Archive for July, 2008

Simply Scandalous, from the Chaborkia…

July 25, 2008

I’ve got something to tell…

For the past month I’ve been noticing that RapidKL’s Putra Line has been left unmanned. Some of the gates are faulty and are always open and people have been walking freely without staff supervision. That means two things.

  • Got people bring in bomb or lizard or gazart (small keong) for a biological attack also no one know.
  • Maybe, just maybe, some people take the LRT free everyday? Since no one supervising the gates mah, anyone can walk in and out whenever they want!

After my close supervision for such a long time, I took the plunge.









I have been going in and out of the LRT freely without paying for nearly a month!!!!!!!!!!

Scandalous, ain’t it? I know, I deserve to be reported to RapidKL and have them chop off me fingers or something.

But can you blame me? I tell you, I have been wanting to blog about this for a very long time, but I afraid that I did not witness enough to come up with a good conclusion.

Alas, I was right. It has been a month and no one even fucking noticed. Imagine the cost that I saved to travel to college!

By now I bet your fingers are bent on calling the police to arrest me or something. Well, go ahead loh, like I care. It’s staff negligence and I am taking advantage of it. Chui ah?!

And I got another bit of news for you…









Actually, I have paid RM135 for a Monthly Travel Card. That’s why I’ve been walking in and out of the gates freely. HAHA!

Why *licks lips* so *gives a shudder* serious? ^^ Smile!

Ya, I was just kidding. Anyway, I am partially serious too. It has been a month since I bought the travel card, and I am superbly pissed off with the small amount of attention that the RapidKL staff have been giving me. Or, lack thereof, to be exact.

I expected a simple glance at my Monthly Travel Card (MTC) from the gate-keeper to affirm that I have indeed paid for my ride. However, for the past month I have only noticed lazy glances, or no glances at all. Either they were busy yawning, chit chatting or looking elsewhere.

Nowadays, I’m so annoyed, I don’t bother showing my card anyway.

It’s like anyone can walk through the gate and plan their exit carefully to avoid being spotted. For example, they enter the gateway during the morning rush, blending in with the crowd. Then when they leave, they sneak out right when the lazy fucktard of a guard make a big loud yawn, they avoid detection! Good Lord, any tom dick harry can just travel freely without paying then! That’s what I’m feeling now… Even though I’ve paid, I still expect some sort of checking. Never mind taking out the purse is a fuss to some people, but I’m willing to do it.

It indirectly contrasts TARC defunct security too. They hire guards that catch girls wearing skirts that just lightly brush their knees. What the fuck  is that? A slutty bitch just passed by with half her balls hanging out, why don’t you catch those? Senseless nia. And the reason given by the office for my untimely suspension of my ID card was that there was too many people and the college can’t control. Fuck lah, I don’t eat that. It’s shit, you see. The officer who handed me my ID when I demanded an explanation almost looked apologetic. Damn.

Whooops I wandered off too far.

So, for those who are adventurous, try taking the RapidKL train free of charge one day. See whether you get away with it. They’re so lazy anyway, I think earning a meagre amount just by yawning around is enough to feed their heavyset and useless asses grown to sit at the chair and look sleepy even when it’s NOT during rush hour.

Oh btw, just a personal note. Met a cute Korean guy on the train who talked the smallest amount of English. We exchanged awkward conversation and it was just… Cute. LOL.

K lah babai. Remember tell me if you managed to get away with a free ride on the RapidKL yeah. 😉

Batman – The Dark Knight : Took Chaborkia’s Breath Away~

July 23, 2008

Watching Batman : The Dark Knight in Premiere Class was the best investment I have ever made. Heck, thinking back, if I was naughty that day, I’d strangle my bf and demand him pay for Gold Class! Lulz. And that means no Sushi Zanmai for me then since I spent all his money. Blardee hell. -_-

If I said Get Smart was funny and awesome, and Iron Man was one helluva watch, now thinking back, I think i over-estimated them. After watching Batman : The Dark Knight, I tell you man, you’d think the shows you’d ever watched were CRAPPY.

