks to this shitty virus. Screw H1N1.
  • Bf imposed a 3 day home-quarantine for me when I come back. Okay fine, which means no kissing when I finally get to freaking see him in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lose-lose situation. Screw H1N1.
  • On the same day I land, there’s a party going on! Out of respect of the house owner, I’m not going. I have not been involved in any form of social activities since I freaking came to India. Except for the McDonald’s guy who is friendly with me. XD And now got a party on the same day I land and I can’t go out of caution as well as courtesy. FML. Screw H1N1.
  • I want to go for a facial before I see anyone in KL and I *might* need to do it 7 days later, depending whether the salon permits me to go or not. Need to be nice and ask whether they mind mah, right? Screw H1N1.
  • Certain cities in India have no finances to buy any thermal equipment and if you’re saying that KLIA scanning is abysmal, wait till you check out India. When I first landed in India, I was given a form to fill about my health condition, and nobody took it from me. People who’ve visited high-risk zones were never tracked down and now they’re panicking? Screw yourself, you idiots. It’s your fault that your people are dying. Eat more lah eat more! Corrupt sial. Screw H1N1.
  • My dad will be escorting me to the international airport. Never mind if I kena Jackpot or Toto, but my dad, I don’t want anything happen to him during our trip together. I’ll be worried sick. Screw H1N1.

Perhaps it’s time to set up a website similar to FML, but instead of ending the posts with FML, you end it with Screw H1N1.

Hahahaha bye.

Defragmenting Chaborkia… 1 – 100%.

August 18, 2009

This was supposed to be a post about some funny picture that I took in the tourist spot that I went to but I’m so muddled up, the edited pictures turn out like shit. And see? My sentence so long, I forgot how to use a comma. I know that your bodily fluids exit you when you suffer from diarrhea, I didn’t expect my fun writing streak to be flushed down the loo as well.

No inspiration. Grrrr. Can I defragment myself so that I can fully utilize disk space in my head?


Thai-dal Wave, It Happened.

August 15, 2009

Have been down and sick for the past… 3 days. For me, it was just pain, endless visits to the toilet, and even more pain. Was so weak I just slept off 3 jolly good days where I could have done so much. @@


The People of Teen Darwaza, India.

August 11, 2009

Teen Darwaza, so full of colour.

Goat Goat by you.

Because I was there. HAHAHAHA so vain.

Here is a compilation of the natives of an old city in India.

Impatience by you.

Typical day of traffic congestion in India. Bad attitudes don’t help yo. Note the fella hanging out from the truck, impatience. Note the dulan look on the cyclist, impatience. Look at the funny guy in the kid’s helmet, impatience! Look at how everyone is determined to stuff themselves into whatever space available.

Slumdog by you.

Typical scene for traffic users – slumdogs groping passengers and motorists for money. We were inside the auto rickshaw and she kept on touching us. Eurgh. And the funny thing is, locals here scold slumdogs and chase them away. I don’t know if it’s for the sake of our comfort, or there is something going on between the two classes.

Okay on to the merchants of Teen Darwaza!



The Goat That Smiled at Me.

August 9, 2009

Yesterday, I went to Teen Darwaza (translate: Three Gate), an ancient monumental area at the old city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I took a LOT of picture. Now THIS place really reflects India’s true culture. India is big, tourist attractions aren’t limited to just the Taj Mahal at Mumbai, hence you’ll need to make do with the ones closest to where you’re visiting. But honestly, I don’t expect tourists to come to this part of India for an excursion anyways. I ain’t in no Goa, the land of beautiful sunrise and beaches. *Sigh*

So gimme time to process my pictures of this place okay? I hope the batch turns out good.

Meanwhile entertain you with… The goat that smiled at me. They’re such benign and innocent beings, why are they so tasty? I feel guilty lah. T_T

the goat who smiled at me by you.

And I think that fella tried to eat my 100 dollar blouse (no lah not so expensive, 40% off). He was sniffing my shirt when I leaned over to pet him. No way dood.

Have a happy weekend peeps!

UPDATE: A Reader LOLGoat Joke

Reader Zikri wrote:
goats are cute!

during my neko-chan documentary we visited this family who kept goats as pets. During our break, one of their goats came up to me and started rubbing it’s head on my shoulder
that was the weirdest show of affection I’ve received from an animal thus far

I replied:
i think your goat was trying to mate with you

you’re nuts lol. eh goats eat everything. my goat ate Apollo wafers. -.-

I said:
and yeah mine tried to sniff and nibble off my shirt wtf.

he wanted to rip your shirt of before mating

Okay I admit I kena pwn there. -_-

The Famous Kankaria Lake of India.

August 5, 2009

So I was at the famous Kankaria lake in Gujarat for the second time last weekend. The first time I went there, I came back a roasted chaborkia. The 44 degrees summer heat does not complement a walk at the lake side at all!

