Archive for October, 2007

First Day of School… Er, college.

October 16, 2007

For the past 5 years I’ve lived a recurrent lifestyle, and that is the anticipation of going back to high school for the start of a new school year! I recall that I looked damn ridiculous on my first few years, wearing my baggy school uniform, carrying a fat ass bag (thanks for our education system), a fat ass water bottle, having a very symmetrical hair cut (as per picture), and carrying yet another bag containing my extra books and knick knacks. A little girl like a Christmas tree sporting fat ass decorations plus a lot of spots on her face to cap it all off. Spots that erupts like a volcano once it’s cooked.

Time, girl instinct, vanity and laziness got me to change my appearance over the years. Had medication to kill off the spots, tried all sorts of wild hairstyles, had my school uniform tailor made, had ALL my textbooks dumped into the school premises, whichever spot we could lay our hands on without letting the discipline know, hiding our boooks under the cupboard, outside the aircon vent, yada yada, uncountable funny things.

I’ve anticipated going up my school bus and bullying the new kids that just started their first year in the school, timid looking kids that eventually turned into vulgarity machines thanks to unofficial training in high school and eventually bullied us seniors back. That was wonderful. After school hours were an excitement to us. As we pass by kids on other buses, we saw them quietly minding their own businesses whilst we partied behind.

All of it has turned into a sweet memory. The ‘first’ day of school on my sixth year had me walking with a very heavy heart to the Jiao Wu Chu, to deal with my school leaving procedure. No regrets man, but seriously, who’d not carry a heavy heart to leave the place where you lurked for so long?! I love the people here, and no matter how much I hate the school politics, I still love it. That was the last ever day I got to wear my blue school uniform, which i despise yet loved so much. The irony, eh?! :-/

Well, it’s all over after I made the decision to leave high school a year early. Now, it’s waiting for a semester to pass by, have our holidays, then wait for the next semester to come by.

But why? Why am I not feeling any anticipation? I’m not all that eager, I’m demotivated. Has the holiday been too long? I guess so. The lack of updates from the college for my school, SSSH has left me quite disappointed. No social life at all during my holidays, the only time our gang got out was to go clubbing after our exams, which I refused. Clubbing ain’t my thing, although you guys persuaded me to go but nope, better don’t. Nothing beats a good night’s rest, and to put it my darling’s way, staying at home and shaking our butts with each other is far more entertaining and a great pleasure than being in a cramped situation with unearthly loud music. No offence, gals, but sing k or a movie I shall welcome with open arms. No club for me. 😛

Today is just another normal day to me… Hope that my buddies can pump more motivation into me as time passes… And hope the college doesn’t turn out as bad as how I always mouthed it. But it’s still proving a disappointment to me to see a fucking mad timetable and so far, 2 unconvincing lecturers.


Meanwhile, to those who are taking their UEC, I wish you all well. Fight for chinese education! Fight for the glory of Namewee! XDXD

But I’m serious lah, see how ‘they’ treat us chinese?! Do well, and get outta here, leave this place, bear in mind this country has never gave us independence school students the time of the day in helping us in our struggle! Jia you~~~~~~~~

PS: belated post, it was meant to be posted yesterday, sorry~

I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE… (so lame lah this rule, k?! -.-)

October 7, 2007

Repeat subject header “I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…”
Copy + paste these rules in your entry.

Complete these 15 totally useless statements & questions.
Mention who you were tagged by, followed by 8 people who you’ll be tagging.

Jan darling tagged me. Twice. -.-

If I was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
T-Shirt gua?! Plus loose jeans that hang at the edge of my waist with Calvin Klein undies (sarcasm to fags who wear them and reveal it to the whole world. You guys suck, you know? Probably fake Calvin Kleins considering your ugly face).

At 10am this morning, I was…
In the pasar, buying groceries like an aunty.

At 10pm tonight, I will be…
Should be finishing this tag by then.

Who should be the next Malaysian Prime Minister?
Any non-idiotic person that is not biased, doesn’t have a grudge towards the Chinese, doesn’t suck up to *you know what race*, *rants on*…

If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would…
Seduce him and let him know that I’m irresistable. (Jan dear, that is a GREAT answer! LMAO XD)

If I was a piece of a car, I would be the…
Anything other than the thing that secures ones’ ass in place.

If I was told one day that I would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate OR 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up?
Neither. I will slaughter the person who asked me to do something this ridiculous.

Singapore is good for…
Political wise, the extreme opposite of Malaysia. How I wish I need not live in fear here.

If I could only say 3 words before I die, what would those last words be?
I love WaiHong~

Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with?
The guy whom I love, as mentioned above.

Die by drowning or by fire?
Hmmm, I don’t want to die?!

What one single thing would you buy with your last RM9.95?
Buy something with RM9.95?!!!!!!!!!! You CAN’T survive with RM9.95 in KL now!!!!!!! Now, maybe if got RM995,000, I would first get a house… *rattles on*

vixedit: ZOMFG darling, you read me mind. Though I dun use it, it was the first thing I thought of when I read the question. Damn you for reading my mind! -___- scary lah you know?! 😛 *nudgenudgewinkwink*

If I opened a night club, what would I call it?


Ya Hui’s Corner?! *so lame*

Don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”?
My Engrand are sucked. Stop ask me Engrand.