Yes, it’s good till this extent. My cinematic adventures started after I began a relationship with the bf, previously I never liked cinemas. But who would wanna give up a chance to hug their bf and cuddle and steal kisses in a dark dank dirty smelly cinema? Lulz.

So my experiences, compared to the average hardcore movie-goer, is definitely less. Therefore you must trust that I am giving my comments based on true and pure feelings towards the move, unbiased by anything except of my encounters with oh-so-few movies.

It’s a bit intimidating to write a review of my own, really. After reading one helluva write-ups from so many bloggers and movie reviewers, it’s scary but still I guess this movie still deserves a position here in to be reviewed. XD So here’s my share of the pie!

This movie is simply fantastic, my dears. I have always hated dark dank dirty smelly looking scenes where you just silhouettes of people running around, screaming their lungs out for their lives while the heroes of the movie move about, avoiding murder while 101 other random people get killed. For me this rocks as the scenes are pretty well-lit and I can see the action-packed details. Why lah do a movie when all I see is ghastly silhouettes moving about fighting the war to save the world while I keep squinting just to see the handsome bugger’s actor’s face?!!!!!11

And speaking of details, do note the intricacy they put in to make Batman’s outfit. Argh those abs… Can kill any sane-minded girl wei. The classiness exuding from Christian Bale (or Bruce Wayne) is so uncanny. The charm and swave that he put into forming Batman’s character? Great. But nothing surprising. What is he compared to the Joker?

Remember, as Joker said to Batman, “You complete me.

My verdict is, although Joker outshone Batman himself in the movie, they DO have very different roles to portray in the movie.

The late Heath Ledger was the Joker for this sequel of Batman. Let’s start off with the makeup on the Joker… It’s all painted on and left to rot and slowly melt away as the action begins. So unlike the previous series where the Joker’s face is so well painted, you do not see any details on the face. Boring ain’t it? I assure you, anyone who thought of this new ‘style’ of Joker is simply genius! It’s so realistic yet so dramatic. The greasy-haired thing… Whoaaaaaa… Gruesome man.

One of them, a polished high class young billionaire while the other, a maniacal nobody intent on bending society’s order.

This movie can really bend a person’s straight mind. To be honest, it’s hard to digest every single mind play they’ve thrown at us at the 2 hour 30 minutes of show-time. For a detailed listing of the ‘values’ exuded in the movie, I suggest you head over to other blogs. Not gonna pinpoint much about it. In a nutshell, it’s brilliantly packaged. Nothing too over the top, yet mind-boggling at the same time. The word plays that sets your brains at work is PURE genius. I have never imagined I’d be looking at a movie with depth rather than just blindly laughing off funny scenes and enjoy the action as I usually do. This really sets your brains kicking and makes you ponder stuff.

And Hong Kong’s landscape has never looked better in the hands of the director, Mr Nolan. Though it was smeared by the presence of a certain sex maniac called EDISON. I dunno whether should I be amused or disgusted. Look at his expression. Any fangirl will go: Oh, so cute. But still remember what he did to several dozens of girls? Yucks. It’s not that sex is dirty or whatnot shit, but please, if you can’t keep your rides with yourself, cut off your itchy dick lah.

This may seem absurb, but some of the Joker’s words… They’re exhilirating to think about, yet it just seems so wrong. The director blended in stuff that we usually overlook. Things that we dare not ask, or ponder about in our daily life, as we’re bred to think in the ‘correct’ social order. Do give a thought on the dialogs, I think it’s very well done. Well planned by the director, and well played by the actors. Bravo!

The show also gave us an insight of humanity at the scene where the passengers of two ships are to decide whether to destruct the other ship, or to sit there and die. Get it? A lose-win situation that no one in their right mind will ever want to be in. The result? Go watch loh.

And a moment’s silence as respect to Heath Ledger. I shrugged off people’s compliments about him being how great an actor he was before I watched the movie. But he really showed what a pro can do. Yet as I write this I feel an internal guilt wash over me. Was it because of the mind-deluding role of Joker, that drove the poor guy to insanity? I certainly hope not. But to be honest, when you submerge yourself into the world of Batman, you really get into a movie. That’s from an audience’s view. But if you were standing in his shoes, you need to do the tongue-licking thing, and really dwelve into character to present your best, what will happen to you then?

