Archive for January, 2008

My Second Semester Has Ended.

January 31, 2008

I’m so happy that the exam is over, I am doing boogie dances all over the place, while saying ‘exam is over, I’m freeeeeee…’

Well, free is right. But being a TARCian, most of your friends come from various places so everyone will be away to their hometowns during the month-long holidays. Oh no, Ya Hui all alone in KL. Sad wor. T.T

But for this semester’s exam, I can proudly say I did pretty well and hope the results turn out good as expected loh~ I wish for an above average CGPA. Mass Media Law paper rocked, PR paper should be okay, and the Electronic Publishing is quite easy, i’m sure the whole course will score pretty decently.

Damn it, my past year resolution was not to procrastinate so much and work harder and earlier before the exam but turned out laziness ruled over me. 😦 If I could work hard earlier, my CGPA wouldn’t be what I am expecting now, which is ‘above average’. When will I finally spurt and work the way up to ‘Outstanding’? I’m hoping for the day to arrive. Sometimes enthusiasm really kicks in by itself when you least expect it (cleaned my room today after much loooooooong delay).

Post-exam fun was hanging out with Enigmatic and Christine. Glad they’re getting along fine, he he. Visited my orthodontist after much delay. Luckily my braced teeth is going well and I’ve been good! I did wear my retainers although I am lazy to put it on once in a while. Dr Muhammad tightened that piece of plastic so I’ll be suffering a little~ Sigh…

The movie that I watched with Enigmatic and Christine is The Game Plan. Great movie guys, must watch. You get to see the manly ‘The Rock’ as a down-to-earth daddy with his unexpected daughter. πŸ˜€

Oooops, seems that this blog entry has been pretty much talking to myself. I’ll drop a pic or two later to compensate. I got headache due to bad weather conditions. T.T


Bus Conductors / Bus Drivers from Hell.

January 22, 2008

I really can’t understand why people can stand taking Metrobus and SJ Bus man. Not to mention, RapidKL too. They all suck. If any of you guys are reading this, I really dun give a damn. I bet you guys can’t even read Engrish!!!!1111111111

RE: Metrobus

Feels like I’m paying RM0.90 for risking my life in a terror ride. Personally, I really can’t take it. The bus drivers are FUCKING STUPID AND TERRIBLE! Fuck it, how can anyone stand sitting in those buses at all?! They never give a shit about the other driver’s on the road, never give a fukken shit about those on board, heck, never give a shit about their own lives!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno where the freaking hell they got their licence, but if they got it from JPJ, I have a faint idea why these fucktards are even allowed on the already shitty road of Malaysia! *nudge nudge and winks* If you already got your licence, I am quite sure you will know why. Corruption, my dears.
Now, you’d argue that there are extremely poor people who needs the service of this cheap bus service and couldn’t afford the RM2.00 RapidKL bus fare. Well, that’s another story. From what I see, the bus only mainly serves the *ahem* crowd. Noticed where the buses all head to? Chow Kit, Pudu Raya. Zhapalang places with a mixture of *ahem* people.

The bus conductors are damn fucked up too. Just this afternoon, I boarded the Metrobus alone since waiting wasn’t an option as all my friends were heading elsewhere. Did you know, I swore off taking Metrobuses unless it’s in dire consequences. πŸ˜›

Anyway, back to my story. The conductor beckoned me to the bus a little over warmly as his hand was outstretched as if he were to pat my on my back or something. I ducked into the bus. God knows what will I do if he ever touched a molecule of me. (maybe I’d kick his balls and throw him outta the bus)

During the ride, the conductor and driver kept on harassing TARC girls at random. Even those who were not seeking their bus were also disturbed. They may be able to bear with such rudeness but I just can’t. Hence, the complaint here. *lol*

Then, when he came to collect money from me, I already took extra care to have minimal contact with this conductor as he was already a certified living, breathing and walking wolfag (wolf-faggot). I took out the money, stretched out my hand but he JUST had to freaking stick his hand right in front of my chest and pretend to wave around in sync with the bus’s motion to get the pathetic amount of moolah. Come on lah, never see girl before meh? Go zha your girlfriend if you have a fukken urge. Dun touch innocent girls just wanting to get to her destination in peace.

Now, the best part is, after he collected RM1 from me, he passed RM0.10 change back to me. He groped around my hand. FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT! I felt so contaminated I didn’t dare touch my bf when he came to pick me up. When I reached my bf’s home I washed my hands vigorously. Fucktards who touch my hands should BURN IN HELL!

Ya know, I really dun freaking care what you guys or those political jokers say about dressing too revealing will attract problems to yourself. In this case, it’s the fukken male species problem, not mine. Can’t control urge right? I’ll give you a right kick in the balls guaranteed to give you a great erection!

And dun even let me get started on the racial issue, but generally, all 3 races including the zhapalang workers also hamsap de lah. So I should be a good girl and not generalize.