I think my ass is…
SEXY (high 5, Jan dear~)

I am tagging:
Hangmen (dun wtf me k)
Yee Piao

Uh, damn odd people do be doing this tag, but anyhoo. ^^

Thanks for reading my satirical answers! 🙂

Eyes so tired. @@ A very serious post. Srsly.

October 5, 2007

Hi guys. Been cooped up in the office lately, nothing interested happened and my eyes are so tired. @@ Cannot lah, still need to keep this baby running!!! Most importantly, the princess has something to say!!!!!!!!!

Well, as everyone have been fervently hunting the news about the latest developments of Hui Yee, the mechanical heart girl, an article was written in Sin Chew quoting a Minister called
(????) ???


Somehow, this sentence struck me quite hard. It seems that the bugger wants to use the organs of unfortunate victims as a donation source to those who need an organ or two.

WTF?! Using unfortunate victims’ organs, as a donation source to another unfortunate soul with a health condition?!

Come on man, why not try to lower the ACCIDENT RATE that has been infesting the country?! You still have the cheek to report HOW MANY PEOPLE DIE IN A CAR ACCIDENT IN MALAYISA PER YEAR. And hopefully the victim or family can give consent to donate the organ to the needy.

In fact, I lost a friend in an accident last year, he was one of the unlucky among the 6000 people. ON THE OTHER HAND, a drunkie just ran into my dear’s car when he was driving peacefully on a highway. How’s the bugger, you ask?! He’s dead. He got run over by another car after the walked into the side of my dear’s car and collapsed.

My, my, so very great of the donors family, I really admire the courage of the Malay family who gave the son’s organs willingly and not drag racial / religious issues into the matter, that is, SAVING A YOUNG LIFE. And I’m serious. I was extremely thrilled when I see the poor girl had a chance of survival. SALUTE TO THE FAMILY WHO REMAINS ANONYMOUS.

BUT, the way the Minister put it, I just can’t take it.

You get what I mean, right?!

Instead of trying to help those who are in need, why not you prevent something that is unnecessary in the first place?! Like, for example, educate road users well. AND! I am ashamed to say this, but I got myself a licence because I’ve stuffed the fucking mouth of a stupid JPJ official with money so that I’d pass if I didn’t do atrociously.

And now, I am not able to handle REAL LIFE road situations, want me to drive to the grocery or somewhere near my neighborhood?! No big. But I simply am not prepared to handle what’s out in the big roads, you get what I mean?! In fact, thinking back, I got off too easy in the driving test. BUT, I didn’t do that bad, mind you. Just that I’m astounded why a half bucket water like me am allowed to pass.

Believe me, the counting poles parking method is very lame. Ain’t gonna help when you are faced with reverse parking or other parking situations which we are not educated to handle, rather just educated to GET OVER THE FUCKING LAME driving test. When I was doing my parking, I did beautifully, but the woman, with a tudung around her head, probably lost 50% visibility on both sides of her face with the cloth covering her damned fugly face, didn’t even bother turning her head to see how I’ve done. In fact, dun think she ever supervised any of us at all.


Failure of addressing the root of this problem, that is, educating drivers well and maintaining a strict regulation for driving tests AS WELL AS DRIVING INSTRUCTORS (believe me, they just want to get you over the test, not having a single genuine thought of educating us well enough to handle real road situations) at the first place, is the main cause of this problem. Besides that, there are still individual personalities, bad temper and a fake-haired Samy Vellu and his topsy turvy roads, bad road maintenance, etc etc.

Come on, get over the problem before you wanna turn a freaking BAD thing into a good thing simply because the unfortunate fella who died in an accident can give a chance of life to another unfortunate soul. That is just irrational to me. If it’s a country like Singapore urging those unfortunate to die or get brain dead in an accident (mind you, their crime and accident rates are generally so low, I think those who are unfortunate are plain unlucky or maybe some Ah Long wanted to kill them in the first place, else I see no reason why it’d happen), I seriously have no objections.

But, 6000 people die in accidents annually, and you hope those that might be next can become a donor?! He’s saying as though it’s certain accidents will happen.

Well, why don’t you take some action and stem the flow of lives drifting away due to road accidents in the first place?! PUH-LEEZ. It’s pure fear for me having to walk around the streets of Bolehland, even my own neighborhood. Nowhere is safe in this wretched country. Sigh

*Rolls eyes with severe irritation*


The drunkie wrecked my date on a beautiful Saturday, had me ffk Freaky, had my dear nearly losing his mind, and ruined his Kelisa and rendered it unusable, resulting in ONE WHOLE DAMN WEEK NOT ABLE TO SEE HIM, CUDDLE HIM, KISS HIM, feel him, T.T …

And most importantly…

The drunkie didn’t even realise he caused so much damage to so many people. Including the poor driver who gave the final blow to the collapsed drunkie. Mind you, it could have been avoided, but the Nepalese with his so-called friends, failed to stop the traffic or move their friend away. See? When things happen, it’s best to save your own ass first, because sometimes friends just are unable to help you. So, the fella should have done himself a favour and not lose his consciousness to alcohol in the first damned place.

Rest in peace, though, I have prayed for your soul. Hope the living will learn a lesson from you, a young person who lost his life to a bad mistake as well as bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time… Namo Amitabha…