Archive for September, 2008

Parting of Ways

September 29, 2008

Just went for counseling regarding my further education today.

I have been in a dilemma when it comes to choosing my place of study. For couples, this will be a parting of the ways if you’re not studying the same subject or have different aims. Being the girl I was, it was a very unbearable thought to be separated with a loved one, not by severe congested Malaysian traffic to reach each other, but hell, now we’re talking about separated by SEAS.

I simply can’t bear that. Even though I’ve cheated myself that maybe parting ways for a good 2 or 3 years is a good thing for us as we’ll be able to replenish ourselves, gain more knowledge, see more and do more without the burden of worrying about your other half, yadda yadda, still, I just can’t bring myself to separate from my partner when I have the option of being close. We don’t have to live under the same roof, but at least within reach, right?

All these worrisome feelings, however, are outdated now as I found out from the counselors that my place of study, clashes with where my dearest is going.


And I was dreading the day comes when we’ll be separated.

Funnily enough, this leads me to think whether being in the same place, doing the same things together will affect our relationship.

Will we grow too used to each other?
Will we become overly dependent?
Will we not be able to be independent because we know we’ll be there for each other?
Will we be too engrossed with each other, we cannot savour the taste of campus life in a foregin land?
Ultimately, will spending too much time together, make us grow bored of each other?

Think, think, think. And I asked my dear when he was driving us home in his cute little car all the way from Subang.

‘Aiyoh, don’t think too much lah, won’t let it happen.’

He, indeed, is not a man of words, as stated in his blog. Yet, he gave me the most adorable smiles and expressions to prove his point. Frustrating it is to have a boyfriend who won’t coo you with sweet verbal nonsense (oh wait, don’t have meh? Some other ‘type’ of verbal I guess, ha!), I have to learn to appreciate what I have. Afterall, how many people can actually genuinely love you just because you’re you, and not for any other reason?

How can I not believe someone whom I have known nearly half my life, and hopefully will get to know continually for the rest of my life? I have great confidence in our relationship. Us.

You hear me, dear? Both of us. Because we’re single. United.


Ma, Papaya = Boob Growth?

September 25, 2008

My mom boiled the most lovely papaya soup that I’ve ever tasted today.

Well, to justify that, it was the first time drinking such a soup, as she can hardly find papayas that are suitable for cooking as most often we treat it as a fruit. XD

After drinking the soup, a thought struck me.

‘Ma, will it make me grow bigger?’ I used my hands to indicate boob growth, circling over my own boobs.

This was done behind the back of my brother. But, at the very moment when I was about to put down my hand away from my boobs, he turned over after finishing his raid of the fridge. Probably for dessert. That fat, glutton bugger. He caught a slight glimpse of my ‘booby language’.

He looked at his own man-boobs, and said, ‘oh shit, I wouldn’t want any of this growing bigger.’

It really pays to have such LULZ moments to have a brother who is much older, and much wiser, yet have a twinge of childishness in his heart.

Happy Birthday, my gege. Don’t say I didn’t greet you, see whether you read my blog or not loh. ^^

PS: Mind you, when he was slightly younger, his body figure was to-die-for. Now leh? Beh stim liao. Kononnya getting married mah, terlalu hang fook I guess. 😀 Wish you have very very happy life with your wife oh, your relationship is 10++ years liao and you guys are first gf / bf to each other. Wtf!!! I also want!!!

Dear, we’ll make it, yes?! 🙂

The REAL Definition of Lady-Boys.

September 23, 2008

In the Chaborkia’s dictionary, lady-boys are no longer dominated by transvestites. Rather, their position is starting to be threatened by the fairer species. Not us girls, but rather, guys who are getting fairer and fairer and more curvaceous than girls. Guys, who have glowing fair complexion and a practically hair-less face. Guys, who have plucked eyebrows and if God forbid, more voluptous hair than girls. Guys, with skin that outshines any girl alive.

Ladyboys, are no longer dominated by these beautiful girls, er, guys?

Behold, the beautiful and wildly sought after Nong Poy. She’s cute. 😀

You think this is a ladyboy? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

In my eyes, the latest species to be crowned the lady-boy title is…………….























Beautiful, isn’t she? *Looks at her dreamily*

Still dunno who is she? Guess lah. Guess right no prize k. 😀

I’m bound to be soaked with thinner and be chased by loads of fangirls with a burning torch, but oh well. I have made my point heard. LOL.

Monolid gals in Malaysia – Anyone?

