Archive for March, 2008

Icky Makeup…

March 28, 2008

Yeah, this is coming out from a girl who absolutely loves dolling up.

Makeup is extremely icky.

If you didn’t know, let me feed you with some external info.

1. I love kissing my beloved. 2. I love rubbing on my dear’s skin.

OT: A lot of dead skin cells he has, judging from the rubbing sessions. This was confirmed by our beautician. 😛 and see, animal instincts work! So want me to rub on you to tell you whether you need to exfoliate your face? XD

You must be muttering ‘gross!‘ by now. But that’s a fact that cannot be changed wor. I know those who’re in a relationship loves doing the above too. 😉 Admit it lah, don’t be shy… Maybe I do it excessively, but I like he like, dun care. XD


1. Kissing with lip gloss on. That’s like, eeeeeeeeew?! So sticky with some artificial flavouring wor, nice meh? It’s the luscious softness of his lips that kills me, and I believe it’s vice versa for him too. If he loves kissing me just to taste the lip gloss, I’d buy a stick tinted with pink and force him to use it everyday in front of his machismo bunch of friends! (His college all guys. :P)

2. So, some girls love putting foundation, compact powder, concealer, then finally finising powder that conceals all their blemishes during their dates, in front of their boyfriends. That’s a total sum up of 4 types of cream / mousse / powder / gel. If I were to do that, OMG! How am I to rub on him all I want, when I like to?! Can rub also geh, then the 4 layer of powders will probably blend up so nicely, my face would look like an artist’s watercolour palette – a mess of colours. So usually I’d opt for eye makeup only but gosh rubbing involves the whole face leh, need to be careful of the eyes, potong stim sangat.

Therefore, I’m a no makeup girl during dates with the beloved bf. False lashes grosses him out and my fugly pimple marks probably gets him high at the mere sight of it. So very different from the rest of the male species hor. Rare species, I’d say. And I’m proud of it. ^^

When I’m out alone or with friends though, then I will put on my face. Bwahahaha. Girls, are forever, girls. *Does a girly dance* Eh, wait a min… I don’t usually put on anything on my face except my eyes. Not even lip gloss unless it’s for special events.

Alah, what the heck lah, *shrugs*

Love with vanity,

Ya Hui

The Reductor Curse!

March 15, 2008

Just when I thought I finished doing all my things…

A pile of stuff magically appears!


Must be the hocus pocus that my Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince emits.

I wish I can use the Reductor Curse…

Then I won’t feel guilty of contributing to pollution, the house repainting project is taking a toll on my family… Tons of trash to throw, a lot of things to clean… Sigh…

Now, for this bunch of trash in my room’s floor, if I can just ‘Reducto!’ and it will magically reduce to dust… Boy, wouldn’t that be great?! 😀

婆婆妈妈 (Grandma Grandma Mother Mother)

March 14, 2008

I’m pretty fed up with my mom.

She just has to be soooooooooo pessimistic.

Just now I was doing the usual whining an 18 year old should, and this time it was about a bunch of friends who can NEVER make decisions fast and has to whine and complain and suggest and discuss for DECADES before they’re able to make a decision. And when I meant decisions, it means decisions like where to go for food or where to go next.

Come on! I’m not asking you to choose between a fugly witch or a fat woman for a bride, right? Why can’t you just make a damn decision where to eat?! Do you have to stand there for hours just to make a stupid decision? And after the decision is finally made, you guys spend time yet again to whine and complain that the food is no good, etc etc.

I was so eager and excited to join you guys, but after promising to bring me news about today’s outing, I was to be disappointed yet again. No news liao. Later I go swim lah, if I were to sit and wait for news from you guys I’d probably already get married and have 12 children and become Minister of Malaysia.

Okay, now you get the gig, right?

So I was talking about this matter to my mom and she started lecturing me about how people has already moved on and don’t have interest in old friends liao. FYI, I was talking about my high school mates. If my college mates are not snappy in making decisions I would have died waiting for them to make a move for the past 3 semesters. Thank God these bunch are fast and efficient like the Malaysia Police (pun unintended).

