Archive for December, 2008

In Consideration to the Chaborkia’s Audiences…

December 31, 2008

I am halfway through an entry but my sudden bout of acne breakout (lack of sleep) is gonna break me down in tears. T.T I say in consideration with you all is because I don’t want to mar your eyes with the fugliness of a bee hive face. LOL. So sleep more, face gets well, hope in return I can take pictures with a good complexion for your viewing pleasure.

So yeah, good night. Will finish my post tomorrow. Complete with pictures! Stay with me people. 🙂

Ngee’n There, D’Ann That.

December 28, 2008

The Chaborkia was here during Christmas eve, amidst the crowd, shamelessly posing for the Canon boy’s EOS 350D.

I wish he had his prime lenses with him, the result could end up so much better. 😀

Plus a very short and simple verdict for Ngee Ann City’s shopping and all the malls within vicinity:
Expensive, over-rated and too high crass. If you are deeply affected by the economy crisis, don’t let me catch you lining up outside Coach / Gucci / LV to hog for luxury items. Luxury items are still luxury items and they’re still expensive after sales. Bleh. SGD20 t-shirt I also think thrice and quadruple times before I part with my money. In fact, I am so cheapo I NEVER pay RM20 for a normal t-shirt. Eat that. 😛


My Likes and Dislikes about SINGAPORE – A layman’s guide to the Sunny Island.

December 27, 2008

Hi guys! I’m back. Doing my charcoal mask I bought in Daiso, Singapore for a mere SGD2 while writing this post.

Say hi!

Do you miss me?

I know it’s disgusting, but please give room for my bf to process the travel pictures from his DSLR. We didn’t have decent sleep during the trip! And my lower back hurts like mad even though I’m wearing totally flat shoes during the trip wtf.

Anyway, I’ll keep this post short and sweet about Singapore.


I like Singapore because~

  1. Singapore is so so so so so clean. But you can’t warp human nature totally. There are still litter bugs everywhere on Earth. But I think the litter on Singapore are probably litter from Malaysian tourists or such lol. To make you understand my point clearly, Singapore’s cleanliness can be described as even toned skin with rare blemishes occasionally.
  2. The transportation system is just wow! But not as wow as the one in Hong Kong. Still a bit confusing for first timers visiting the island.
  3. You can walk on the street, strut your stuff and not worried you’ll get robbed or harassed.
  4. Very small amount of foreign workers.
  5. Everything is pretty orderly there and the people are pretty law abiding too. No jaywalkers and the city layout is so perfect, if an accident were to happen, it’s sheer bad luck on your side. >.<


I dislike Singapore because~

  1. You hop over to any of the food stalls and Singapore and the normal bowl of mee costs about 3 dollars. Oh wait, 3 dollars? WTF same as KL leh! But once you look at the exchange rate, you will got OMGWTFBBQ sauce!!!!!!!!!11111 Drink one Coke cost SGD2 nia, buy Subway sandwich SGD12 nia, cheap mah. In fact, totally same as KL. All is well, except after you exchange the thing. YOU FREAKING PAY DOUBLE FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!1111
  2. No leng zai. 😦
  3. The shopping centers are very extreme – Either it’s too high class, eg Takashimaya, or it’s too low class, like the ‘mall’ in Toa Payoh. Gosh, is that even a mall?! Anyway, note those titled ‘CapitalMall’. I dunno what it means, but usually malls with that sign are pretty decent.
  4. There is one BIG issue I have about the MRT system. If you buy a one trip ticket, you need to get back your deposit. Eg if you are taking a SGD2 trip, you pay SGD3. Then the leftover SGD1 you must line up and take back your deposit. Like wtf we got so much time meh? What about poor noobish tourists like us?!!!!!!!!!
  5. Food sucks food sucks food sucks food sucks. And the place still got lala even though so high crass. Must be Johor girls.


Interesting Facts you should know when shopping in Singapore:

  • Brands such as Topshop, MNG and such are not recommended shopping hideouts because let’s say,

2 jerseys for SGD79

you will find the same in KL

2 jerseys for RM79

You do the math lah wei.

  • And if you hit Daiso Singapore, it’s ALL SGD2. If the exchange rate is in favour with you, you will spend about RM4.XX nia. KL Daiso in The Curve is selling everything for RM5. Saves you several cents.
  • Even though the city is pretty well organized, because Singapore’s MRT has 3 transit lines, it can be pretty confusing. So be careful!