September 21, 2008

Single eyelid, or monolid girls, ever got stuck in a rut trying to find a tutorial to teach you how to do eye makeup on yourself, a lesser minority of the world populated by the conventional double eyelids?

It’s pretty frustrating to live in a world where the term ‘double eyelid’ naturally goes along with ‘beautiful’, you see. Whoever said small little Asian eyes aren’t pretty? We have models like Du Juan outshining any model alive with big dove eyes. Come on!

People also eye small small what. 😛

Hence, I’d love to introduce a new section to tutor gals with single eyelids, or also known as monolids, on how to do their eye makeup. Admittedly I am not fond of doing face makeup – foundations, concealers and all that. Still young leh, wanna appreciate my youthful skin no matter how my acne scars mar my looks.

Rather, I prefer dolling up on the eye part and doing the foundation part only when necessary. So anyone with me? If yes I’ll be updating more frequently on the eye looks that I’m doing followed with good quality pictures. And another thing to note is I won’t be using double eyelid sticker, tape and all those to fake a lid. Yucks, why force a lid unto yourself if you’re not born with one? Though… It’d be fun to do it sometimes, with the aid of false eyelashes, haha! See, we have the power, ladies, we can change from single to double at our own will. Isn’t that great?! 😀

Meanwhile here’s less talk, more pics.

Giving my readers, and any monolid girls who stumble upon my blog, a bit of love. *Mwah*

Look ma, who said single eyelid girls cannot do funky eye makeup? *Blek*

Detail details.

For this look, I did a full face makeup. I used:

– Clinique foundation in 69 Honey (N) as an overall base
– Signature Minerals blush in Rose for my cheeks
– Signature Minerals translucent finishing powder to set the whole thing
– Pure Luxe shimmies in Kiss of Moonlight as a highlighter

– Bobbi Brown Long Wearing Gel Liner in Black Ink to line upper lash line.
– Prorance eyeshadow in P17 to fake a double eyelid (it’s the gold part)
– Minerals Mate in Amber Gold (brown)
– Clinique Lash Power Mascara
– Lancome Definicils
– MAC Powerpoint Pencil in Buried Treasure for bottom lash line
– Eyebrow pencil? I dunno the name bwahahaha. Some China brand maybe

Nada. Firstly it’s because I simple fail to find a lip color that suits me, second I have the tendency to kiss my bf whenever his cheeks reach near my lips sooooooooo it’ll be gross to kiss with lip color on. Bleurgh.

On a totally unrelated note to compensate my love for humour… Here’s something for readers:


I holded it in mah hands! Bare hands! OMG!

Okaaaaaaay I think this totally spoils my girly post. Kthxbai. Drop me a comment if you love to see more of my makeup looks yeah! 😀 And remember, don’t let people put you down just because you ain’t a mainstream beauty, just appreciate what you have okay?! Everyone is special in their own way. 😀

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia… DO NOT WANT!

September 11, 2008

In my desperate rush to avoid the 5 pm rush hour, I made a grave mistake. Grave one indeed.

Will you call me a big princess (???) for complaining about this? I don’t really care liao lah, but anyhoo I’ve noticed that 10% of my blog goes to ranting bout my hatred towards ANY bus serivce other than Metrobus.

*Sees you yawning in boredom*

Yet another Metrobus hate post, you say? Yeap. Read on if you want, but this time, to make things interesting, I’d write it via a third person’s perspective, ala ang moh style.

Let’s say I was an angmoh (a pretty dumb blonde with blue eyes, long eyelashes and boobies that beats any Asian ones around in KL) from a land far far away, grateful, amidst the lousy public transportation service that Malaysia provides (or lack thereof), to see a bus parked at the side of the LRT station, as though ready to take off and bring you to your next final destination.

Excited to set off in my tour, I hopped on the bus after asking the conductor whether it goes to X destination. He just waved me in and I considered that a non-verbal yes.

First things that I register when I hop on the bus,

  • I thought this is a multi-racial country? Why are they of all the same tone? o.O
  • And fuck, the stench is disgusting. *Tugs at imaginary traveling companion’s sleeve* Hey, I sees some drug addicts. Look at their eyes, so creepy!
  • And… Why the freaking hell it ain’t moving? Hello, I just saw not one, but several buses pass by and it’s still not moving. And damn the hamsap looking conductor just collected my fare and I am pushed to the back by the smelly crowd and I can’t move. *choke choke*
  • After much mental urging for the bus to move, it finally did. And it moved with a WHAM on the pedal.