For me, getting the audience to deeply appreciate and experience the whole movie, now that’s the key essentials into what makes it a GREAT movie.

I can’t put it better than my fellow blogger friend, k0k, who gave this movie an absolute…


Heck, gonna watch it another time round with my buddies! Well worth every single cent spent on this show! Go watch!


July 21, 2008

A year has passed since I made the decision to go for a diploma then to pursue a degree via advanced standing. Now here am I, having my second year at TARC, having people asking me when am I graduating and what’s my next course of action.

Time really flies.

Reality hits hard when my boyfriend’s college sent him a reminder via mail to remind him to pay his last semesters’ bills. Goodness, last semester already? Year 2 for both of us is drawing to a close.

Crossroads will once again emerge in front of me. This time, there isn’t a grace period of six years for me to mess around, like how I did in high school. This time it’s a decision, for real. The deciding factor that leads me to a new, hopefully more exciting life. And also the ending mark for my educational life. Soon after I graduate from degree in about two years ahead, I’ll be embarking into work life. So fast leh. Sigh. And soon, the horror that is our current PR campaign will dawn upon us and when I wake up, it’ll be all over. Time just flew past.

Hopefully I’ll be strong enough to face the upcoming crossroads. I have all the faith in the world with you, my darling. Let’s face this together strongly okay? It’s scary yet enthralling to be thinking about it… Hmmm…

What Blogging Can Do to the Sanity of Your Lecturer.

July 17, 2008

Today is the day where my group mates dreaded. We were to deliver a presentation for Chinese Writing for Mass Media. It wasn’t just another presentation – you can’t get away by doing it cin-cai style. THIS. IS. SERIOUS. BUSINESS. The lecturer had high requirements for this one.

Year 2 is one hell of work for us. So managing this presentation into our cramped timeline was a bit hard. But we still managed.

Regardless of how much pains we got throughout this, we still enjoyed ourselves tremendously. When my friend said that this will be the last time we will be touching any Chinese subjects in TARC, it struck me pretty hard. No more hard preparations for REAL presentations (usually we get away easy with lame presentations). All of this hard work will only fade to a memory, something that we’d be discussing when we’re old and grey and sit in the kopitiam.

Okay this is getting too melancholy and far-fetched. As of now you’re expecting that we did a good job on the above mentioned presentation? Right? Riiiiiiiiiiight? And you’re dying to know why blogging can affect the sanity of your lecturer?

The answer is NO, we did not do the best, to answer the first question. We did well, but it wasn’t the best. Proceed reading to know how blogs can affect the sanity of your lecturer.

Well to be exact my group mates did a great job. Although, compared to last semester’s Chinese presentation, where we rocked everyone’s ass, we did pretty poorly this time. Besides needing to squeeze lots of time for preparations for this presentation, there are 101 random homeworks to be done. Not a mean feat, nope. Simply nia. YEAH REALLY! *rolls eyes*

Anyway, since this blog is about me… I shall talk about myself. Yes, chaborkia’s vanity mah. ^^ Anyway, I said my group mates did a good job right? Sadly, he word ‘they’ does not include me. T.T

I sucked. Like shit.

I delivered so poorly and even though I wasn’t on the frontline as the main talker and I was behind the computer, my hands were shivering ever so terribly. >.<

Still remember my previous entry about me being a bundle of nerves after I ran up and down the stairs and my blood was pumping rapidly in my veins? Exact same scenario. I lost my cool because I was at home busy printing and giving the assignment a final checkup and wound up being late to school. That means we NEVER had a rehearsal before the real thing. And, I needed to run here and there on heels and a laptop bag on my back. I know one of my team member did the same thing to prepare, too. Poor gal, her heels were sharper than mine. 😦

It was disaster in the making. Go on, if you dunno how to spell ‘disaster’, spell my name good enough lah hor, guai~

Okay now that you know it’s a disaster, I think it’s ’nuff said. I thought all was lost after the botched presentation and I walked out dejectedly when it was my turn to go out and give a concluding speech regarding my thoughts on this assignment and my thoughts on the interview process (our subject needed us to interview random people all over the streets T.T) to end the whole presentation.

That’s when it started.