And the city is seriously not that big. I lived in YMCA, and although it was stated that Dhoby Ghaut is the nearest station to the hotel, I found that City Hall station is also very close to my hotel. Wtf?! Small island mah.

Somehow the similarity between the Singapore MRT and Hong Kong MTR is bugging me. Same company?


Comparison and Contrast between Singapore and Malaysia:

MRT is so clean and high tech whereas LRT looks so broken and shabby AND dirty. Yes I keep mentioning dirty because it’s the fact. AND, MRT does not emit any foul smell during rush hours. LRT, on the other hand, emits a foul odor of sweaty bodies and unbathed ones during any period of the day. Come on Malaysians, get yourself a bath or a deodorant.

The maids in Singapore and Malaysia
You see Malaysian maids all look oily and caked up with el cheapo cosmetics and see them hogging Kota Raya to buy weird skincare (eg Jelita, Ayu or all sorts of nonsense brands?). Well, I visited a friend’s humble little HDB home and found her maid to own Nivea body lotion, Loreal skincare and etc. WTF? So high crass.

The LV and Gucci issue
You see KL a lot of dodgy old aunty holding LV but wear clothes coming out from pasar malam. But Singaporeans carry an air of elegance when holding their prized luxury item.

That, and the fact that they’re obsessed with the Gucci monogram design. Like, eeew?

And, they hog luxury brands’ year end sale, just like any kiasu Malaysian would.

Singapore taxis vs Malaysian taxis
I didn’t want to write this. But right after I stepped out of my bus, I was greeted by the sight of touts targeting at poor tourists. Which reminds me of the countless number of dirty taxi seats, attempts to harass myself or female friends by the drivers, the foul stench, the MAD driving.

Singapore, on the other hand. The taxi service can really blow you away. First things first, they’re not smelly, the drivers are usually clean and proper, the seats are clean, the seats are clean, the seats are clean. Not only the seat is clean, the overall cab is clean and properly washed.

I really have no idea why Singaporeans need a car to get around the city. OMG! But, it’s farking expensive to enter a taxi in Singapore. SGD3 for the first 1km and 20 cents for the next consecutive distances. I think it’s their attempt to cut down petrol usage in favour of the environment. And their taxis use nice car one you know, not half broken down cars that emits weird noise when you’re in it.

Cosmetics that are not found in Malaysia but can be found in Singapore
Lioele, Covermark, Sana, Muji, etc.

The escalators
Certain escalators eg the MRT escalator runs VERY VERY fast. Mind your footing please.


And the point of writing this post is not to express my dislike for Malaysia.

It’s merely to let you contrast the world of differences between these two countries even though we’re just separated by a small stretch of river. Mengapa orang boleh, kita tak boleh?

Good night peeps. Hope I’ll get pics to show you tomorrow. 😉


I am going to SINGAPORE. :D See my makeup stash for the trip.

December 21, 2008

I’ve sorta finished packing all my vanity.

My skin care:

L-R: Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base, Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam, Shiseido Pureness Moisturizer, Shu Uemura cleansing oil disguised as Shiseido, and finally, Simple toner disguised as Shiseido. Wtf? XD

My eye makeup:

In no particular order, Prorance eyeshadow in P17, Anna Sui eye color, Clinique Color Surge Eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge, Pure Luxe Kaleidoscope collection, Bobbi Brown lipstick and Estee Lauder lipgloss. W00t.

And which one of you should I bring? *ponders*

L-R: Estee Lauder, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Diorshow, Lancome, Kate mascara base

Ah yes, I’m all done packing. 😀

Oh wait…

I haven’t freaking packed my clothes! Wtfness… I have officially become a makeup-holic. Makeup first clothes later. -_- From the above pictures, can you tell? I’m a cheapstake, all also using sample size. XD

Ha ha, no lah. Gotta be wise when you spend money on makeup. Mascaras can’t last, why buy a full sized one when you can fish for GWP sizes? That way, you get more variety, innit? 😀 Eyeshadows? Prorance cheap, Clinique is sample size, Pure Luxe cost RM9 nia, Anna Sui, Estee Lauder lip gloss and Bobbi Brown lipstick I steal from my sister-in-law. Cost her a bomb, cost me nothing. XD She never uses them anyway; I can’t stand seeing them lying around waiting to expire. So they’re sorta mine now. 😛

