Archive for August, 2008

My Fringe.

August 27, 2008

Funny how when my fringe is in varying lengths, it frames my face into a totally different style.

Have it long, and I will look like a dopey idiot.

– haiyah sudah cut hair too late to pose for a dopey pic –

Have it short, and I look like a China doll.

Some people might say that I look fukken childish with the short fringe, but who cares? Better embrace my childhood youth than dress up into the 25 year old aunty, when in fact, you’re just the same age as me, hmmm? ^^

Envy me. Muahahaha.

Disney Pixar’s New Baby – Wall-E.

August 26, 2008

Pixar, you guys NEVER fail to amaze me. NEVER. Not one single time.

What can I say about Wall-E? You guys were so smug about how great a movie it will be, you guys don’t bother to put in more details in the trailers huh?

If it weren’t for the heated buzz surrounding this robot, I wouldn’t even flip an eye over this movie.

But gosh, I was so wrong. You can NEVER underestimate the work of Pixar Animations Studios. Lousy trailers there were, but whoa, you guys took me totally by surprise man!

Kudos man, and what are you waiting for? Get your butt to a cinema and Watch Wall-E! The robot with the charm that can outshine any human alive. 😀

A Letter to my Dearest.

August 25, 2008


The thought of the future is simply intimidating, especially for those who have yet to learn to leave everything behind to further their studies.

I gained reassurance when you told me that we shall be studying in the same country.
But darling, do you remember this promise? Or was it a playful thing said to a girlfriend just to please her for that few seconds when you’re having that particular conversation?

All your plannings for the future are all very well, but have you ever considered the hardships of maintaining a relationship without seeing each other? It’s not a month or two, it’ll be years. Everything that you’ll be doing, it’s for the benefit of the decades we have in front of us, but what about the measley few years that we don’t get to feel each other, to see each other?

Perhaps the mindset of a girl and a guy are different, but to me, those little times matters a lot. It’s not about betrayal or seeing new people OR even have our love dissolve into nothingness because of distance. It’s really not, dear. Because I believe in you and myself. But, it’s more of the hurt of not being able to be with your loved one when you badly need them the most.

And your promises of doing extraordinary things to maintain our relationship when we are apart. That’s all very well, but do you think it can be done? There’s already plenty of small little obstacles planted along our way, it’s irritating enough to get on our nerves sometimes. And it won’t be cheap to do so, Skype or not. AFAIK, if you want a reliable Skype service? Pay lah! Easy.

I will not be able to express all this to you face-to-face because I think I will dissolve into a blabbering idiot who cannot get her points through properly when she’s all emo. So here am I, writing this post for you.

And this post is not about making you change and drop your decision to study apart to suit the way I want it to be, it’s just to get the point across to you – it won’t be easy dear. I appreciate all those plans for our future, I really do, but do give in a bit of effort to make sure we’re within reach, at least? And not parted by seas that are impossible to cross unless I were a daughter of a billionaire who can pay for my exorbitant love of buying air tickets to travel back and forth to see my boyfriend? HAHA siao.

Come to think of it, if I had all those riches, I think I wouldn’t be immersed in a pure love like ours, we’ll be spending riches like crazy instead of savouring the finer things in life that money simply can’t buy. I’d be god damn happy just to share a bowl of RM3.50 pan mee with you rather than go for fine dining every weekend like some couples do. See? Your darling is not that spoilt and pretty considerate afterall, huh?! 😉

By this time I think you’ll be at a loss of what to do, but what do I really want? I cannot list it out properly for you. Perhaps I just want your assurance that everything will be fine, rather than flood my emotions with talks about ‘how this is all for our future?’ I know this is all for our future, but it won’t be easy for me, dear. As it won’t be easy for you too. And maybe, I’d want a little more effort in making sure we can fulfill the tiny little promise you had, at the start of my post?

Or perhaps it’ll be good to be without the burden of worrying about your other half when she’s not around with you? I don’t know. So far the love you have given me is just too good: I have never had moments of ‘oh fuck I can’t do this because my bf dun like’ or anything. Have you? If you feel suffocated at your choices do tell me because I wouldn’t know.

