Archive for January, 2007

a normal blog entry that turned into an ugly rant…

January 28, 2007

… been quite hectic with life. look up and down for a good college. keep talking (read: bickering among some sarcastic laughter) with my dad about my choice for going for choosing a subject to continue my tertiary education, and answering very annoying questions from various people who asked me: ‘wei, when you study college?! ; what is your choice?! ; got what plan?! do what in future?!’ yadda yadda yadda type of fag questions. i know it’s a way of showing care, but don’t you think it’s annoying when asked by people each time you see them?!

such as the typical ‘what are you doing?!’ start in MSN. hell. what do you THINK i’m doing in front of the computer?! juggling balls?! playing with my toes?! doing rocket science math?! stop this kind of nonsense sentences lah, frankly i like to reply with a ‘ha ha, nothing, i’m busy, bye.’ when my mind is actually thinking ‘go get a life and leave me alone!!!’ when meeting these type of people. prefer to chat with more interesting individuals more. 🙂 for those who read this and get offended, hopefully you catch my hint and improvise yourself. or maybe this is my thoughts and some people enjoy being asked this question. do as you like then.

sheesh, i started writing this entry with some idea of what i wanted to say and end up ranting. guess i really got a lot of pent up energy within me. lol. or maybe, just too bored with life lately.

will update you guys with my future plans when i have an absolute certain answer rather than talking about assumptions and in the end, getting nothing done or fulfilled. so meanwhile, kindly do NOT pester me with silly questions and stereotypical sentences which i had had enough with.

you might argue that, hey gal, i’m showing my care towards you, and you say this to me?! how dare you?! well, here’s what i have to say: i think you’re just plainly running out of conversation topic and going for the boring old way of starting a talk. well, i malas to layan lah, please lah. give me some peace, else, talk something that matters rather than asking crap questions.

here’s a note to weirdo people who give me comments: hey guys, if you’re from LYN or you’re someone i know, can you kindly drop me your name?! it’s not so holy till you can’t share it with people right?! thanks for your care anyway, but really, i prefer to know where the care comes from. it could be care give from a weird uncle (mummy asked me not to talk to strange uncles XD) who has bad intentions or it really comes from a friend’s care deep from the heart. hell i dunno. just drop me your identity and i’ll analyse myself.

thanks for reading. 🙂

beh tahan…

January 19, 2007

i’m crying in front of the computer now… why, you ask. the bubbly and crazy fun-loving me crying?!

well, it’s just over some family problems that has been bugging me for a long time. i am at a loss here. what can i do?! i really dunno. someone tell me please. i can’t take it anymore.

it is a very sad sight to see two loved ones not talking to each other and treating each other like strangers. why can’t one of them just let loose a little?! why can’t the other party listen up and take simple instructions to improve the situation?! why did that incident had to happen?! if it didn’t, i’d probably be just nagged by my mom over some teenage problems and tantrums. i hate living in a family like this.

i wish to turn back time before any of this happened. i rather be scolded for not doing my chores or for not listening to my mom. compared to what’s happening now, those are small problems not even worthy of attention, or maybe you can even consider it as part of your life!!!

help… 😦

some vixen trivia for you all~

January 15, 2007

sE_vIxEn (NBTD) personal trivia


– is vixen-licious.

– is a lol-1337-ta.

– uses Caturday pictures as her desktop (preferably, no ear cats, as my dad said so: she belongs to cats with no ears as she has no ears to listen to her parents anyway. XD)

– is known as a pervert for liking cats with no ears and blue fur. meow.

– owns a red Sharp v903sh and is smug about it. (hell, how can i not?! i gotten to a frigging lot of trouble to get this baby man!!!)

– likes Utada Hikaru to bursting point. (with 2 phones filled up mostly by her, i dun see why not. XD)

– is a self-centered idiot. (can’t believe you guys say i’m a nice person etc etc. but, appreciate it the same time. thanks, love ya all~ ^^)

– who can forget Harry Potter?! my brave, tragic and cute darling~ i dun want him to die in Book 7… JK Rowling, please don’t. T.T


that’s all for today, folks!!! congratulations to those who manage to finish reading this NBTD article. thanks for making it this far!!!

i miss S3C2!!!