I dunno what the hell happened, but as I start to relate our story of our somewhat successful interview sessions with the random anons, my lecturer’s expression grew from stern to soft then to pure amusement. She was grinning so widely, I was shit scared. Was there some weird big spider on my head? Was my makeup accidentally wiped off? Was there bogey sticking out of me nose? I have no idea.

Thus, I giggled along at the sight of her amusement, somewhat amused as well as confused.



Turns out it WAS my fault she’s laughing. Or, to put it this way, SOMEWHAT my fault.

The way I portrayed myself… The way I gave my speech… It amused her. I have no idea what sort of facial expressions I plastered on my face. It somewhat amused my classmates and particularly, her. I was standing directly in front of her, walking around, picking on unsuspecting victims as I related my interview process mishaps to others.

She giggled to the extent that she was shaking on the chair. She was in giggling fits and was burying her face on her arms to muffle her laughter. That freaking got me nervous again! T.T Then I asked her again, what’s wrong?! She said, never mind, you’re entertaining, please proceed.


So was that a compliment, or what? Turns out I suck hard at doing FORMAL presentations. I really do. Several of my previous speeches, whom I depended heavily on notes to recite, turned out LOUSY.

Is the above scenario enough to illustrate that what I lack is confidence, and confidence regarding the matter? I was uber confident when I told my story to my classmates but I was totally defunct of any shred of confidence I had when it was my turn to do a mock interview during my formal presentation. Chabor, time to ditch the small notes, right? 😉

And what, you ask, has everything I’ve written got to do with blogging?

Well, I dunno the exact reason why some people love to haunt my blog, but a good beefy friend of mine told me it’s the style? The way I illustrate things? I guess that style came out during my speech. It wasn’t intentional, mind you. Since I wasn’t well prepared, I just went and talk like I have nothing to lose, when ACTUALLY I am thinking I am gonna lose my mind due to the stress and stage fright. And along the way, a lot of hand gestures and walking around, using body language to illustrate my points?

After some hard thought on what I can do with my new found ‘talent’… I went and asked my mom what can I do with it.

Then it struck me.

‘I know! I know!’ I told my mom.

I can become a CLOWN!

Lame way to end my blog post, I know, but grade me for effort okay? I need to rush my English assignment now, jeez. Bye!

Ya Hui dulan with her lecturer.

July 16, 2008

Just a quick update as I wait for my friend’s approval before finishing off my assignment.

Well, Ya Hui is NOT pleased with one of her lecturers. A combination of a demanding lecturer plus bleeding the nuts out of myself during the time of the month (You get the deal right? Shhh!) doesn’t help either. I normally don’t fall flat over these sort of stuff, but what the heck, I did. I cursed (*&^&*$^%!(@) right after I got provoked by the lecturer.

Wanna know the story?

He was freaking late for our tutorial, especially an important one today since we are going to give a speech. Stuck in the rain, he told our class representative. Okay fine. If it was any lecturer, we’d just shrug it off. But for him? Nyoooooooooo… Never had a good track record of coming to class on time. Gosh once I was late for like 30 minutes, and I was running like a mad chicken up the 3 freaking flight of stairs, I ran into the classroom panting, still shivering on my high heels, and prepared to holler a big SORRY at the lecturer to find myself staring stupidly at my surprised classmates. Yeap, he was later than me. Geng leh?

And I have to pardon my hypocrisy. I know when we students are late, and lecturers’ diss us about it, it will be the poor lecturers’ fault even though we are the persons at fault. HAHA! Typical college students, don’t you just hate us?! *Mock mock* But well, isn’t that what makes a teenager, a teenager? Typically full of nonsense, excuses and late-dom. ^^

So anyway, my story. He came an hour later. I was the first one to do the speech because he picked the topmost assignment to start first but I was nowhere to be seen due that I was spending my sweet time primping in the toilet. Girls, you know. 😉 So I got shoved to the back, meaning I do the speech last.