As I was thrown off balance, I landed upon some guy with bloodshot eyes, looking at my overwhelmingly un-Asian boobs (I’m writing from a dumb blonde’s perspective remember?) What’s wrong with these people? Are they sexually deprived? My goodness.

Although I tried very hard to avoid the 5 pm rush hour by hopping on to some unknown bus, as opposed to RapidKL which was recommended, I still needed to face the terrible jam.

God, what a grave mistake. Since I can’t avoid it, why the fuck didn’t I just wait for a more decent bus to travel on?

And it’s STILL smelly. Jesus Christ (Let’s assume the angmoh I’m impersonating is a Christian), these people don’t wash their bodies! Or for that matter, their hair! Do they not have any decency to cleanse themselves and be rid of their BO? Urgh.

So here am I, ranting off to you in my humble little blog, via an angmoh’s view to add a bit of LULZ, about the terrible 1 hour that I was stuck on the bus from hell – SJ Bus. Yeah, I know in my previous posts I say Metrobus, but really, any bus driven by people of unknown nationality (I know you hate me for being racist but there you go), it’s like a one-way ticket to hell – Something is bound to happen sooner or later, with the way they drive. In fact, how the fuck they got their licences, I don’t know. I’ve known people who are too financially challenged to afford the rasuah fees to the JPJ, but hey, how the hell did these unknown malat lou (who probably have AIDS or herpes) get to pass their licence? They so rich meh?!!!!!!!

Okay let’s continue with story, if I haven’t bore you off, lol.

The ride was uneventful as I stared out of the window, dreading my decision to board this bus. As we were stuck in traffic, a cat couple was pumping away furiously to reproduce some lol kittehs.

A fierce round of laughter and giggles erupted from behind me. Two *race removed to prevent myself from being called racist* women were in fits of hysterical laughter. I have no idea why. Are Malaysians seriously sexually deprived? My god! It’s just cats mating, ain’t no big deal.

As the terror ride continued, we met a dead-on traffic jam right ahead. The driver gave an almight swerve, and we were thrown off our feet.

At this point, I was feeling pretty scandalized. But to my dismay, I see several *race removed to prevent racism* laughing about it. God damn it, your lives are in the hands of a herpes-carrying unknown nationality fella, and you’re still laughing? Just an inch more, and you’ll be thrown not off your feet, but OUT of the bus. And there you are laughing. I am already god damn worried about my life, thank you very much.

AND, as we were pushed deeper and deeper into the bus, the stench simply prevailed. It never goes away, rather, it thrives in the presence of so many unwashed bodies. God damn fucking smelly. FUCK! Why did I not take RapidKL. T.T

When we were jostling to make room for the new passengers, a *race removed to prevent racism* woman stepped on my toe with her fucking ugly Carrefour brand plastic high heels and never bothered to say sorry.

That’s it. I’m gonna blog, youtube, Myspace, podcast or whatever means to broadcast how Malaysia is a TERRIBLE place to travel. Ungodly public transportation with sexually deprived people all around me.

She not only failed to say sorry, but she avoided my gaze when I looked at her with my big blonde eyes (in real life, I have small single lidded eyes damnit, just imagining LOL). I didn’t know Malaysians were that rude (generalizing I am, shoot me you shall not).

Then at the very end of the bus ride, the bus made a great turn to the place where I did NOT meant to go too. If I was really the dumb blonde in my story, what will happen to her? She’ll probably me raeped by sexually deprived idiots and get thrown in no man’s land. Poor thing. Luckily I’m a local with a sarcastic twist, sitting here writing to you, safely at home with my Vostro.

This is getting tl;dr, so I guess I’ll stop here.

Anyhoo, first and foremost I’ve gotta apologize to Zikri, Igor, Hangie, Massie and any others who might be offended with this racist post. But it’s true, the *race moved* refers to yours. But you guys rock, you should be much more almighty to be one of those I’m talking bout, aye?! 😉

K lah end of my rant.

Night. 🙂

Saya Anti Rasuah.

September 6, 2008

Malaysia, infamously named the Rasuah land, after ‘Bolehland’, in the Chaborkia’s dictionary. Rasuah, happens practically in ANY place man.