Oh ya, and as a disclaimer, kindly disregard this post if we end up, at God’s hands, yet again in a creepy position and wound up being in exact same place to study. That is really up to God to say, I will not know which uni will accept me and whether my best choice will tally with his.

On a lighter note for the readers alarmed at my sudden emo-ness.

On a conversation with my dear:

Me: But what if you long for me?
Bf: What kind of ‘longing’ do you mean?


Okay I didn’t mean it to have another corny meaning, but really. 😡

As a conclusion (fuck a habit instilled by my uptight English lecturer), come give me a hug hug, dear? Dun flood me with ‘future’ talks liao, I reaaaaaaaaally UNDERSTAND your good intentions!!!!!!!!!!! But please, hope you understand my thoughts too. Anything dun understand please ask me oh. Live life now, sometimes the present and near future matters too, even if it may sound insignificant compared to the ‘far’ future that you’ve been talking about. Everything counts, just like how your long term friendship instilled a trust between us that no one else can compete.

Love you~

Slowpoke was here.

August 19, 2008

Slow leh, my updates? Tell you what lah, I’ve been busy like fuck preparing for the cultural exhibition exclusively designed to make TARC PR students suffer, and right now my assignment marks are about to be blasted into oblivion just because of some freaking hyprocrisy. Or not?

This event has

drove me up the wall,
made me shed tears,

pull my hair out in agony,

scream at my innocent boyfriend,

made him by driver that I so hurtfully need to wake him up from his beauty slumber just to get a saree-clad me to college (kononnya CULTURAL event),
made him do me favours because sudden last minute changes that happens as often as how bacteria breed,
made me update my blog less,

left me precious little personal time for anything,
lessened my time for my mother,
made my e-boobies rust in the Interwebs,
make me FUCKING pay 100 bucks to rent a last minute saree just to get that fucking piece of TRADITIONAL (some citation needed?) cloth to suit the freaking occasion when I have two sets of Indian dresses that are left to rust.


made me stayed back in college, unable to leave or had to leave forcefully because my mom simply do not allow her daughter out till 11 pm or 12 am in the (next) morning.

And unfortunately, growing up in an environment where all the students are out living by themselves and enjoying the so-called ‘freedom’ that they gained by leaving their families behind in their hometown to further their studies, often my pleas to go back early are unheard. Though I’ve gotta admit, it really makes my heart hurt to leave behind all the work where I’m supposed to be part of them, doing all the work. At least I did my part, right? But, with all those delays, postpones, sudden changes that are as frequent as how rabbits breed little rabbits, preference of TALKING rather than ACTION, what’s that could be done very fast was always delayed, till the very last minute.

Gosh, before I sat down with my sore thighs and haven’t flipped open my dear Mr Vostro, I didn’t know I had emotions welling up inside me. My mental state was a wreck no thanks to unnecessary pressure given by certain people. I really dunno whether should I elaborate more further at this point, as I *think* some involved people are reading the chaborkia’s innermost thoughts through a channel not known as her very own mouth, but, through an electronic media, namely a ‘blog‘. A freaking blog readable by EVERYONE, any tom dick harry, any pervert who surfs porn and happen to stumble upon when in search of ‘big boobs’ in Google. So yeah, I shall shut the fuck up thank you very much.

And… Since I need to shut the fuck up, I think I have nothing more to elaborate. TIme to sleep. It will be a long night tomorrow… And that will put an end to all the suffering we have to go through… Then exams are to smack us surprise buttshecks style right after the stupid event. Fulfilling learning experience it was, but was it worth compensating all the trouble? I really dunno.

K good night. Have been sleeping 1 or 2 ish lately. Sigh. Poor blokes who need to stay later than that, I kudo you all. Please don’t scoff at me being lazy, it’s my body, really. It’s screaming at me for some rest.

Pics of me in saree? Cannot guarantee, have been snapped by random tom dick harrys, I dunno where my pictures will end up. Maybe in a Edison Chen-ish scandal? Photoshop style? Bwahaha.

This is getting long-winded. Good night, for real.

OMG Hand from Nowhere!

August 13, 2008

hand 1

OMG, a hand!!!!1

What should I do with it? What to do, what to do?!!!!!!!!1

hand 3

Being the glutton I was, I eated it.

Pimple scars not removed via Photoshop to emphasize that the Chaborkia is a living, breathing human, with raging teenage hormones.