This round, though, the long-anticipated monsoon season sorta failed. No rain, just blue skies and a light breeze. Hence, we went for some bird-sighting. There are no more places for us to go, we’re tired of the malls, and places of worship aren’t our thing (I want to but no cameras allowed).


Kankaria is the biggest lake of the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. With an approximate circumference of 1.4 miles (2.3 km), it represents the regale history of Ahmedabad. It is located in the southern part of the city in Maninagar area, which is the most densely populated suburb of the city, mostly consisting of middle class people. Kankaria was built by Sultan Kutubuddin in 15th century A.D. The work was completed in 1451. Its ancient name is Hauj-E-Kutub. It also consists of a water purification system but it is lost with the time. At one point of the circular lake, there opens a walkway which later merges into a garden called Nagina Wadi (means beautiful garden in Urdu) that is located in the center of the lake. There is also a gym in the Kankaria lake campus which is called Ambubhai Vyayamshala.

Lighting and special effects on the walkway and sumptuous food of the restaurants in the central garden make the lake a worthwhile place to visit or spend an evening. Kankaria is well-known for its junk food in the entire province of Gujarat. At night, the junk food business soars up. Especially in the summer between months of March and June.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

There is nothing special about this lake at all. Screw ‘fancy lighting and sumptuous food’. Toilets are atrociously dirty (so dirty I daren’t even watch), restaurants are unhygienic to the max (it’s common standard for locals (no offence); but foreigners, please steer clear), and the cleanliness is just okay compared to the streets outside.

Oh, did Wikipedia mention the beautiful garden Nagina Wadi? Scrap that too dude. There is nothing beautiful at all! It’s yet another stretch of walking path with trees, and they charge us 10 rupees each to enter that place! And the security guards are so determined to earn another 30 rupees from camera owners, they keep hogging you as you stroll through the garden.


Okay on to the pics.

You’ll see all sorts of different exposure for my pics coz I was picking up various Photoshop lessons along the way so it’s not consistent. When can I edit pics with consistent color like a pro lah? Lol…

kankaria entrance by you.

The entrance of Kankaria Lake. There are several entrances around the round spherical lake, you can’t miss it.

ticket window by you.

The gold-miner. Pun intended. Ticket window or the guy, you decide.

Just click ‘Read More’ lah! Got leng lui to see, no lie wan!


A (Slum) Dog’s Life at India.

August 3, 2009

UPDATE: I’ve added a little bit of background stories about the pics to this post.


No, Slumdog Millionaire ain’t no fragment of the director’s imagination. Poverty is happening in India right when you’re lounging at a costly restaurant somewhere in KL. And for me, lounging in restaurants usually means I am undecided on what to eat. Sui hor? We’re so spoilt for choice and yet we still have 101 things to complain.

well fed by you.

We’re like this well-fed kid. Rich jor some more lan ying.

I think his family is trying to train him up to become’s Bollywood’s next biggest thing. According to some sources, Bollywood dances are full of dancing talents. These people might just be finding a way to weave through the competition and to reach stardom to avoid the terrible living conditions that some have to go through.

See the pics, and FEEL the lives of these poor people. If our Bolehland gahmen continues to rasuah kao kao, I don’t see why we wouldn’t end up like this one fine day. Tsk tsk.

Slumdog No Millionaire

playing children by you.

This is what we call ‘home’. Usually homes like these consist of two or three families within. They sleep on the floor, cook with only 1 pot, no gas stove, and drink direct from the tap. Mind you, India doesn’t have an Indah Water equivalent, that’s why ‘Delhi Belly’ is apparent in foreigners. Never eat roadside food and drink only bottled water when you travel here.

scavengers by you.

It’s a dog’s life: Scavenging whatever I could eat before the mongrel gets to it first. Yes, the poor slumdog’s nutrition consists of whatever leftover the people throw out. And if DBKL doesn’t buckle up, I think Bolehland’s streets will be something like the above lah.

tents by you.

Just make yourself at home: The majority of the population live like this, with no roof and no cement floor in between them. Some of them don’t even have tent material for shelter.

family of slumdogs by you.

Say hello to my family: A family of slumdogs trailing behind their young mother. Much, much too young. After my dad gave Rs.10 to the little girl behind (look closely), the whole family came and hoarded us. Groped us, touched us, talked in Hindi / Gujarati with us, keep on doing the ‘food to mouth’ gesture. All they want is just to eat.

home by you.

Unemployed due to recession? I don’t think so. Welcome to my life.

Did you notice that they can produce soooo many children under this type of horrible conditions? No house, no roof, no cover, no surroundings, PLUS they already have several existing children to tend to. I wonder how they ‘DO’ stuff lah. It’s these instances that I truly pity their offspring, doomed to lead the lives their parents led – begging for money and starving, wandering aimlessly… No thanks to the gahmen nor the people here.

aunty slumdog by you.

All in a day of work: After selling her produces, this aunty calls it a day and sleeps on this dingy little corner beside a tarmac road filled with trash.

boy slumdog by you.

Feed me please?

– END –