Like, Ma, what has a die-hard habit got to do with people moving on? Come on lah, every phone conversations I had with my old buddies are sweet and extremely gossipy (just like the old days). So memorable and feels good, feels as though nothing has changed. For these bunch maybe, but for some whom I deemed ‘best’ has, unfortunately, failed me.

We’ve put in effort to keep in touch and always meet up, that’s what the magic of friendship is all about. So if I were to just sit down and whine how much I miss them and never made a move to keep the spark going, will the friendship still remain intact? That feels like what my mom is trying to imply.

And as per mentioned, that’s what my bestie did. Never have I received a fucking piece of news from her. Fine, like I care. Initiative phone conversations from my side resulted in a talk that ended something like: Things have changed lah, I dunno what to say to you.

Sure you dunno what to say to me. Cause, have you ever invested in our friendship? Shame on you!

So that’s the contrast. Do you see it? The 3838 bunch who, although have a die-hard habit that sucks, made an effort. As for the so-called bestie, nope, during UEC tell me busy. What about now? Busy finding a university right? Since every single human being will be busy during all stages of their lives, stop loh! Don’t need to look for me lah, damn it.

*Which brings me to be glad my male bestie (aka my current bf) has made an effort to make our relationship fruitful. Thanks darling! xoxo*

And that’s exactly the sort of attitude that my mom tried to lecture me about.

So, what do you think? Am I the one who is being die-hard and still clings on to past relationships and refuse to move on? Wait a min, it’s not like I dun move on and make new buddies okay?! Must make it clear first.


Am I being right bout my mom being a pessimist?

Love and a bit of anger (I don’t bite),

Ya Hui

???? (Grandma Grandma Mother Mother)

March 14, 2008

I’m pretty fed up with my mom.

She just has to be soooooooooo pessimistic.

Just now I was doing the usual whining an 18 year old should, and this time it was about a bunch of friends who can NEVER make decisions fast and has to whine and complain and suggest and discuss for DECADES before they’re able to make a decision. And when I meant decisions, it means decisions like where to go for food or where to go next.

Come on! I’m not asking you to choose between a fugly witch or a fat woman for a bride, right? Why can’t you just make a damn decision where to eat?! Do you have to stand there for hours just to make a stupid decision? And after the decision is finally made, you guys spend time yet again to whine and complain that the food is no good, etc etc.

I was so eager and excited to join you guys, but after promising to bring me news about today’s outing, I was to be disappointed yet again. No news liao. Later I go swim lah, if I were to sit and wait for news from you guys I’d probably already get married and have 12 children and become Minister of Malaysia.

Okay, now you get the gig, right?

So I was talking about this matter to my mom and she started lecturing me about how people has already moved on and don’t have interest in old friends liao. FYI, I was talking about my high school mates. If my college mates are not snappy in making decisions I would have died waiting for them to make a move for the past 3 semesters. Thank God these bunch are fast and efficient like the Malaysia Police (pun unintended).

Like, Ma, what has a die-hard habit got to do with people moving on? Come on lah, every phone conversations I had with my old buddies are sweet and extremely gossipy (just like the old days). So memorable and feels good, feels as though nothing has changed. For these bunch maybe, but for some whom I deemed ‘best’ has, unfortunately, failed me.

We’ve put in effort to keep in touch and always meet up, that’s what the magic of friendship is all about. So if I were to just sit down and whine how much I miss them and never made a move to keep the spark going, will the friendship still remain intact? That feels like what my mom is trying to imply.

And as per mentioned, that’s what my bestie did. Never have I received a fucking piece of news from her. Fine, like I care. Initiative phone conversations from my side resulted in a talk that ended something like: Things have changed lah, I dunno what to say to you.

Sure you dunno what to say to me. Cause, have you ever invested in our friendship? Shame on you!

So that’s the contrast. Do you see it? The 3838 bunch who, although have a die-hard habit that sucks, made an effort. As for the so-called bestie, nope, during UEC tell me busy. What about now? Busy finding a university right? Since every single human being will be busy during all stages of their lives, stop loh! Don’t need to look for me lah, damn it.

*Which brings me to be glad my male bestie (aka my current bf) has made an effort to make our relationship fruitful. Thanks darling! xoxo*

And that’s exactly the sort of attitude that my mom tried to lecture me about.

