Archive for November, 2007


November 30, 2007

I’m such a wuss.

I actually…

Got teary-eyed to see a young man actually directing a blind man, who was walking in the wrong direction after he got down from the LRT, to the correct direction to the escalator. Hands wrapping around the blind man’s shoulders warmly, as though they were brothers.

And I thought chivalry doesn’t exist in Malaysia. Whoa~

Ya know, anything could happen, the blind man could just point his walking stick in your face, demanding you hand him your money, while negligent people walking past thought he was just a poor old blind fella pointing his stick in the wrong direction. XD

That’s the way it is in Malaysia. Everyone is so worried about their own asses, chivalry hardly exists anymore. Sigh. Shameless to say, I’m one of those too. So sue me. Ain’t my fault for wanting to keep myself safe when some ‘greater force’ can’t. 🙂

Racism: Implemented at an Early Age.

November 23, 2007

Today when I was playing with a little boy whom I’m very fond of, 2 niggers passed by the little boy’s shop. He was in his grandparents shop playing the day off, enjoying the sights and sounds as a growing 3 year old.

Then he gestured me to move closer, pointed outside and he whispered: “Jie jie, see.

I turned around to see the two niggas, and said, “Yeah, black people.

The little boy gave me a grimace, and said: “Eeee, black black one.” And made another face as though he was disgusted.

I lol’d.

Myth Buster Vixen!

November 20, 2007

Myth Busted: Public Relations is a Crap Subject Whereby Those Non-study Types Go To Spend Their Precious Time, Sit Over the Course, and Just Get a Fukken’ Degree.

This is soooooooooooooo not true man. But well, you accounting or engineering students do all the hard math, yeah. But problem is, the field of study is different, so you can’t for shit complain that we PR students are doing nothing when you are calculating away with your nerdy brains, so back off with the prejudice will ya?!

And IIANM (correct me if I’m wrong), business or engineering or what not students don’t do as much presentations as we do. Just like doing calculations and all that is a skill, walking in high heels all over campus during presentation days, putting on makeup without making yourself look like a slutty Geisha is a life skill too.

Not to mention, can you present yourself with confidence, and at the same time, don’t bore your audience off with your nerdy face and voice?! It’s a skill, ya know.

True, PR students might suck badly at math. But please, those who tumpang PR just to get an easy degree, fuck off will you? You guys are giving us a bad name. And I’m so glad my classmates are mostly there to study… Er, maybe gua. Not sure about that part but I certainly am there to learn something. Albeit, I’m a lazy idiot. XD

A Good Myth is a Good Myth: PR Students are Fashionably Vain.

Yeah, this is soooooooooo true man. Practically every girl studying PR knows how to dress up man. The only gals I see going through all the pain to makeup all day just to go to the college can be found mostly in SSSH. Either they’re extremely vain, or they got the knack for bracing themselves for a life of PR. Being as lazy as I am with a bad skin condition, that is out for me.

Besides laziness, I got my health to consider too. Imagine where the eye makeup will go at the end of the day? I dunno about you guys, but once when I makeup my eyes heavily, the next day I had very small amounts of black discharge (eyeliner residue maybe?) coming out from my nose. Eeeeew. And it might be carcinogenic?! Who knows?! Besides, it feels great to suddenly wow everyone around you when you are really up to dressing up on particular days. 🙂

And think about it, it will be an investment to make! Everyday makeup meaning you need to invest in foundation, loose powder, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara, lip gloss, you name it. These are my knockout combos, varies from each vain girl so don’t take my word for it. 😛

Gals with boyfriends who loves you when your makeup is on, did you know?! My darling loves me just the way I am. ^^

So, throw the flames, joo nerds. Myth busted, and a good myth is a good myth, it’s true!

On another note, why Nuffnang advertise DiGi in my blog when I’m a Maxis user?! =.=


November 15, 2007

Being born with a rather tall and lovely nose (sans the occasional disfiguring pimple), but cursed with a sinus condition that makes me dribble water and spread bacteria (constant sneezing) quite frequently. And when that happens, wherever I go, I commit sin.

For the past years of my teenage life, I’ve committed the sin of plucking off leaves from a big tree and eventually chopping down the trunk, only to have it manufactured into tissue to suit my selfish needs: to keep my nose dry and prevent humiliating leaks. Every run to the tissue box and every pluck of a tissue paper is SIN, man. I’m sorry, Mr Tree. I don’t mean to. It’s my nose condition, see.

That’s how bad my nose condition is. Since young also like that. I hate sneezing all over the place and having the inside of your nose itch lah. Haiyah.


PS: I’d advertise about a certain product called Nasonex (my life saver man. Have stopped dribbling ever since my darling’s mom introduced me to it) which helped me tremendously, but I’m not paid to do so, so hell yeah, I won’t bother. Must, *achoo!* stock up when I hit a pharmacy next time…

Ya Hui is so cold now. Darling, can I have a hug? *whimpers*

Basking in the Glory of Victory~

November 13, 2007

I’ve grown so lazy to update my little space for rants ever since the sudden pile-up of assignments. It’s not a wonder to hear seniors complaining ‘you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet’ to their juniors. When kids starting their first sem in college, they were complaining like mad (yeah, I’m talking about my past self. Now that I’m in the second semester, I got all the right to say that without being pointed out as a noob XD) about the crazy flow of assignments and presentations.

So back to topic, yeah, I’ve been busy with my assignments. It ain’t fun when you’re chosen as the first group to present an essay within a period of 3 weeks. -__- Everything was so last minute but we pulled through perfectly! High praises from my chinese lecturer whom I have mixed feelings about. She said that I was extremely nervous at first (FYI, I was, but definitely NOT to the extent of wetting myself) but grew very steady afterwards. That leads me to wonder why am I able to bitch so freely on the Internets. Maybe I got an alter ego (sE_vIxEn?!). 😛 Besides being steady during a presentation, I have good analytical skills! Wheee… And my group members fared very well, especially Christine, who works super hard and has the ability to put lazy asses like me to shame.

Our group members basking in our glorious victory~ (all hail the ever infamous lala sign) Looks like I got wear a Batman mask hor?! It’s the projector light lah~~~

So, the subsequent group members who are gonna present your essays, be careful, be very careful. We have set a very high benchmark for you guys for starters, so watch out. Wakakaka~ 😛 first white mice to get over a trap and survive gets bragging rights~ Blek!

Life has been amazing for me lately, with the presence of a loved one and the usual madness a teenager goes through. But for now, let me rest before I kick start off my blog in my usual satirical manner. Went out since 7 this morning and came back around 7 in the evening. Tired lah~~~~~~~ I’m skinny and lugging around a laptop all over the vast campus of TARC is NOT fun at all man. I’m not built with high stamina, I admit. I’m built according to my zodiac, the snake.

Good night.