Will update during the trip when possible due to the awesomeness of ze’ Asus Eeepc. Departing 23rd December. Have a very Merry Christmas dear readers. 🙂

Officially my first travel trip with the boyfriend. Can’t you tell, the chaborkia is super excited about the trip. 😀 I miss mommy, though. No one beats her for the best shopping mate award. ;_;

My Cosmetic Warehouse Sales Makeup Haul!!!!! :D

December 19, 2008

My mom has always refrained me from participating in overwhelmingly crowded warehouse sales or unbelievable bargains done by so-called ‘branded’ shops. I finally know why. My mom, is a woman of dignity. Buy what you can afford, she says, why hog the place looking for cheap branded stuff treated like trash? Good old branded items thrown out to the hungry flock like worthless rubbish, I grimace at the thought of that. >.<

Yet, at the same time, I was glad that my girl friend invited me to go to the warehouse sale located at Wisma UOA today. I think I’ve found a winner mascara people! 😀 And bear in mind, it’s UOA, not UOB. We made a detour to OSK/UOB Building just because of that damned alphabet. -_- But the crowd is just too overwhelming. I guess this will be the last time you’ll find me hogging these places. -_-

And, not to mention the dirty sides of warehouse sales. You see lots of uncivilized people opening up the tubes, squeezing them on their filthy hands, stuffing their noses into the item to smell, sticking their fingers in to test the cream, and so on. Gross, isn’t it? Why buy stuff that has been repeatedly raped probed by people?

Argh, I know I’m slapping my own mouth because I was one of the people picking on unwanted trash.

Anyway, here’s my haul.

I got:

– Diorshow Blackout
– Exceptionnel de Chanel
– Clinique blusher in Precious Posy (a lovely pink shade with golden shimmers)
– Clinique eyeshadow in Strawberry Fudge (light pink shade with shimmers and brown as a highlight color)

Lancome Maquicake UV Perfect Forever is FAIL because I think I’ve gotten the old batch who has easily breaking / cracking issues, as per my research here (see post #320) . FYI, if you’re one of those unlucky people who got the older batch, you can approach your nearest Lancome counter to get an exchange.

When I brought it home, I expect compact powders to have strong staying powder and not crumble all over the place. The thing is, I was taking a sling bag and there wasn’t impact. HOW LAH CAN A COMPACT POWDER CRACK just because of my walking beat?!!!!!!! I am not a god damn elephant leh! I don’t stampede, I walk! *Screams*

METROJAYA, you suck actually. Yes, these cosmetic warehouse sales are usually organized by MJ. Why are you selling all these GWP (Gift with Purchases) when they’re supposed to be given out to customers who spent so much money on you? I really dunno the source of these items, honestly. Curiosity got the better of me and I ignored my mother’s wisdom and went to this sort of sale. BUT I’m still glad I did because I think I found a winning mascara without costing a bomb. Ooooh, twice I mentioned liao wor. 😉

Now the question is, WHICH is the winning mascara? Stay tuned people! 🙂


December 16, 2008

If you looked at my previous posts, they are mostly makeup related.

If you look even further back, my blog is loaded with streaks of sarcasm and bits of everyday life humour. My catty little rants, snide remarks, critiques, etc, and doing what girls do best – gossiping.

But now, it’s all makeup. Die lah, have I lost all of my sarcastic streak or my sensitivity towards life issues? I don’t want to live a painted zombie with no depth. I want my depth + being a beautiful zombie chaborkia. Help please?


PS: Please don’t leave me. T.T

Fungus Grows on my Nails LOL?

December 13, 2008

Do these look anything like fungi to you?

I gave a self-satisfied sigh after doing this on myself, and ran out to show them to my brother.

‘Wtf looks like your nails grew some sort of weird fungus.’

Lao eh suddenly kena insulted pulak.


Fine fine, I know it doesn’t look very good, but I still wanna share it out. It’s the exhilaration you get from accomplishing something with your own hands, you know? 😀 And hopefully visitors of my blog will come to appreciate it as well.