Ah, finished ranting, I guess I’ll leave my judgement of SJ Bus and RapidKL to myself.


ENDNOTE: METROBUS YOU FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of Shoes and Feelings~

January 16, 2008

I just realized…










I don’t have a pair of decent and comfortable sandals. (Oh wow! What a disaster! *Rolls eyes*)

The ones I own either have

  • Heels that are too high,
  • Heels that are not appropriate to wear during casual outings,
  • Styles too fancy to match my casual clothing,


  • Have too many straps to tie when you’re in a dash-and-run schedule (Youre talking to a sucker for shoes with straps).

Die, need to buy shoes again.


Some things that I thought should have brought each of us more time together and closeleness, have not reached my expectations. To the contrary, it has made me felt a bit lonely since he has a lot of things to settle in a new environment. Still, I’m very very grateful. Who would have thought this wonderful but troublesome event would have happened?

Anyway, hope after everything on his side is settled, he will take out more time to pamper me. I will just remain understanding because I know he has a lot of things in his mind at the moment.

Ciao~ Gotta study…

MOOD OF THE DAY: as per my font colour, blue.

Sneak Peek of my Day!

January 12, 2008

What are these fine gentlemen doing?

What is the blog owner doing? πŸ˜›

Stay tuned! πŸ™‚

Looking Back at 2007, and Special Dedications

January 3, 2008

Year 2007

1. I found love in a good friend.

<— Back then, I was in braces and he was bespectacled (pic taken after LASIK). So ugly. >.<

2. Lost my first kiss to him too. *Giggles*

<— Yes, I love you baby~ Thank God we are finally together after all these years. I’ll cherish this love forever. :-*

3. Learnt how to DRIVE.

<— In dear’s ride, miss my long hair. But a good change is a good change. My new bob rocks!

4. Got enrolled into TARC, the extremely AFFORDABLE (read: cheap) and QUALITY (read: quantity-centered) college for the Chinese community.

<— Sucks for mass communication studies! Noobs, don’t go there!

5. Got myself a bunch of ding dongs for friends.

<— Don’t get me wrong, I love you guys~

6. Success in delivering well done presentations this semester (previous ones were shit)

—> Never have to face the fear of public speaking again. Thanks for building my confidence. You guys rock!

7. Gotten my Dell Vostro 1400.

<— My shiny black jewel capable of delivering me a decent gaming experience. πŸ™‚

8. Got myself another acne breakout thanks to Usana, who claimed to detox me and provide me good health.

<— Thanks for treating my face as an ass, who detoxifies by shitting from the asshole. Now you make me shit my toxins from my facial pores. Damn you.

9. Developed a fetish for shoes. I have gotten mad. I think I bought approximately 15 shoes over the span of a year.

—> A pair of boots from Hong Kong (again!) as well as my bright yellow strappy sandals!

10. Went to Hong Kong. And shopped and spent till you will shat bricks when you see my purchases.

<— You’ll shit bricks when you see the amount of people mountain people sea in the streets of Hong Kong too.

A Recollection of the Year 2007 that I had. The most deep memory embedded into my brain is of course, being together with a close friend. It has showered me with innumerable amount of love and great memories.




Thanks to akonana99090, whom I knew through an online forum, for showing me the true meaning of love. Thanks for giving me warmth when I need it most. Thanks for doing all those whiny noises with me when we are just plainly acting like children. Thanks for wrestling with me. Thanks for listening to my nags although you dun like it. Thanks for taking me out to dinner, playing footsie and annoying the hell out of the diners with our sweetness. Thanks for being my warmth and company during the cinema sessions. Thanks for being the one who comfort me when I need support. Thanks for covering my eyes when I pass my shoe shops and my shoe fetish starts to itch.

Thanks for not asking a gazillion of impossible things from me, and simply just loving me for who I am. I love you too, not the nickname ‘akonana99090‘, I love the person behind the nickname very much.


Thanks to my classmates, B7. You guys rock you know? I’ve never really opened myself up that freely with a group before, and you guys managed to dig the real Ya Hui out. I enjoy myself greatly with you guys oh~ Hopefully I don’t have to change college to pursue my future dreams. I will miss you guys like hell leh. 😦 Although a change of environment means new friends. Sigh. I hate settling down then having to start over again you know. 😦


Thanks to my family for keeping me safe and warm for the past 18 years. Although I got an insatiable fetish for shoes, I won’t spend so much of our family’s hard earned money. My mind is still straight lah. πŸ˜›


And thanks for the lurkers who lurk around my blog without dropping me any comments! I know you guys are there! I got my analytics to prove it! *Wails*


HAPPY 2008!


A start of new year joke for you all.

The front part is boring, but the fun starts at 2:44. Sit through it! πŸ˜‰

Happy New Year 2008!

January 2, 2008

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Resolutions for new year? Upcoming soon! Stay tuned. Have a great year ahead, dear readers! πŸ™‚