Archive for April, 2009

A Day of Bukit Tinggi with Akonana.

April 28, 2009

view by you.

I was in the Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi today. It’s mostly known as the French Village in layman’s terms. Off from the hustle and bustle of the city. Sure, everyone is telling me how boring this place is, but you can’t get any closer to good quality air than here. Times are bad – Not a great time to go to waterfalls or rivers at Hulu Langat as a couple – Later kena tie to trees by sakai or kena catch away to boil soup. Akonana as main dish for meat source and me as soup condiment (bones).

colmar tropicale by you.

All the pictures look so glam and lovely right? To be honest, the pictures are just telling a big fat lie.

If you expect a thrilling time at Berjaya Hills, please don’t bother coming here. It’s boring and dull and the street is less than half a kilometer long. The pictures are so colorful and wonderful – Don’t forget, there are lots of architects, engineers, designers and all sorts of artists to make sure everything looks photogenic enough to splay across advertisements and lure unsuspecting people to pay RM10 to walk the ‘village’.

But for us, we just wanted a cool, clean and safe getaway. So this will do. 

two of us by you.

So photogenic, so unreal. Pretty but utterly useless place.

Next round I come here, I’ll just head directly to the Japanese Tea Garden. Please do not be fooled by the name too – There is no garden for you to enjoy tea or whatnot. However, there is a pretty little cozy place to breathe and relax while sipping normal Japaneses green tea in one of the overpriced restaurants. 

Views are pretty scenic too but no pics coz I do not want to promote a lousy place to my readers. I just want to remind you guys myself of the sweet time we spent together so here’s some couple pics to annoy you.

akonana and me by you.

Akonana just finished yawning.

The environment at Japanese Tea Garden was so good we can just doze off amidst the cooling air and the warmth of the above average green tea served at the restaurant, listening to the songs of nature.

My dearest Akonana, I hope you enjoyed the time we had today. 3 months after I’m back from my trip, we’ll plan even more trips together, okay? 

french village view with akonana by you.

See lah no makeup at all, I look so unglam in pictures. Le sigh. But at the very least, I look like the world’s happiest chaborkia. 

PS: First time we went to other states, ie. from Selangor – Pahang. Lol.
PPS: To the overprotective sibling I have, thank you for your care, but no thank you for your overwhelming paranoia, but thank you for all the love you have shown to me. 

Berjaya Hills / Bukit Tinggi can be accessed by the Kuala LumpurKarak Expressway. Follow the signs to Genting Highlands, you’ll see signboards leading to Berjaya Hills along the way, follow that. You can’t miss it. When you have reached Berjaya Hills entrance, there will be two routes, one to the Japanese Tea Garden and the other to Colmar Tropicale. Japanese Tea Garden can be accessed by bus or walking after parking your car and the Colmar Tropicale can be accessed by parking your car and taking the lift / staircase to the lobby of the village.




Quick Update for the LULZ.

April 23, 2009

Today is my second year anniversary with the bf. And it’s also our celebration of 7 years of friendship. Cool hor. To think I was secretly admiring this SMS pal just a few years back and now he’s my bf. ^^ Oh, and I must emphasize, I do not believe best friends cannot never become lovers.


Thank you Kenny for the furry cactus. I promise to love it and take care of it. 🙂


I pushed the limits of my eyelashes using Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus, RMK Eyelash Curler and an eyelash heated curler. I wore my lashes proud and sky high but I found that…














My droopy lashes got serve purpose one k. When they are droopy and near my eyes, I suspect they retain my eye moisture.

My eyes are fukken dry today. I had MJ mascara on whole day, and the curl stayed with me 24/7 too. So when the lashes weren’t drooping down my eyes, I suspect all the moisture evaporated because nothing there to retain ’em when my lashes are busy pointing upwards.

Bah what kind of nonsense. 




Today I boarded a taxi at the right hand side. Usually their Taxi Licence is located at the dashboard at the passenger seat right? I had an overwhelming urge to check out the taxi driver’s ID today. I really purposely lean over to look hor.

To my astonishment, the guy’s name tallied with my bf’s surname and his dad’s middle name. OMGWTFBBQSAUCE. 

Me: Dear you told me you have some relative driving taxi right?
Akonana: Yalah my uncle got one drive taxi, but dunno still working or not.
Me: Is your uncle called XXX?
Akonana: Yes… Wtf are you in his taxi nao?

OMG imagine the coincidence. And I didn’t know how to introduce myself to his relative, so I asked:

Hey uncle, do you have a relative called Akonana?

And he give me a pure shocked expression.