  • In lecture halls, a certain jolly lecturer with a huge appetite demands for food bribes (just kidding, no seriously, if any TARC officials read this. HAHA!),
  • In the streets, a speeding kiddo without lesen (typo intended) bribes a police with all of his pocket money for the month,
  • In normal daily life, you slap your buddy’s back and say: ‘Oi i buy you kopi lah, help me do this okay?!’,
  • In between couples, you coo in your most manja tone to get your boyfriend to buy what you want. For most cases in this modern era, it’ll be… LV bags. Surprise surprise, but now the LV monogram is all the rage in KL. I tell you I tell you man, ALL girls MUST have that damned monogram bag. Today I must have passed by 101 of ’em. And you tell me KL’s economy is terrible? Says who eh? And on a side note… For those who sport fake monograms, screw you for your bad taste. *Runs away coz I bound to offend someone sooner or laters haha*

As for my case, my bf will probably shove me away in the face if I ever ask for that. Blek! Of course, I don’t have to beg to get my kisses. ^^ And I have absolutely no interest in monograms. Prefer other designs anytime, LV or Coach or whatever sheet (typo still intended).

So we have reached a conclusion that bribery happens EVERYWHERE.

What about at home?!!!!!!!!!!

Can’t really name a scenario? Let me give you one.

I’ve been pleading my mom to let me go to a class trip to Genting. My friends are all bugging me to go and the ‘mom don’t let’ is reallyyyyyyyyyyy too lame a reason liao. Hence, I put up a fight.

Can anyone tell me, when they’ve reached their teenage years, and their parents are still unwilling to let you out for several days, somewhere nearby? Genting very far meh?! Blek! Anyone like me here?!

Well, welcome to my world of over-protective parents. So I started my Kotor Rally (as opposed to Bersih Rally) with a whiny manja voice, pleading her to let me go.

Her reply was typically, MALAYSIAN.

‘Aiyah you shut up lah you, I give you more pocket money to spend okay? Don’t bug me about Genting liao.’

Ma, I don’t want extra pocket money! I’m just a typical teenage girl, who wishes to go out and play with my friends! You talk as if I’m a bratty little daughter who favours leeching your money over going out. Jeez! And you bukan rich datin leh, gimme such a offer, too much larh. -.-

Are you staring at my post in disbelief, because you totally didn’t expect such an ending? Well, you better believe it.


Public Relations Strategies and Tools – Do or Die

September 4, 2008

Public Relations Strategies and Tools. To me, this is a do-or-die subject. Fail it, and it will ruin everything.

What I mean is, isn’t the essence of studying to become a Public Relations practitioner, all about learning all sorts of tactics and methods to achieve the objective that we set out to achieve in the first place, when we attempt to disseminate certain information to a public?

Let’s say, if you fail it, it will consecutively mean, in layman’s terms, that you don’t have the balls to become a PR, regardless of whether it will be my choice of profession in the future. Heck, I still need to get into uni, mind you.

Why is my study not solid and conclusive, as I put it? It’s because to me, having a solid ground of study means a firm grasp of anticipating what the exam is coming out and how exactly to answer it. Lame much huh? And you thought university life was about struggling to get grades without much help from lecturers who don’t give you answers directly like how we went through in Malaysian secondary school system.

It’s hard to wean yourself away from all the spoon-feeding. It really is. Believe it or not, I’ve grown so accustomed to the spoon-feeding that TARC lecturers tend to do, it’s a bit of a shame that I don’t admit that it’s actually a BAD thing for the future. That is what exactly bugs me. For the past several semesters, there has been a lot of baby teaching methods that I’ve totally forgot the essence of studying individually, without the aid of a lecturer, or so to speak, the spoon-feeding of one. Who can go through uni without the help of a lecturer? But spoon-feeding, that’s an added plus.

Oh wait a minute, did I just say, a plus? My goodness, I’m reaping what I sow now. I must stop the bad dependence on being spoon-fed. And I’ve gotta thank this particular lecturer for not treating us like babies, if not I will totally forget the true essence of tertiary education.

Tell me, is it actually that lecturers have a certain quota to meet in order not to face the singing from the college, or are they genuinely trying to help the students, OR are they dealing with a bunch of students so hopeless, spoon-feeding is the only way?

My own answer? Depends on the individual. I’ve met all sorts of lecturer that you can imagine. Bitchy lecturers that prove to have a heart of an angel over time but forced to be bitchy for the sake of the students’ best interests. I certainly hope it won’t be the third assumption, as that will be a solid proof of failure of our Malaysian education system.

We’ll see how the exam goes… Tomorrow, when I flip over the paper, everything will be revealed.

Anyone have power food that helps people be more creative? For the practical portion of the paper, I have to be uber creative to get better marks amidst the mundane ones that the lecturer will anticipate receiving. Haha.

Mmmmm, dinner’s beckoning, bye~