Archive for August, 2007

I ripped off a taxi. Yeap.

August 29, 2007

The taxi drivers who always park their cars outside of TARC entrance are really fucktards. If you want to go elsewhere, they will refuse to pick you up. Damn!

They wait for 4 students to board their car and charge us 1 ringgit each. Usually to close by destinations.

Okay fine, quite fair as well as taking the bus also around that price.

But then I am very fed up today. One fellas car got 3 students liao, they were heading to MU. So I asked whether he could drop me off at Melati LRT station.

He said yes.

And naturally, I assumed the charge will be RM1 as the distance wasn’t exactly that far and the route will lead him directly back to TARC anyway. If we were going according to the meter, I felt the thing wouldn’t even have reach 20 sen!


Fuck you, you stupid cabbie, I shall not tolerate this sort of behaviour. I have always been fed up with faggoty taxi drivers, those who charge you sky high prices for short distances or who refuses to fetch you during peak hours.

Usually I will throw a very nasty comment at those sort of drivers before slamming the door with all my force or demanding that they follow the meter. If they give in, fine, else, I’d just slam the door. Easy. That day one idiot actually stopped when he picked up a customer to screw me for slamming his worthless, shitty door. Nenenenepupu~~~~~~

According to their conduct or rules or something, they MUST pick up customers whenever they are hailed. And all charges goes according to meter. (You think in Penang meh, cincai open price, those idiots at the yummy island)

I threw 2 fifty sen coins at him, said, ‘tak boleh, mana boleh simply charge saya? Awak tak cakap harga pun.’ With that, I got out of the cab.

I could feel the murderous eyes of the cabbie following me all the way to the station.

But hell yeah, I don’t care. However, take note readers, if you see headlines on the news regarding a student being ambushed by a taxi driver, that could probably be me. ^^



Modern World Scenario.

August 27, 2007

Hi guys! Since I have absolutely nothing to post about, let me share with you what I took note of a couple of weeks ago.

The world has indeed changed. For the better?! Nah, don’t think so. So come, let’s look at the development of the future of Malaysia, the harapan bangsa, the tiang negara (rough translation to Engrand: pole / stick of the country) – the teenagers.

What happened to the appreciation of good music?!

As I walk along the corridors of Sungei Wang, I can’t help but notice that renditions of ‘Smack That’ is playing all over the damned place. Or maybe so-called ‘remix’ music by various artists whose source is unknown and unheard of.

Blasting in the ears of fellow shoppers, are lame music with absolutely no taste, no quality and lacks creativity. No money buy some nice decent albums is it?! And why want to smack here smack there?! Go smack yourselves in the face lah!

What happened to fashion sense, for God’s sake?

I was having lunch with my darling mom when she nudged me and giggled.

“Look beside you!”

A bunch of aunty class women were standing rooted to the spot, near a corridor that is filled to the brim with lala stores with lala music to match along.

And flocks and flocks of seafood were walking by, proud of their funky hair and their assortment of ridiculousy coloured socks. Stockings. Stripes. Polka dots. Panda eye makeup. *shivers and faints*

Besides that, lesbian couples were seen in the above fashion. WOW! They are soooooooooo very in love. *rolls eyes*

Disclaimer: I am not prejudiced against lesbians or gays, but rather disgusted at the mentality of youngsters whom thinks following the trend to love a member of the same sex is FUN AND TRENDY.

Back to the aunties that were standing in front of the stalls.

They were pointing and giggling as each seafood specimen with their wonderful sense of colour and a choice select of stockings walked past. And when some lesbian couples walked past, they nearly laughed out loud in mirth at the ridicule and shame the teenagers are bringing themselves.

‘Nuff said.

What a wonderful shopping experience!

Short post coz I’m worried sick, tired and restless…

August 21, 2007

After attending my Mass Communications class today and a few explanations on the teacher’s side, me, as a mass media student, feels that the whole damn world is fucked up with manipulation of the media. And gullible idiots who believes blindly in the misleading direction of where the media is trying to head us to.

That’s why we have the Internets, brutal but truthful. (Always fire the famous political blogs, wait till you see the holy 4chan.) Yet some ministers in Malaysia refuse to face the reality. Their manipulation is about to backfire regardless of how much they try to demote the Internet. Talking especially about Bolehland, yes. Foreigners will probably be puzzled by this entry, but oh well. So scared a couple of blogs and websites who display the truth will demote you guys?! Yawn yawn. Try harder, will ya?! 😉

On another note, here’s a note to aedes mosquitoes if you ever fark past any computer screen and can read alphabets.

FUCK YOU. I hereby plead to all my readers, if you ever see a stripped mosquito or any fugly insect not worthy of this beautiful world, catch them off da air and pull out their legs, one by one, then their wings, then squish them like a bug *pun intended*.

First you made my brother suffer.

Now my boyfriend?

Damn you, you unworthy bugs. May you burn in hell with no wings and legs to run away from the clutches of the devils after my readers send you to Hell. May they torture you like how they are torturing my dearest now.

*Shows middle finger at a mosquito before grabbing it and tearing it in-*


August 15, 2007

I wonder whether any of my classmates will get access of my blog, I never told them I have a wonderful life at the Internets and have a blog up and running.

Not that they even bother to discover the wonder of the Internets anyway. So I’ll proceed with my bitching.

First incident was a few weeks back. My Dell, as everybody know, is born with a LCD light defect and several patched up scratches.

Okay fine. Defects. And Dell is willing to do all the necessary to satisfy it’s customer, who is their top priority and also well known for their superb services.

When one of my friends brought up the topic of the condition of my laptop, I told her that I was pending a response from Dell as I’ve been replying after 5 pm, after their working hours.