*Blank stare*


Chaborkia Noticeboard: On Hiatus. For A Week.

April 22, 2009

Last two exams and I’ll be off college life and in search of bigger and better stuff for my future. Will rest this blog this week for studies, after this will kick back in action! =D

Coastal Scents 88 Palette is somewhat MIA, haven’t get it yet. I am excited to create looks with my palette. I hope it comes to me successfully. =(

Would love to post a nice picture I took during my recent Malacca trip but my fukken Adobe CS4 locked itself up and refused my valid licence key. Adobe personnel has yet to get back to me. Grrrrr. Talk about GREAT customer service.

In the end, it’s still the Dell Webcam that’s the most reliable.

Kudos to those who are following Please lemme study first. One week no update only k. Even got update also bombard you with pimples that I can’t remove without Adobe Photoshop. Bluek!

I will be back. =)

PS: Whoa… Did you note the nice little glow my skin has? My skincare is showing good progress… Once the pimples dry up… I can kiss foundations and concealers goodbye and say hello to light mineral makeup! Yesh! =D
PPS to Akonana: Mineral makeup is kissable k, you don’t have to worry about staining your lips. ^^


April 18, 2009


To my dearest friends Christine, Yee How, Moon and Kenny:

It has been an incredible two years of college life with you guys. And finally, we have reached the point where we need to say goodbye to each other and move on with our lives.

5 of us are the best of friends and always did everything together, and we always excelled in our homework, just because our personality traits and talents complement each other so well. Everything that the college threw at us, we handled it gracefully together. We have created so much memories with each other, remember? 《十月的后巷》, Faces of Malaysia, 《308大选》(except for you Kenny Air Pancut), running around in shopping center to chase people for interview, watch movie, shopping, etc… 

When I found that all of you are staying for Advanced Diploma, my heart feels very heavy – I’ll be the only one breaking off from our wonderful team because I’ve got other plans for my future… Yes, we have been laughing and fooling around for the past few days like nothing happen but deep down my heart is so heavy and I’m always close to tears. Because the prospect of parting from our team is pretty painful to me. All of you left such a deep impression on me… I will never forget all the moments we shared. Thank you for the lovely picture – Our smiles are very nice hor? 我们真的很合作!

I hope after you all experience so much more together for the next two years in Adv Dip, you wouldn’t forget about the Yahoo that has accompanied you throughout our Diploma years… 

After chatting with Christine via SMS for a while, she said that our group will not be the same… But I hope you all will meet with an even better team member and also continue to excel in your studies… Life goes on, right?


Yee How,


YH n YH by you.

He’s not my boyfriend. Shut up.


我的好~瘦焖鸡~姊妹,整天都强调我象小妹妹,知道你大啦!哈铪~真的很荣幸认识你哦,我泡仔的功力没你那么厉害,不过我还是很欣赏你的细心,你的温柔,你对朋友的诚恳。。。至少我的彩妆技术可以跟你fight!哈哈哈哈。。。你在Advanced Diploma要好好加油哦,Yee How, Christine and Kenny有在你身边,相信你在Advanced Diploma的路途会走得很愉快。我会很想念我们俩发女人疯,谈爱美,爱情的时刻~


Eh you are a banana right? So lame one you… Haha… Eh I can’t believe you’re staying back for Adv Diploma, fuck you leh, now I’m the only one leaving the group… You make me feel so sad… But I still wanna tell you, I’m honoured to meet such a sweet guy like you, BUT YOU STILL FORGET ABOUT MY CACTUS. What the fuck? Lol… Kenny, take care of our gang during Adv Dip, okay? Don’t be too playful oh, studies are important. Our group is fun with your presence. 🙂
womanizer kenny by you.

My wish is when we meet again in the future, we can still smile radiantly as our family picture and enjoy each other’s company. Yes, future we still can meet, but I have seen too many cases where people grow apart because of distance and time restrictions…

I really don’t wish that to happen, so please, let us make an effort to stay together, okay?

I love all of you, not just the 5 of you, but the whole B7. 


PS: 看看我post的时间,我很少那么迟睡的咧~看我那么地为你们~ LOL~






Anyone feeling horny? I have a Horny Goat Complex for you.

April 16, 2009


Day 28 : 2009-04-12 ~ Anyone horny? Take this.

Day 28 - horny goat by you.

Available at Waton’s for RM29.95. When everything seems done, the Horny Goat is here to keep you UP!

topshop shoes by you.