So, what do you think? Am I the one who is being die-hard and still clings on to past relationships and refuse to move on? Wait a min, it’s not like I dun move on and make new buddies okay?! Must make it clear first.


Am I being right bout my mom being a pessimist?

Love and a bit of anger (I don’t bite),

Ya Hui

Election Results! (Together, we stand erected!)

March 13, 2008

As I watch my blog hit counter increase, I feel bad for not posting a single thing to those who have been following me. Was supposed to write something yesterday but I was back late after college and needed rest. T.T sorry dears…

Anyway, after a restless night following forums and Malaysiakini feverishly on Election Day, 308, I am sooooooo glad the Oppositions has denied BN 2/3 of the seats needed for them to overpower others in the Parliament. Good job everyone. I could not believe that I myself would be caught up in the windstorm of the elections when I thought I was one of those who were indifferent about it. I kicked my own arse. Proved myself wrong. -_-

But I’m quite disappointed that people near and dear to me (no mention of names to avoid surprise buttshecks!) didn’t do their part to make the magic happen. For starters, I’m underage so the feeling of guilt is sooooooo not necessary.

no moar surprise buttshecks this time!

We still can’t blame those people who can’t put themselves to go over and vote in their respective stations, not because of the trouble involved. Just think about it, if you had an abusive boyfriend, would you keep on clinging yourself to him and try to make him better even if it’s to no avail? Just like the example that I mentioned, t has certainly become a mindset of certain Malaysians.

Every year we’ve been promised of great things by the government, only to fall into their sweet talking nonsense. Wouldn’t anyone be disappointed? In the end, some tend to give up, and some still continually strive for a better change.

For those who gave up, I don’t blame you. I believe my little conclusion of the mindset of some of us are far too shallow, but it cannot be denied that it exists. Maybe some of you have other reasons for not voting, I don’t know, but I still respect your decisions. It must be of a good cause, it can be personal too. Since the word ‘personal’ has been mentioned, we should not dwell further on why they did that.

As for those who chose to strive for a better change, I applaud your courage to stand out and cast your vote to the Oppositions. When I was lurking moar in forums, I have seen some people content that their small little vote has made a great change for our future. Some of them specially took buses or any means just to get to their voting stations, irregardless that the places might be outstation and very far from where they work. Surprisingly, I was quite touched by their actions…

Because of your strength and unity, you all have made a change for Malaysia possible. Even with the nonsense 80 to 800 recount of the Rembau, or the ‘sudden appearance’ of 14 ballot boxes, they are not enough to thwart off the unity of the rakyat. Don’t forget, without the help of all races, we would not have achieved our goal. ^^ Viva la rakyat guys, you all rule!!!!11

Now, can you kindly get the trash you’ve put in our beautiful (somewhat lah okay :P) Malaysia? I accidentally stepped on a BN flag lying on the floor that day. And judging from the footprints, many must have unintentionally stepped on it too. Gosh, we’re so sorry for the unintentional defamation. *cheesy grin*

Same rules apply for the Oppositions too. Get rid of the trash lah please?! Pretty Please?! T.T

I guess I shall yet again delay my belated Valentines Day post.

Kthxbai with Love,

Ya Hui

Elections, Erections…

March 7, 2008

These two are very similar in their own ways.

Firstly, they indulge in the heat of the moment. All the political parties are doing their very best to achieve their goal of getting the most votes (yeah, get the most votes then sit back and slack off and do no nuts for our country). They’re so desperate to the extent that they’re willing to flood clean and beautiful Malaysia with utter rubbish these few days. As for erections, guys do all sorts of nonsense just to reach the climax, maybe even asking for ridiculous requests from their partners. Who knows? Maybe you’re one of them. *sly grin*

Then, after the heat of the moment dies…

After e[L]ections, I’m pretty sure not much will be done for our country (yeah I’m a freaking pessimist). Potholes in our roads will be potholes that ruins our driving comfort once more, and nobody will give a damn to fill it up. Racist comments will continue to fly across the tables of the Parliament and no rules can be enforced to punish these buggers because of ‘special privileges on qualified occasions’.

