Archive for June, 2009

You’re Doing It Wrong, LOL Goat.

June 28, 2009

Who needs the chicken cross the road joke when you have LOL goat?

lolgoat by you.

Dude, you’re doing it wrong. Run before I eat joo.

I was wondering why among the two meat shops, the right one seems to have more business…

… Till I took this picture of the two respective bosses of the shops.

lolboss by you.

It pays to have a boss NOT look like a… duh… erm… teh-lah-list.

Discovered: Bourjois and Max Factor in India by the Malaysian Chabor! Spree? :D

June 27, 2009

Hi guys! Just got back from my weekend outing. As usual, another mall raid.

shopping in india by you.

Top is 600 and skirt is 700… Rupees. ๐Ÿ˜€

I dun think these two match, but I was just trying it out at home. Fitting rooms here are dangerous – the pr0n industry is booming with tons of MMS on sale, featuring girls trying out outfits in various malls in India.


And guess what? I discovered a Bourjois and Max Factor cosmetic counter, right here in India! And the hygiene standard far surpasses any typical mall here in Ahmedabad City. Kononnya Designer Mall. I wonder how many of the population can afford to visit here. >_> In fact, the mall was empty! @@ I only see an Audi and a BMW parked outside. And there I was taking a Rs.30 (RM3 +/-) auto rickshaw to this ‘designer’ mall. LOL wtf.

I was hogged down by a Bourjois girl swatching whatever eyeliner she got her hands on. Typical Indian salesperson, but slightly more friendly than those from normal malls.

swatch by you.

Suprisingly they don’t budge when I tried rubbing it off, and when I flushed it with water, all the liquid liners went off except for the pencil liner (gray one). o.O And DON’T LOOK AT MY HAIR WTF.

I’m pretty excited to see this two brands here. Anyone wanna spree? ๐Ÿ˜€

India’s Attractions – Law Garden Bazaar~

June 25, 2009

Ahmedabad (city – think Kuala Lumpur), a city in Gujarat (state – think Wilayah Persekutuan) , India (duh – Bolehland of course) is hardly a tourist attraction sorta place. But for me, it’s really a chance to let you taste what India is about… You can’t get this experience anywhere… The scent of cow shit, people spitting and urinating at the streets in full view, beggars who can grope at you to beg for money, etc etc.

Ah sorry I’ve strayed off a little.

Welcome to Ahmedabad’s famous Law Garden bazaar. Law Garden itself is a famous garden, sorta like Titiwangsa. Will blog about the garden later on.

rows of mongers by you.

Right behind the trees, is a little stretch of street is famous for it’s handcrafted items.

welcome to law garden by you.

See the colourful and intricate bedsheet? Oh so nice, but not practical to sleep on.



Men are Vulnerable to the Word ‘Sales’ Too.

June 22, 2009

My dad was delighted at the sight of cheap mangoes going on sale in India and bought all these in one go.

lolmango by you.

See our boxful of mangoes! Got a rat faint inside pulak!

lolmangoes 2 by you.

I think… About 6 breed of mangoes here. Surprisingly the green ones can sometimes be sweeter than the deceivingly red one.

This goes to show that men are also vulnerable to the words ‘Sale’ and ‘Great Savings’.

To Do a Yim Jim.

June 20, 2009

A little while back I was at a friend’s blog reading her latest entry, hurt over some relationship issues. I dropped her a comment to cheer her up.

Everyone in a relationship naturally knows about the whole ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ debacle, right? I dunno you lah, but ever since entering college and mingling with kids full of raging hormones; what with the mingling around with guy friends and all the gossiping we girls share among ourselves, I’ve sorta have a conclusion of my own on how the male brain works.

So my comment to my friend went something like…

‘It’s alright, it’ll pass. Guys are like that! Our minds and priorities are different, maybe it was all just wrong timing. I’ve experienced what you’ve been through actually. Try pulling his ears next time when he’s not behaving, that helped for my bf, he seems a lot more better now. :D’

Surprisingly enough, an Anonymous guy butted in to comfort the girl too. With an extra message targetted at me. O.O

Boys and girls are different species with different senses, mindset, EQ, etc… Things that you think work for you might not work for a guy, and vice versa. -Insert comforting words-



PS: Chaborkia, ur bf not bad loh, dun so ‘yim jim’ liao, hehe…

Definition of ‘yim jim’ – picky in cantonese

Ever since I read this message, Iย started calling my bf Jim, Yim Jim.

Simply because his surname is Yim and he was the anon who tried to be funny with me.


Gotcha! Ngek ngek.

Chabor’s Shopping Loot from India~~~

June 17, 2009

Bummed but not dead yet. =D

Let me intro a little about shopping in India. It can be a very unpleasant experience. If I had my way, I’d just be generally cursing all the Indian sales persons to bits without explaining.

The sales persons in India are simply nasty. They can stuff with you lots and lots of things you are not interested to see, only to turn into a murderous vampire who wishes nothing but to kill you when you do not make a purchase. So your best bet will be keeping a distance from them, and don’t get over-friendly nor spend too much time thinking over an item. If you want it, just grab it, don’t mope around. If you mope around and end up not buying, the people here can turn VERY nasty.

And I bought all the items below from reputable shopping centers. Of all the places that I shop in Incredible India, I shop in a MALL?!!!!!! I should be scavenging around the streets of India, exploring the shops and seeing what the native Indians really do.