Hollering back down my memory lane, my first ever speech for my Public Speaking class was a disaster. I had no idea what the heck I was doing, I was shit scared at the sight of my classmates (reaaaaaaaaally), and I was shivering as though the concrete below me is going to give way. Know how to spell disaster? Dunno ah, dun need to know. Spelling ‘Ya Hui’ can equal to spelling disaster on that day liao. -_-

So, when I finished primping and made sure my makeup was in order, I went back to the classroom and maintained my cool. My mistake on my last speech was UNNECESSARY fear. Get it? Who’d be scared of their classmates, really. -_- It was all a psychological factor – fear. An unnecessary one, that is. So, I was busy maintaining my cool throughout the speech. I was calm and confident. And that’s what is much needed to present a good speech.

But my coolness didn’t last.

Off it was my turn and I stood up to go and do my speech. And that fella, who is ALREADY FREAKING ONE HOUR LATE AND HAS BEEN SKIPPING AWAY ON MY FRIEND’S SPEECH BY ASKING THEM TO FREAKING FASTFORWARD, actually shrieked at the sight of my jeans material skirt and demanded that I have a change of clothes with one of my classmates or it will be no deal for me.

Fuck it. I already have my makeup on, which made my brother lose his precious time waiting for me to finish painting my face, and in turn, made him late too. And I was all dressed up for the speech, no way am I gonna dress up just to do a speech for him next week just because of a dressing error. Plus, next week will be a challenging week for us, we got other presentations to worry about. Postponing it means not getting today’s agenda done. AND, not to mention it was already 11.50pm then, 10 minutes away before the next class needs to use our classroom.

Hence, Ya Hui turned to the girl who had similar dress size with me, fuming with rage. My friend had a a pair of 3 inch heels. And we were on Level 3. Toilet’s at Level G. By the time I ran up the classroom after I change, my blood was pumping in my veins, and my adrenaline was rushing. My cool that I’ve tried so hard to maintain, all is lost. T.T

Damn you, Mr Anon Lecturer. I hate you for that. If it’s my fault, screw me for it. Deduct my presentation marks, if you will. Dun make my friend pay the price for me. No matter how much she said it doens’t matter, it still hurts me to see her walking down on those flimsy heels. 😦 And it wasn’t like my skirt was torn and ripped apart, revealing my buttcrack, it was pretty decent in my opinion.

I know I’ll be shot down with ‘life’s unfair’ statements, but hey, a girl gotta release her steam, right? ^^

Okay lah thanks for listening me rant, you da best. 😉

Good night!

ENDNOTE: Gawd I wish I can spew out lengthy essays for my assignments like how I spew out my rant blog posts, he he!

Being 19.

July 13, 2008

It’s an hour away till I’m officially 19. That’s right, my sweet sweet 18 is about to come to an end. Come the 19, where almost everybody hates because it scares off the 18 and brings on the 20 real soon.

My goodness. Have I grown at all? My boobs seem the same compared to last year, my pimples have never malfunctioned and kept on growing, I’m still my lanky old self, still striving to be someone worthy in this world. So, do I feel old? Or have actually grown?

Physically, nope, I feel that I’m still a kid, young at heart and face wise. Ya know, the pimples just refuse to leave me alone. T.T Mentally wise, maybe I’ve grown a bit older and sharper to surrounding factors. There’s always more people to see, more people to get to know, more bitches to diss, more cute guys to stare at (sorry dear!), and simply, more things to learn. And a lot of revelations as you venture deep into the path that God blessed you with – Life.

I have never really understood some people’s rush to get into adulthood. Frankly, is leaving behind 17 years of childhood that bad? I myself have loved being just a kid, no rules, no limitations. Alcohol, clubbing, smoking, what not. Come on, dude, do you really have to show you’re an adult? Prove it to me by saying something intellectual, don’t stick that cigg butt in my face, I hate that. And getting drunk is fun? Think, light years ahead, when you’re about 60. You’ll be moaning about your lousy body starting to fail you. Who is it to blame? You better shut up and stop complaining. It’s reaping what you sow when you’re young and desperate to leave the good old 17 by proving how sober and how much of an ‘adult’ you are.

For those screaming that I still live in a childish fantasy land and refuse to grow up, well let’s just say, I have my own priorities and thoughts when it comes to growing up. Rushing into what adulthood can offer is simply not my cup of tea. I have eons of adulthood ahead of me, must I ruin my youthfulness as of now?