After e[R]ections, I’m pretty sure guys are already dead tired to do a thing. Hmmm, I wonder whether elections are so tiring that the political parties who promised the whole world to the rakyat during the election period, will never be seen doing a thing for us the rakyat when the election is over? Gosh, I didn’t know elections and erections are that synonymous. *big grin*

Anyway, this is just personal opinion. One really wishes what was promised on these banners shall be executed appropriately to ensure that Malaysia has a bright future ahead of her. Not to mention the big amount of trash contributed to gain votes from the rakyat. (Your fukken rubbishy banners are blocking my driving view damnit!)

I’m too young to vote, so I shall sit back and enjoy my youth and let the old people do their bit for the country. 😛

Tag that I’ve Put off Doing for a Looooooooooooong Time. :P

March 6, 2008

Sorry dear bro, see I still remember de leh! 😛

Here goes~

Who was your last text from?
Mai boyfriend. (LOL)

Where was your default picture taken?

Lol wut?

What’s your FULL name?

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Your current status?
Happily married attached.

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*OMG that was a real ICHC marriage proposal!*

What is your current mood?

How old are you?
Dun ask lah, people shy mah. *blush*

If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
Nothing. I’ve come to learn that things happen as the way they were. But if given a choice, maybe I’d pull my friend away from that tragic blow that took his life. 😦

*a moment of silence for him*

What’s your favorite color(s)?

so â?¦ much â?¦ purple â?¦

Ever had a near death experience?
No, and thank God for the protection that you gave me.

Something you do a lot?
Breathe. (been practicing since I was born)

Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
My tiger!Image Hosted by

Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Got, but they’re insignificant people to me. ^^

If you could have one super power what would it be?
Harry Potter-ism.

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*hawt body he has*

What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their fugliness. Guys nowadays have absolutely no taste.

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*You know what? One fine day you might walk right into a lamp post because your hair is freaking blocking your way.*

Favorite season?
Season?! Wtf?! We’re Malaysians hello? It’s summer all year round!

Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
Ya, I still read kid books like Harry Potter so sue me.

What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

*Gulp* Just drank some water.

What language do you speak?
I am a highly accomplished Internetz speaker.

Describe your life in one word.

Do you have any tattoos?
Ya my mom gave me one since I was born.

Who were the last person you hung out with?
My boyfriend. (You must be sick of hearing about him all the time by now)

What are you thinking about right now?
Mai boyfriend!!!!11 (At this point, you must think I’m a boyfriend-centered sicko XD)

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What should you be doing?
I should be cuddling with him in the cinema, eating popcorn, laughing mah arse off.

Who was the last person that made you upset?
Internet faggots.

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*wank themselves they must*

What are you listening to?
Ai.FM the only sucky radio station that we have reception to.

Do you like working in the yard?
No, but I’d like cats and doggies in the yard, rolling in grass~

Who is with you?
My boyfriend, he is always close to my heart. (LOL I heard you puke!)

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[Twenty- eight]
Do you act different around the person you like?
No, I fart, burp, sneeze and do all sorts of disgusting things like normal. ^^

[Twenty- nine]
What is your natural hair color?
Imma cute brunette girl. *bats my short Asian eyelashes*

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*actually, my lashes are non-existent*

Last time you were really happy?
Really happy? I’ve been extremely happy for the past year and wtf you I should be happy all the time thank you very much!

This time I’m tagging Spam King Mike for putting magnets in my mouth. Pfft!

Aiyah, dun study art lah, everyone also study, no future de lah!

March 4, 2008

Are you guys familiar with the above sentence?

I’m sure many of you who have expressed an interest in studying arts or mass communication or any humanity sciences will receive such kind of comment. I believe due to this comment, many of you have been shunned away from your personal interests.

Since my parents said that there are a lot of competitors out there who are studying the same course as me, might as well drop the subject I love out of my consideration list loh. Later graduate liao cannot find job ah, all study art one.

This is like, sooooooooo lame man.

I wonder how many of you have been turned away of your interests due to the urge of parents to study things like law, doctoring, engineering and so on. If your best interests are in the art world, go for it! Have talent? I’m sure you can beat the 98745279 (being randon here peeps) crappy graduates out there! Now, tell me which you prefer, quality or quantity? If you have what it takes, I’m sure the large quantity of zhapalangs will be outrun by you easily!