Haha, I thought so before I came here. How naive I was. If the sales person in India from a reputable shopping mall can turn so nasty, imagine what those street-side shops can do to you when you walk out their shop without making a purchase. Tried already, they seem to take it very offensive if you enter and don’t buy. I was so eager to really explore but wound up hurt and disappointed. Am never going back to those street-side shops again!

But I dunno lah, we’re like the only foreigners in the whole of this city.

Okay, back to my purchases!

Shopping anytime brightens a girl’s day! I especially love going to countries where the exchange rate is low, like Hong Kong. OMG so syok can just live there forever! Prices are bolded and in Rupees.

orange print fabric by you.

India is cotton land! They sell this type of fabrics in abundance. Typically comes in 3 pieces. Rs.499



Project Akonana: Still Pending.

June 17, 2009

prince by you.

The current project status is still on hold due to some lousy management. The chabor is frustrated (not at Akonana).

A bit too bummed to blog properly, but I’ll kickstart myself soonish. Hope the lousy heat headache will evade me tomorrow. 41 friggin’ degrees and the monsoon is delayed. Air-cons don’t solve the problem – They only make me feel even more sluggish! =(


The Sights and Sounds of India.

June 12, 2009

Showing you guys the sights and sounds of the area that I live, as I cruise along the streets to run our weekly family errands.

First, let me start you off with a burly Bollywood star an Indian police man.

lan ying by you.

Yeng leh?

taxi by you.

Although India’s main transportation is their auto rickshaws, there are comfortable taxis for you to call when you need ’em.

bmw by you.

It’s most comfortable when you have a daddy who can afford you one of these, a BMW 7 series OMG. (Sorry dear Akonana I know you’ll barf when you see this. -_-)



Say Hi to my Indian Mangoes.

June 11, 2009

Mango lovers, rejoice! I’m here to tantalize you with mangoes that I can buy with Rs. 20 (that’s about RM2 +/-) per kg and you paying RM10+ per kg in KL. Kakakakaka.

fruit store by you.

Tis’ the mango season and every fruit stall is selling these babies.

types of mango by you.

Various types of mango available in India are:

  • Alphonso (most expensive, not necessarily the most tasty)
  • Safeda (cheapest, but IMHO tastes the best, melts in your mouth)
  • Kesar
  • Rajapur
  • Tatapuri
  • etc.

alphonso by you.

The sweet aroma of the fruit is in the air…

mouse mango by you.

Even the mice disguises itself to try and get itself close to these babies.

Pile upon pile of mangoes heaped against one another.

mango's expressions by you.

So fat and juicy, they can obscure nearly half of my face.

mango vs face by you.

They come in all shapes and sizes. I find this one particulary cute. Something like the Uno shape, ya know?

cute mango by you.

Been stuffing my face with mangoes for the past month since I’m here. Mango season will be ending soon to greet the arrival of the monsoon.

Om nom nom eats more.

nom by you.

Too bad Akonana MIGHT be coming a tad too late for the mango season. =(

Doing a Bella without the Edward.

June 10, 2009

Coming to India is just like doing a Bella. Leaving behind Phoenix and banishing herself to Forks because she wanted to give her mother freedom to live with her husband. (Go read Twilight nao if you dunno what I’m talking about OMG Edward Cullen yums)

I’m feeling the full blow of social withdrawal right now. As I emphasized several times, civilization is not what it seems in India. I’ve made friends, yes, but none that I dare approach close. Being the odd one out, I try not to get too much attention (especially guys, never see cinapek and cinagirl before). There ARE good people out there, but being outsiders, we always maintain constant vigilance. So social acquaintances are just the usual hi’s and bye’s and the awkward laughter when facing a cultural conflict, then there’s the whole head-shaking thing, PLUS the adaption of my English to suit their accent. I swear I’m feeling rusty now.


My TARC mates have already moved on to Advanced Diploma, constantly whining to me about their new assignments and the new event to handle. As much as I feel a sense of belonging while talking to them, I really have no idea what’s going on. In essence, yes; but sadly, life isn’t just all about essence; life is multi-faceted.

Then there’s my bro and his wifey. I miss them too. Going to the gym in India is but an effort to keep in shape and trying to persuade my mom to work out more. I miss our sessions so much. T_T Oh well, what am I to worry? There is already someone to cook for my dear gege anyway. My services are no longer needed? LOL no lah. He still needs someone to scold and nag. =P

And finally my dearest Akonana. Some asked whether I was worried about leaving him. As in, leaving him ALONE and openly allowing potential new threats (!) to invade our relationship?

Threats? Scared of him seeing new girls?! *OMAI GOD I LOLZ* Not really. Ask him to try and find someone more awesome than me after all these years. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The whole insecurity thing while being away from your partner for a long period of time is really sick. Anyone parted from their partners so far away ought to be worrying about their partner’s well being, not fretting whether he’d see someone else. So scrap that!


Yeah, full blown social withdrawal now. I feels it.

But the fuel that keeps me going is seeing my parent’s happiness at my presence. Mom blew me a fly kiss before retiring to her room and that filled my heart with strong affection.

It’s a two-barbed wire. When I’m in KL, I miss them. When I’m in India, I miss him. And every facet of my life. My gege, my friends, KFC, beef, pork, etc. Whaddaf.

Stay strong, chabor. Remember the fly kiss! =)

PS: If you were lazy to read the full text, let me sum it up for you. I’m lonely here ok. I like writing lengthy long cheong hei blog posts simply because I’m THAT awesome.