Think about it.

For me, it’s the very core things that make life wonderful. Am not in a sentimental mood to write anything ‘lovely’ now. LOL. But, you get the deal right? You should know Ya Hui after all the following of me blog.

Anyway, special acknowledgements to thank the people that made my very existance a wonderful experience:

  • Mom and dad
  • My old wise man
  • My darling, who has been in my life for the past 6 years, and celebrating two of my birthdays with me. ^^
  • My friends. And when I said that, I meant the true ones, and you know who you are. 😉
  • My online buddies whom are just as great even though I’ve never seen some of them.
  • My blog followers / lurkers.

    You guys are the very people that made my life wonderful. And I love all of you. Muacks.

    Oh ya hor! I nearly forgot. Birthday girl must got birthday wish. What do I wish for? Eh… Nearly 12 liao! I think I better dash off to think deeply about what I’m gonna do when I wake up and find myself 19 tomorrow.

    Good night folks! And pssst, one of my birthday wish is to see my comments section flooded with… Wishes! He he… Kidding lah hor, bye. 🙂

    Mix with Ah Beng, then I turn into Ah Lian?!!!

    July 11, 2008

    Lately I’ve realised some things… This won’t be a long post, I’ll just make it brief, till I finish my things I will never have the leisure to sit down and blog deep within my heart.

    Still remember the old saying if you mix with ah beng, you’ll naturally turn into one as well, no matter how you resist? Therefore, your MOFO always ask you to mix with the ‘good” bunch?

    I can NOT stress how true this is. And that makes me truly appreciate the friends that I have now. Goodness, with my lack of discipline and superior lazy genes (my e-boobs bigger than yours – The link is worth clicking I tell you), I think if I ventured with the wrong group, I’d be a pile of mess now. Lazy and lack of initiative dun blend well. And nope, it’s not about ‘using’ your friends. If you’re one of those who smile forcefully just to get da juice of someone, then I suggest you stick a banana up your worthless ass. To be exact… It’s actually about how you work and interact with them. That’s important. And appreciating their personalities and learning from them along the way.

    I’m lucky I’m with a bunch that are intent on their studies. Die lah if mix wrong group. Even if you won’t get affected by their bad behaviour, you’ll eventually cry for mommy when all homework responsibility falls on your shoulders, being the more ‘decent’ and ‘literate’ among a group of lousy asses. College students surely get what I mean. Try mixing with some indecent group mates and you’ll be shitting bricks.

    Year 2 in TARC has been exceptionally fulfilling lately, hmmm… I wonder how will our PR campaign turn out… Hope everything goes well~

    On a last note… My readership has increased pretty much but why ah, no comments? Come on, dun so lazy. Talk to the Chaborkia lah! First step is leaving a COMMENT! He he… I assure you I’m friendly. ^^ Okay lah if you just wanna lurk, just remember to come back for the lulz okay? 😉


    Siew Mai Gone Bad, Hair Gone Wrong

    July 9, 2008

    Today I was walking through campus after finishing off a lecture class. I was hungry for some pork-filled delicacy, so I went off to find the truck that sells siew mai to ease my craving.


    Christine: Aiyah, Ya Hui, the siew mai truck is gone. 😦
    Then a friend butted in and say: You guys hungry ah?

    Ya Hui: Yaloh, just now a bunch of girls were eating siew mai in the hall, right behind us, with supreme chilli sauce, stupid girls, make me hungry sial.
    Christine: Yeah lah! The siew mai smell so nice, can smell cannot eat, tak boleh tahan lah.
    Moon: Smell nice? You have gotta be kidding. It stinks! Yuck!

    Then that’s where I heard a little indignant huff. ‘Smells stinky?’. I whirled around to stare into the eyes of the girl who ate siew mai behind me just now. The girls’ eyes were all boring into our backs and we backed off from humiliation.

    Oh shit oh shit hide me from shame please. T.T
    I just wanted so badly to run far far away from that girl.


    Okay enough with random stories. Pics that I promised but never posted due to winrar internetz over nien thousand. Ya know, Screamyx lah, PMS leh.