Under Probation from… Makeup?!!!!!!!!

August 12, 2008

*Looks at my previous post comments and gives a small cough*

I caught an allergy conjunctivitis that made my eye red and bloodshot, I could have come across as the Jokeress! T.T Anyway since this doctor is pretty friendly with us, we had a looooooong chat about all things health plus politics. My mom directed the conversation to my face condition, which was a cheek full of acne while the other remains clear and tiny spots here and there. Then he claimed that his medication could cure me provided I cooperate with him so my mom succumbed into paying the ghastly bill. THEN, when I told him what was the part of the rules that I had to abide to make sure my skin cleared up, he said NO makeup. Just put on some lipstick and go, he said.

OMGWTF! That is an utter disgrace to a young girl! Lipstick, as a standalone cosmetic, is a style for old women, for goodness sake! How can I like, just put on lipstick and go for an event? If I had clear skin like a baby, I won’t even bother with cosmetics, maybe by then, simple lipstick ought to really suffice, but how lah wei, it’s not the case right now. T.T Need to face people one wor.

How can ANYONE be so cruel to a chaborkia? No makeup allowed at all! It’s not that my life depends on it, but the thought of ‘face kosong’ during the upcoming cultural exhibition gives me the creeps! And i’m one of the exhibitionist there, lagi worse.

By now you should be rolling your eyes at the irrelevance of this as opposed to world politics and whatnot, but I don’t care it’s my blog ha ha!

I’ve been in a dillemma ever since I got out of the clinic. To makeup or not. He gave me a grace period of 2 weeks for the medication to show results. And the exhibition falls directly in the middle of these two weeks. Hmmm.

Therefore, I chose to compromise.

Should my skin get better within that grace period and BEFORE my exhibition, I’d cover up my acne with the bit of my wig hair and will do with a bit of blush. JUST a little bit to balance out my outrageous love for bold eye colors.

To be absolutely honest, if it weren’t for the fact that my acne was severe, I have pretty nice rosy cheek color and complexion. But, hormones have made me succumb to the fate that maybe cosmetics during special occassions is a must. Mind you, I wear my pimple scars loud and proud on a daily basis, but just during weekends, or special events, when the girly vanity within all of us females rages, you JUST have to put on something to add to that wow factor, and that’s irregardless to whether your boyfriend protetsts against it, or not. Tee hee.

Alright lah, we’ll see how this ‘miracle’ medicine as claimed by the doctor goes… The medicine ain’t pleasant, mind you. Smells like a plastic by-product of a petroleum factory or something, yucks. And the texture is like rubbing milled salt on already painful pimple wounds. Alright, we’ll see… Sigh…

A reminiscence of my better complexion days…

See… See what I mean when I say these were my better complexion days? Never mind the cute mechanic beside me hor. This pic taken in year 2007, under clear good lighting. Nice hor? Sigh. Pass liao lah, have to work my way to this complexion again before I can officially dump my 101 chemically-formulated foundations goodbye. >.<

Wish me luck okay?! 😉 Today, the official start of taking Tetracycline to tackle the acne problem. Plus Sorfic. Never hear before? I heard it’s a Buatan Malaysia acne medication. Well, we’ll see. Two weeks. Pics will follow okay. 🙂

OMAIGOD. Imma owns a Mercedes Benz CLS!!!!11

August 10, 2008

I… Won myself a CLS just yesterday. *OMG OMG* Now you know why have your favourite blogger been absent, yes? I was in jubilation, hands were shaking as the car keys were passed to me, which totally immobilised my fingers to type on a keyboard at the weight of the reality. I. Won. A. Car. A freaking Mercedes Benz CLS!!!!!!1

It never occured to me that filling up that damned form for the idiot who pestered me to enter the stupid lucky draw competition could end up this way. A girl, having to succumb to the local made family car, now a proud owner of something European that goes vroooooooom~ *Hops about excitedly*

Everyone of you might probably scoff at such competitions. Till last Friday, I was one of you, the ones who thought winning the cars as advertised are just dreams far far away and for those idiots who are ambitious enough to send enough SMS or votes to feed the organizer fat fat then wait to win.

But now, here am I with the beauty, barely legal to drive it with my P licence.