If rhinestones weren’t that expensive, maybe I wouldn’t be so stingy to buy more to do my DIY nail art. Le sigh. Anyone wanna sponsor? 😀

Monolid Tip: Ayumi Hamasaki’s Eyes are About to Drop off OMG!

December 11, 2008

Girl eye big big very innocent hor?

Oh lookie there! Big big eyes and long lustrous eyelashes! Isn’t that every girls’ dreams? So dear readers, are most of you envious of those alien dove-like eyes, or are you disgusted by the uber fake look?

Hmmm, for me, I’m definitely not a big fan of that type of look. But it’s funny how everyone seems to be finding all sorts of ways to achieve the big-eyed look. It’s okay to a certain extent, but when you go for desperate measures just to get that, or you think that’s the ‘way’ you should look, that’s gross.

Her eyes are god damn scary to me. Looks like they’re about to drop out.

But I duplicated her look anyway. Just for the LULZ.

My attempt on the ‘squint’ and failing miserably. I look so sleepy! Must be the dead weight anchoring on my eyelid skin.

And I didn’t like it. Hmmm, on second thought, maybe this would be a lovely look for night time outings, but how many times do I get to go out at night lol. I’m not a party animal. XD

Anyway, this post is not about my dislike of Ayumi Hamasaki for god damn leading a cult of fake big-eyed girls. I just plainly wanna illustrate my point whereby you can achieve any look you want by using the right tools.

For monolid girls seeking the look above, all you need is just two pairs of false eyelashes and intense black eyeliner. I used a China made false eyelashes for the top and Inuovi’s false eyelashes for the bottom. Revlon Color Stay Liquid Liner as usual, it’s my drugstore holy grail eyeliner. 😉

Yes, you’ve seen this pair of eyes. It was featured in my previous post lol.

Putting on the bottom false eyelashes dramatically enhances the size of your eyes and again, gives monolid girls a little bit of the catty look that everyone loves and deems ‘sexy’. The key is at the outer edges of the eyes. False eyelashes are curly and long, thus making your eyes look longer and sharper. Works wonders for those with droopy eyes. Good thing innit? 😀

A side by side comparison on the difference that you can achieve just by using the ‘right tools’.

So really, don’t fret about why God gave you the less common monolid. Try and find way to work it, gal. Because, you’re worth it. And I mean it. I’m in no way affliated to L’oreal yeah. 😛

Meanwhile, I think I’ll just stick with my good old normal look. It’s about enhancement, not going for the extreme.

Eyeliner plus upper false eyelashes will do for now. 🙂

Good night beautiful ladies! 😀

It rained one whole day.

December 8, 2008

Is the sky mourning for the Bukit Antarabangsa victims too?

Tip for Monolid Makeup: Know your own eyes!

December 7, 2008

A few weeks back I was pretty busy and only used my fingers to do my eye makeup. Unsurprisingly, it turned out pretty bad and out of proportion. Which is then I realized the importance of getting your own eye structure right. Right, as in my own context and opinion. If got better opinion do share girls! 😀

And that is when I’ve also realized the importance of a good brush. No one but yourself can actually FEEL the difference I tell you.

So anyway, I wanted to share my little opinion in finding out exactly where to apply your eyeliner eyeshadow. Because we cannot see our eye socket as obviously as double eyelid girls, there is virtually not much guide for you to see where the makeup goes. If it’s hard for yourself to see the socket, it’s even harder for people to notice your eye structure.

Here’s a little diagram I’ve cooked up. And my graphics tablet breaking down, didn’t really help in the process. -.- Sorry for the noob picture.

That’s right. Trace the outer V by yourself. Example picture~

Just a simple look that I concocted for a shopping day out. 😀 Lower false eyelashes were for, urm, research reasons. XD

How to do this?

Trace your eyeshadow outwards, following your lower eye line. This works really well to compliment your eyes. Plus, it gives off a slightly cat eye look. Sexy much? 😛

I didn’t really have a guide for myself because my eyes were very de flat. Cannot be helped, it’s my mother’s gift. AFAIK everyone’s eyes, regardless of single or double lidded, are different, so work around and see what works best for yourself. 😉

Any questions? I will be happy to help! 😀

Next off, I will show you guys how false eyelashes can really OPEN up your eyes. I swear, Ayumi Hamasaki is the scariest alien I have seen on earth.