I just wanna urge you all to follow your heart.

Besides, because of this sentence, many people have been put off from studying arts liao, so the art market is getting smaller and smaller. Ever heard of the myth that only useless people study subjects like art or mass communication? If this myth was held true, then think the others as crap and you must have the thinking that you can outshine them anytime! Of course, if you really got what it takes lah. If not, I shall not be held responsible for your losses. 😛 Talk about putting rubbish to good use, haha…

So random de thinking hor? I tell you lah, I got it when I was squatting halfway to reach my princess throne. LOL. But oh well, hope you enjoyed reading it.

* and no thanks to the 30+/- people who have been visiting my blog without uttering a word to me! T.T *

Of Makeup and my Personal Beliefs.

March 1, 2008

As some of you probably know, I am among the vain pots who enjoy putting ‘poisonous’ gunk on my face to create the illusion of beauty with colours and some skill.

However, I am also a firm believer of natural beauty. As in, the naturally beautiful way everyone should look, comfortable with your own skin, not relying on any tools or paint to create beauty. Makeup, as I believe, is used to enhance yourself whenever necessary. Every girl should be comfortable with their own skin, and even more confident when their great features are enhanced, not covered, by makeup.

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Random picture for the lulz.

I am quite astonished when the term ‘putting on a face‘ has become a norm for women all over the world to describe that they’re actually ‘putting on makeup‘ for the day. Makeup, it seems, have become a second layer of artificial, covering what is buried deep within the layers of cream, mousse, powder – you name it.

This sort of feeling comes very strongly after I read a blog of a girl who lives in the USA that thrives on makeup and hopes to be a makeup artist in the future. Truly, I admire her enthusiasm towards the art form of creating beauty. Not to mention though, the interest is easily nourished due to the fact that good quality makeup can be accessed in the USA without costing a bomb, unlike here in Malaysia where actually the large amount of paying for the makeup goes to taxation fees. Anyway, the girl wrote an article about herself not having the confidence of bringing herself around without makeup. She tried to live a day going to college without her ‘face’ on and within less than an hour she succumbed into the pressure and quickly rushed to apply her makeup. That hits me a bit hard how girls can grow so dependent on it.

Then when I was lost in thought about my little interest clashing with my belief, I had a talk with my darling on the phone:

Me: I love to create beauty using makeup, but I don’t fancy strutting around with 3 inches of powder all day long. (as you know, if you were to be a makeup artist or some sort, you’ll need to ‘carry a face’ that looks convincing to your clients that you are actually skilled to do it. Would you ever imagine going to a makeup counter in the mall to see their staff in their plain faces? If like that hor, any plain Jane can call themselves an artist liao. LOL.)

Him: Do you see those really talented hairstylists who carry a gorgeous hairstyle? Usually the awkward ones who sport something low profile are the ones who are most talented in their work. So if you really have the talent, you need not have to succumb yourself to match the stereotypes.

*Grin starts to appear in my face*

Well, darling is right about it. But as I mentioned, would anyone have the confidence to hire you if you don’t hold any form of ‘testimony‘ (get what I mean?) of your skills to present to your client? Sigh sigh. I dunno.

I’m just 18 this year, I don’t want the daily routine of ‘putting on a face‘ to become a part of my life for the coming many, MANY years to come. (Long live Ya Hui!)

The reason I feel so strongly about this is because I’ve seen peers in my college who have succumbed to become a slave of makeup. I’ve got friends who have not once showed up in college without a ‘face‘ intact. Sure, they get the heads up and all the attention from hot guys and their peers for looking gorgeous with that look on, but when I asked my friend about how she feels with makeup on everyday, she says that it’s a burden. It started off gradually, then little by little, she became greatly dependent on it. See how it works now? I don’t wish that to happen to me. Meanwhile, I shall be greatly happy to be in my own skin, being one of the plain Janes in the society, strutting around showing off some of the ugly pimple scars that serves as a reminder of how much pain I went through in the battle for clear skin, and shall be happy to ocassionally get the ‘wow’ when I put on some color on for my outings.

Aaaaah, contradictions, contradictions. How can we live without it?


Ya Hui