You can tell that right now, I am so damn excited, I can’t even talk properly! My family are all in utter shock. Them, the firm believers that there is no free lunch on Earth, had their daughter won herself a car just because of some lame competition. OMAIGOD WTF! I FREAKING WON A CAR!!!!

Pics or gtfo? Pics you shall get.

Till then, will be fooling around with my new ride. You can imagine how my smelly mechanic bf will love this ride man!

Goodness thank you for giving me the great chance to win! I heart you!!!!!!!!!1


August 8, 2008

No words can describe how I feel after watching the Grand Opening of the Beijing Olympics 2008. So proud, I actually teared a little bit. You say wtf? I say yeah baby, go China! The whole thing is just sooooooooo beautiful. I heard Zhang Yi Mou is the mastermind behind this piece of art? Not sure and lazy to check, my conjunctivitis is killing me. >.< But here I am blogging man, so don’t complain. 😛

Oh ya, speaking of Zhang Yi Mou… Well, although he’s the mastermind, I’ve gotta admit. I admire several others waaaaaay more than him. Although, his contribution is definitely undeniable.

In fact, it’s not several. It’s plentiful of others.

ALL of the performers who made this beautiful art. Their contribution is simply… Pure, beautiful, art. These words are often abused by people to describe other inferior things. But in this case, just think of the meaning of these words in their purest form without anything tainting it. It’s simply lovely man.

I am not denying that Zhang Yi Mou did a wonderful job, but you see, puzzles need all of the pieces, then only you form the whole picture. As for communication, you need effort from both sides to get the message across else it will be incomplete or misunderstood. Pairing so many hardworking people plus his genius, well, need I say more? Go watch! Even if you didn’t catch it live, go see it online or something!

NEVER forget this day. It is the marker of something BIG, peeps. You’ll see in the future. It’s a milestone that marks the beginning of the road for China.

And lastly, I hope that it brings a good impact for ALL the Chinese in overseas, namely the Malaysian ones, he he. Speaking of Malaysia, did you see the Malaysian team? Erm… Weeeeell… *Speaks in Hancock’s slang* Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-


Joooooooooooooooooo *yawn* b.

Wei, mana itu Malaysia Boleh spirit? You bunch of lousy, low-spirited buggers. Aren’t you guys, like, excited at all?! 😡

One last thing before I log off, I must say, the poor poor girls in white. They have been jumping like, 1 hour ago and are still needed to ‘welcome’ the visitors? Goodness, they done the big art beautifully but they forgot these poor soldiers. Do something! Those gals are tired man! 😦

Hehe… Let’s see together what’s in store for all of us during this special 080808 Olympics, and give China a big big clap for their superb performance. 🙂

College Ain’t Fun? Who Said So?

August 5, 2008

I seldom get myself too attached to work. Because to the old me, works spells trouble. But now I do want to get involved. And it has totally changed the way I see things.

Who says college ain’t fun? Just get yourself involved, won’t you? Then it’ll really be an eye-opener to life, albeit the stupidity that might follow, plus a great chance to learn things from the people around you. They may look like tom, dick and any typical harry to you, but to me, I learn most from these ordinarily fantastic people. And you’ll experience a lot of revelations of life along the way. This world, it’s simply full of all sorts of people. It’s enlightening to see the world in this perspective, to me, because I have avoided this so-called ‘trouble’ all this while.

I love my friends. Heart heart you all. :-* Let’s work hard for our PR campaign shall we? 🙂

Supreme Lag-acy.

August 4, 2008

Can’t use MSN because of supreme lag-acy, so that means I can’t finish my task too. Eventually, that leads to a moodless Ya Hui. Therefore, her Photoshop skill is off the hook today. Don’t wish to look at patchy ugly skin? Then don’t rush me for pictures. If EVER, anyone wants to see them. Muahahaha.

Evil leh? Yaloh, but don’t wanna put you guys through eye sore mah. So bear with me yeah. 😉 Or, maybe you can go and look at photography forums. It’s PC Fair season now, there will be 101 hot chicks for you to drool at over your computer screen, you miserable old virgin fag. 😛

@Anyone who was having a conversation with me in MSN, I am sorry! It’s Screamyx again, you see. *Sigh*