Nice or not? I want a pair of platform heels so badly~~~~~~~~~ T.T I hate Nine West, makes ridiculously nice shoes for ridiculously mid range prices that makes me indecisive. I can afford it but I’ll be so broke for the month I don’t have money to take taxi home in case my bf decides to dump me on the streets. T.T

Oh… These are from Top Shop btw. It is a bit too rugged for my liking, was thinking about matching these with my dresses. Wanted something more girly. Le sigh.

Day 29 : 2009-04-13 ~ Sushi King conned me wtf.

Day 29 sushi king by you.

K lah not Sushi King’s fault. I didn’t know the expensive stuff were not on the RM2 promotion so when my friends rounded up the bill, I paid the fucking most expensive price. T.T

It’s always fun to hang out with my classmates though. 🙂

Day 30 : 2009-04-14 ~ This is just a hamburger!

Day 30 by you.

My brother crazy wan. When I boarded the treadmill, he did all the settings for me and the speed was too slow. So I proceeded to jack up the speed to varying degrees of 7.5 to 9.5 and I sweated like crazy and nearly fainted. I was puzzled, those are my usual speed, why I can’t handle wan? After running only I realize my bro jacked up the Incline to 4 when I wasn’t looking. %&^%%# Imagine climbing a slightly steep hill top speed for 15 minutes. 

Oh ya, after that, when I was doing barbell lifts, he added two of these on either side. He said, ‘hamburger only!’.

Then after he see me go through these effortlessly, he added two more. I threw him a dirty look and he said, ‘double cheeseburger nia!’.


Day 31 : 2009-04-15 ~ NBTD at Papa John’s

Day 31 - akonana date 011 by you.

Two blog owners, one drink, one heart. ❤ 

Day 32 : 2009-04-16 ~ Om nom nom the lala.

B7 steamboat by you.

I am a lala. My camera phone picture pics are crap. Wish I’d bring my camera. I am a chaborkia scared shitless by the Malaysian crime rate. Shit you. Go fugg yourself.

As per the title, I am already expecting the horny Google hoarde entering my blog through very wrong means. Don’t care lah. Horny faggots, you can proceed to shag yourself nao. Babai.

The Day My Aunt Left Us… A Project 365 Approach to Life.

April 11, 2009


Day 22 : 2009-04-06 ~ Women’s Achievement Awards (WAA!)

Looks real right? Actually this pic is just a setup. A setup that required 3 poor students to run amok in a shopping mall, trying to gather a baju kurung and saree clad women to pose for us. Fricking pose for an event that does not exist but must look real and credible. Imagine explaining that to bewildered passer-bys and KLCC security guards. Cheongsam girl is courtesy of a friend’s help.

Day 23 : 2009-04-07 ~ All Women for Earth and Equality

Yet another fake but must look real event courtesy of my course syllabus. Did a press conference where I had to be some sort of fake CEO for a real company and doing a fake event that must look real. Phew what a mouthful. Glad it’s over.

Day 24 : 2009-04-08 ~ My Serious Skincare Regimen Starts TODAY

I have had enough with having oral antibiotics for acne. I have a faint suspicion that I’m not doing it the right way. Hence, grudgingly, I went to EPI Derma Formulation for treatments. Hope they can cure me.

Oh ya, first time I do facial painlessly and don’t go back home with even more pustules to pop by myself. See above for proof.

Day 25 : 2009-04-09 ~ The Day My Aunt Left Us

It’s amazing how news can travel so rapidly. A call from my cousin informed me that my aunt has passed away due to an accident. It took her 0.3 seconds to blurt it out, and it took me several minutes to sink in. I was walking in the streets when I came to an abrupt halt. I cried.

She had only just recovered dramatically from a major surgery and has been well and healthy and had been a good grandmother to her grandchild. She had only just appeared in my brother’s wedding a few months back, full of life and dressed beautifully for the occasion.

Now, she’s gone.

Guys, cherish the people around you – Life is just so so so fragile. I have no idea how people can hold grudges for a long time. Boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, children – If you are mad at your loved one, pull them to a hug and tell them you love them… No anger is worth holding that long if you love the person… Don’t leave it too long, it might be too late then…

Dearest aunt, I hope you rest in peace.

Day 26 : 2009-04-10 ~ Big Foot Eated my Brinjal

See previous post for the LOL factor.

Day 27 : 2009-04-11 ~ My Brother is a Good Cook

Yes, you heard me right. My brother was only halfway through his portion when I nearly reached the end of my bowl and took this pic. My bro is a great cook – Does wonders with herbs and olive oil and all things western, Italian, fusion etc. Anyone wanna hire him? He does professional C&S Engineering too. 😉


Ma, Mai Brinjals Got Maggots.