    So lately I haven’t been camwhoring right? Coz, my front hair was limp and lifeless, and stuck to my face, greasy-like, as though it belongs to Severus Snape. Nooooooooooo! I shampoo it everyday ok? You can smell it if you want. *Grabs a strand and offers it to your nose*

    Hence, I borrowed a wig from my friend, and camwhored!!!!!!

    I am China Doll! 😀

    Nice wig hor? Me likey too.

    Letting it fall naturally on my forehead. No more Severus Snap curtains! 😀

    So, my wig nice mah?

    But alas, if only it was my real hair. So I prepared to take it off…
    But OMG! It got stuck! The pain of getting it untangled from my hair. 😦 Anyone want to sek sek me? 😦

    Can’t take off pulak. It’s stuck.

    So I have decided to leave it on permanent.

    Never mind loh, back to my basic roots mah. Chinese girl. Pardon my weird eyelids, I want it to be flat-out single like how it’s supposed to be but after applying color with a brush it will usually fold into single / triple eyelid by itself. -_-

    So, which one you prefer? Wig me or without wig me? 😀 Btw, I am still wearing the wig everyday. Can’t take off. 😦 😦 😦

    Kthxbai! *Runs away before my lies are all revealed*


    One-Way Communication Simply Won’t Work.

    July 6, 2008

    You know what guys, one-way communication simply doesn’t work. Especially in relationships and family issues.

    Today I went to the market to buy vege like see-lai grab the week’s load of groceries and supposedly I had a date after this with the boyfriend. BUT, we didn’t designate a time coz we wanted to see each other so badly but wouldn’t want the time to be too late nor too early. So a time wasn’t set well.

    His first message was 0930 okay or not?
    I said, see first. Later call you.
    Then he went to do his things.
    Then when I was about to leave the market, I dropped him a SMS saying: estimated time when I can drop into your arms – about 10.

    Okay loh it was all about ‘call you later’, ‘see first’, then the word ‘about’. Die lah hor, end up when I was in the toilet dealing with a slight bout of diarrhea so I ran late than the anticipated ‘about 10’. End up he also blur blur thought about 10 means BEFORE 10 when actually neither of us agreed upon a time. And I was thinking of the day’s makeup after bath. So dainty I was.

    Too late, my mom knocked the bathroom door halfway down my bath to say my darling is downstairs already. I nearly went ‘WTF?’ right in her face then I quickly washed whichever place that is easy to grow itches up and dressed down. Damn, face kosong. Not even eyeliner. Bukan style saya. T.T

    I entered the car to a grumpy old cute dear. Then I pinched his cheeks and said: Die lah, we got longkang between us, how lah?

    The mood started to lighten as I said sorry. Yes, sometimes it’s about stepping back a bit. It was both our fault actually, one didn’t give a good accurate timeline whilst the other simply assumed a time of his own. So, our fault. It’s hard to stay angry with him, so eventually we cooled off using our own way. 😉

    My point is, this simple little scenario already cost me to look at his grumpy face after two days of not seeing him. My anticipated first glance after two days not meeting was a nice kiss and a warm smile to greet me. And I was still in heaven thinking how to hug him and squeal when I see him. The bubble burst. -_- Small thing, irritating, but good enough to teach me a small lesson too.

    On bigger pictures, one-way communication between families are fatal to a relationship. I shall elaborate further not. I punya business, you back off. Close friend then I tell you. 😛 Two-way communication is the way. Just like how my PR lessons taught me. -See I actually learn something ho ho ho ho.-

    K lah babai. Internet still slow, shall leave you with the above pile of jumbled up mushy text but no pics. ^^

    Bah Humbug!

    July 5, 2008

    Post delayed due to the winrar Streamyx. Internet is so sluggish, I’ll be old and wrinkly by the time I manage to upload my lovely pics.

    Go throw eggs at them, not me. I got a load of pics to blind you with my beauty share with ya all but end up uploading images is as pain in the ass. Oh, and citation needed on this. Is being attacked on the ass painful? LOL.

    This seems absurd… But is the Internet sluggish due to erm… Our recent politcal woes? To discourage networking between people for tomorrow’s anticipated…? Erm… You know lah, I’m too young for ISA, lol.