Fine fine.

And as I was well known among my classmates as the gal who likes to meddle with online stuff and have made several online purchases, one of my friends started mocking my choice of buying a laptop online.

I explained to her the delay of assistance from Dell was due to the fact that I’ve been giving them my response past their working hours and it would be inappropriate to demand help after working hours as it wasn’t Dell’s policy. Come on, if their 24 hour on call the mah work like hell?!

And she starting criticizing yet again my choice of getting a laptop online.

“Buy phone online, buy laptop also online, see lah, now got problem you dun get a fast response. Help Dell talk some more. If I buy from my friend I can just dump it back and ask them change for me.”

*Rolls eyes in utter irritation*

Come on, you fag. Throw back to your friend to fix it?! I dun really believe in asking friends to help me do stuff. And who are your so-called ‘friends’ anyway, my dear?! Most probably a drop out from high school and sell stuff for a living or to burn their youth. Are they professionals?! They fuck up your system you also dunno!

These sort of things, I’d rather believe in professionals. Anyway, I believe everyone knows Dell’s policy?! Customer satisfaction as main priority?! Yeah, I don’t mind the delay, as long as they get it right for me.

Got wrong with making online purchases meh?! If you had a bad experience, blame it on either bad luck, or blame it on yourself for making a stupid choice and not doing the appropriate research before attempting to do business online.

Don’t throw mocking comments at me. I’d just feel you’re a fool and I’m happily bitching about it in my blog. Bleh.


Second incident.

I was sitting quietly at the corner of the classroom minding my business. Then the engrand teacher whom I fucking hate informed us that we need to do an assignment. We need to pair up to work on it.

A girl whom I hardly had any conversations with came to ask me to be her partner simply because her engrand sucked and she needed someone to help her.

How very frank of you, dear.

In other words…

Isn’t it using me?

Damn you. I freaking hate that. It wasn’t the first time liao. Some girl paired up with me last time saying she likes to work with me because I’m fast and decisive, can get things done.

Yeah right. Why don’t you just admit you want to use me to finish off the assignment quickly because of my half bucket water engrand whom you think highly of?

Trailing back to my original topic, I set out to help the girl, I was cool with it. BUT, the girl was freaking bossy. I was smsing peacefully with my darling. And she, who needed my help in the first place, ordered me to drop my phone immediately so she can discuss work with me.

What the fuck you, how can you order me?! I’d diss you off if I am anonymous, but in college and real life, I am not. I have a reputation to keep and uphold.

Worse thing is, she playfully tried to pull up my skirt to threaten me to put down my phone.

Fuck, like I’d care. Exposing a little bit of flesh sitting with a row of girls, she expect me to do as she expected, to put down my phone. But I didn’t. Didn’t even flinch.

Girl, try harder, would ya?! I dun give a shit about that. You need me and you bossed me around. What the fuck, know your position, will ya?

And nope, you can’t say I’m wrong dear. Why ask me to be your partner in the first place?! YOU NEEDED ME. I don’t need you. I don’t mind if I pair up with other friends, but you, seeking to have me as your partner in such a method, is a disgrace to yourself.

At least, to my fragile little heart. Boohoo, anyone who gives her sympathy, go play with your toes, none of my business.

Night y’all. 😉

Busy argh!

August 10, 2007

My little blog has been left to rot for a long time. Gosh, I’m so sorry. I wonder how many readers have entered it with anticipation (or maybe just mere boredom) and end up hopping to another page, disappointed.

Well, I’m sorry sorry sorry. Been worked up with a few things in particular.

  • My new laptop, Dell Vostro 1400. feel da powder, peeps!
  • My darling, who is gonna finish his OJT in the workshop near my office, therefore not gonna be able to spend practically EVERYDAY with him like what we’ve bee doing liao, so we’ve been spending more time together for the time being.
  • My social life. Not that it sucks. But me, being a weird ass as I am, have a hard time finding someone whom I can really talk to in college. Sigh, not that I dun blend in, damn it, but then, sometimes with all the conversations going on, nothing seems to really attract my interests or suit my tastes. I’d listen to stuff being discussed and although I express interest or take part in it, deep down, I’d feel, what the heck?! How can you think like that, etc etc. Am I too arrogant with myself, not willing to blend in, or is it my ‘mental’ age not suitable for me to mix with my peers?! Demotivated at the moment. 😦
  • Assignments. I really should pump in more effort to do those liao. So far I have produced nothing but crappy stuff which I assumed I could have done better if I add in some determination and stop being lazy. Procrastination can be so enjoyable yet devastating at the same time.
  • And uh… I’ve been having too much fun lately?! LOL. Can’t blame me. Considering that I can’t find someone to express myself properly lately, other than to my dearest, I’ve been having tea sessions with Chee Wai, a friend whom I haven’t met for nearly half a year; and I met Enigmatic, Radz and Iqram today. When I was walking with Enigmatic and darling happened to pass by in the car he was fixing, Enig asked me which fag is that who is waving at me. I flung my handbag at him and he moaned in pain. LOL. I’ll get nasty with anyone who calls my darling names.
  • Darling again. Poor dear, we hardly talked at all for the past 3 days prior to finishing his OJT as he needed to help a family friend fix an ancient old car and it’s taking a toll on his confidence and wasting a lot of his time because there are just too many things to deal with with an ancient machine. I hope you’re alright, darling, and I wanna let you know someone is admiring your determination to fix the problems you’re facing, as well as thinking for the future ahead of not only you, but us. And I’m loving you more and more everyday. :-*

*looks around* Hmmmmmm, I didn’t mean to write in point form today. What the heck, posted! I gotta go sleep~ Nite~