Tip for Monolid Makeup: Know your own eyes!

A few weeks back I was pretty busy and only used my fingers to do my eye makeup. Unsurprisingly, it turned out pretty bad and out of proportion. Which is then I realized the importance of getting your own eye structure right. Right, as in my own context and opinion. If got better opinion do share girls! 😀

And that is when I’ve also realized the importance of a good brush. No one but yourself can actually FEEL the difference I tell you.

So anyway, I wanted to share my little opinion in finding out exactly where to apply your eyeliner eyeshadow. Because we cannot see our eye socket as obviously as double eyelid girls, there is virtually not much guide for you to see where the makeup goes. If it’s hard for yourself to see the socket, it’s even harder for people to notice your eye structure.

Here’s a little diagram I’ve cooked up. And my graphics tablet breaking down, didn’t really help in the process. -.- Sorry for the noob picture.

That’s right. Trace the outer V by yourself. Example picture~

Just a simple look that I concocted for a shopping day out. 😀 Lower false eyelashes were for, urm, research reasons. XD

How to do this?

Trace your eyeshadow outwards, following your lower eye line. This works really well to compliment your eyes. Plus, it gives off a slightly cat eye look. Sexy much? 😛

I didn’t really have a guide for myself because my eyes were very de flat. Cannot be helped, it’s my mother’s gift. AFAIK everyone’s eyes, regardless of single or double lidded, are different, so work around and see what works best for yourself. 😉

Any questions? I will be happy to help! 😀

Next off, I will show you guys how false eyelashes can really OPEN up your eyes. I swear, Ayumi Hamasaki is the scariest alien I have seen on earth.

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6 Responses to “Tip for Monolid Makeup: Know your own eyes!”

  1. prettybeautiful Says:

    great guide! will show my sis this post!

  2. Ya Hui Says:

    thank you dear. 😀

  3. gloria Says:

    i’ve been looking around for a while for monolid makeup and i stumbled upon this site. thank you so much, and your “noob” diagram wasn’t noobish at all! 😀

  4. Ya Hui Says:

    no problem darling, hope this helped. will be posting a follow-up post. stay tuned! 😀

  5. Fiona Says:

    Hi Chaborkia,
    I find your monolid makeup posts very helpful so thanks for making them and I hope to see more in the future! 🙂 Do you have this problem where when you look down/close your eyes, the eyelid area seems to bulge out/look swollen? I have this problem and I don’t know how to get rid or minimize it 😦 Do you know what I’m talking about?

  6. Ya Hui Says:

    hi there Fiona,

    thanks so much for your kind feedback! as for the problem, do you mean you have a lot of fatty tissue at your eyelids? a pic will be nice, can always email me and we talk about it. 🙂

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