April 10, 2009

A woman was lying down comfortably at her yoga mat, at peace with the world while doing her meditation.

The phone rang.

“Maaaaaaaaaa there is a maggot in mai ngai gua (brinjal)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111”

Being the loving and patient mother she was, she replied, “Just throw it away if you see anything funny with it.”

With that, she went back to her yoga mat and resumed lying down.


And the phone rang again.

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a lot of maggots ah! Eeeee-yeeeeeeer!”

“What lah you, little bit also make long distance call to complain, in the future how to cook for husband?!!!!”



I got very little cooking experience mah, and maggots are fugly.



Maggots in brinjals irk me particularly because they look fucking disgusting, like sleeping inside the squishy body of the plant. Wtf?! How the hell they get it there? Am never gonna buy brinjals again! I cooked brinjals about the 5th time since I started my culinary adventure, and all 5 times at least one got maggots inside! Shit!

And don’t forget, I’m just another bimbotic fickle chaborkia you see on the street who goes ‘eeeeeeeeew’ at all things yucky. Am. A. Normal. Chaborkia. That’s why I go ‘eeeeeeew’.

Oh ya, I have heard a lot of raves about Jusco’s fresh groceries. Well, don’t be too confident on Jusco’s groceries just yet. I found this in my bunch of brinjals.

Day 26 : 2009-04-10 ~ Big Foot: I can has brinjy?

They stacked about 3 of ’em together, so the spoilt place is well concealed. Like wtf, what happened? Big Foot? got hungry and took a bite? I didn’t know he’s vegetarian. Gawd, why is he a he? I have no clue about Big Foot’s sex either wtf.

Which ends my totally random brinjal post. I guess I will leave the rest of the Project 365 pics till tomorrow. The pics ng lah gang lah.

Good night! I hope you sleep as comfy as the maggy inside my brinjy. 😉


Kids, Cute? Bah Humbug!

April 5, 2009

Day 16 : 2009-03-31 

My lousy CGPA that never improved throughout the semesters. Le sigh. People straight A hor? I straight B. Some more in sync one, B+ B- B+ B-. Symmetry OMG!

Day 17 : 2009-04-01

I’m too lame for April’s Fool. But this ain’t a joke. A real set of Adobe CS4 Student Edition. Dear gege bought this wonderful gift for me last week. No occasion, simply just a gift for his dear younger sister. Love you. ❤ Btw do support original software, RM400++ for the full set of Adobe software, for STUDENTS. Worth every penny IMHO. Comes with lots of training too. 

Day 18 : 2009-04-02


Day 19 : 2009-04-03


Day 20 : 2009-04-04

I stared long and hard at this self portrait, thinking how should I glamourize it with Adobe Photoshop. I looked and looked, finally deciding that I don’t have the sort of taste it takes to induce false perfect complexions and fantastic ‘lighting’ for pictures. Either my taste sucks, or I’m just not in the mood. Once a while, a gal gotta looks fab though. =)

Day 21 : 2009-04-05

After this session of assignment dealing with kids, it further fortified my hate towards them. My friend, who was fond of kids 5 seconds before she was hoarded by the lot of ’em, turned to me and said she needs to consider about whether she really wants kids in the future. Wakakakaka.

There is this one kid the moment he saw me he said, ‘Eeeyer why your face liddat one?’ Fuck, whatever happened to the humble greeting of ‘jie jie’?

Of course, he’s refering to my acne condition. Kids, although extremely well-kept on the outside, have overdeveloped brains no thanks to monster concoctions by melamine milk powder companies that does them no good but to turn them into selfish, stuffed up little beasts. Whatever happened to childhood innocence? It’s all gone. 

Silently, I curse in my heart, I hope you have a bee hive face when you grow up, kiddo.

PS: Kids nowadays have ahmads driving Estimas to pick ’em up for classes. Wtf.
PSS:  Kids nowadays are smart-asses that you wish to strangle the moment they open their mouth to insult you.
PSSS: I REALLY hate kids.


Indifference Is…

April 3, 2009

I was reading the left side of the newspaper, featuring Najib’s face and story, dazed and in wonder what will Bolehland be in the hands of a new leader, when I hear an awestruck “wooooooooow” from my bro behind my back.

“Scary hor, this fella is ruling us now.”

My bro didn’t give me any response so I turned over to throw him a dirty look.

However, his eyes were not directed at the page with Najib’s place plastered all over,


He was looking at the latest Plasma TV advertisement from Panasonic at the other page.

Oh lol?