January 11, 2007

this morning woke up with a big fat swollen red eye, sien. was supposed to meet up with Wei Kang early but i needed to rest more and fortunately / unfortunately, his parent’s car broke down so both of us are equally late. then we went for a facial. this time, they use the yucky green blob on my face that they used on him last time, grrrrr, not fair!!! i want chemical treated mask that smells decent!!! lol… after that went for lunch at a fancy restaurant, then have to rush to school to meet my friends. sad that can’t spend more time to accompany him. forgive me yeah dear~ some 1337 fella (kekekeke) also ask me out for lunch but unfortunately i not around so i didn’t go~ sorry also~

when walking along the way to Tsun Jin High School just now, met a lot of friends, hugged a lot of them too. i hope you guys know how much i miss you all~ muack muack muack~ good luck in this year de UEC exam wor!!! i will go back and support you guys during special event de!!! too bad, i got meeting with my dentist, end up cannot go yumcha!!! ARGH!!! frustated, sorry ya gang~ memang tak boleh follow you guys~ 😦

after that went to the dentist with KK, shit, feel like go back open mouth let the doctor see only. waste my time. could have spent more time with my friends. yerrrrrrrrrr~

anyhoo, it was overall a good day. with not much time to spend. next time only go shopping kao kao with my friends!!! XD

a little of my life, an update and a message to someone.

January 9, 2007

back to my life, nothing is up as usual. i think i’m starting to have mental fatigue. although not physically doing anything, i feel damn sien and sleepy. spent too much time to online at night i guess?! or maybe, my secondary school habit of sleeping in class haven’t wear off?! XD friends are telling me that they can’t help but to fish when in class, but i feel that swimming feels better, can float in your dreams. lol. i miss school life, lately bro has nothing much in the office for me to do and i just sit there, in my dad’s boss chair, like a log.

meanwhile, daddy asked me to write an essay for him on why i chose Mass Comm as my tertiary study subject. sien sien sien. i love writing narrative stories in school but definitely not the kind of dad requested. oh well, have to grit my teeth and do it anyway…


meanwhile, i have changed a setting in my blog. now anyone, even if you aren’t a Google or member of this blog can post a comment on my blog. however, do use your medula oblongata to process what you wanna comment on before leaving your shit here and polluting my neat little blog. thank you for your attention. 🙂

for someone, who is anyone (you know who you are) :

well, you’re forgiven. again. as usual, have to tolerate your attitude. hope i dun have to do so again. cheers.

Education Fair – KDU College a good choice?!

January 7, 2007

today went to the Education Fair by The Star in KL Convention Center to had a look at what so many colleges had to offer with my dear Yuet Lee and we landed our asses on KDU College.

so what attracted me to this college?! basically their counsellors are the first NOT to irritate me. you should see those from SOME colleges, hell, they are so damn eager to enrol you, i wonder what the hell is their intention.

well, i settled down on Mass Communication. any advice to give me?! basically the subject covered a hell lot of things that i’m interested in, particularly photopgrahy and multimedia and the list can go on!!! hopefully i made a right decision and will not regret, as some friends certainly know that i have been brainstorming which subject and where to study it for a long time. just some background info for your guys, Mass Comm doesn’t mean sealing my fate to work as a broadcaster or work as a ma zhai for Astro or something. the career options are quite broad and if my research is not wrong, hell yeah, it suits me. XD

after the Education Fair, i went to Lowyat de Good Happiness to meet up with fellow Kokorians. even though i’m not active there, still got people know me, wah, feel damn touched, thank you wor.

here are some pics from the gathering~

me and our forum founder~

siao kia~

whole family pic~

i enjoyed the gathering very much!!! looking forward to the next one!!! meanwhile, time for me to log off. nite all~ 🙂

Freaky Friday

January 6, 2007

sorry this entry came in late, was damn frustated yesterday. bro forgot to save the settings on the router, end up i can’t use. -.-

well, just a short note to self to tell me i had a great time in art class with my friends. was high on dunno what, maybe someone poured in some unknown drug in my food. lol. or plainly just because it’s been a long time since i talked to my friends in the class.

a boring entry right?! yeah, i admit. you can leave this entry alone and not comment then. XD hopefully when i read back this entry when i’m depressed, i can know that i had lots of fun moments and life is still good. 🙂

grand entrance to the blogosphere~

January 4, 2007

after months of procrastination, i finally decided to open this blog! welcome to the grand opening of

i guess an introduction is not necessary as most of you guys who read this already know who i am, so i’ll skip a thorough introduction of myself and give a brief one. anyone want to know me here?! lol~ anyway, here goes, i’m just an ordinary girl leading an ordinary life, currently still in my teens (dun be jealous about my youth XD) and is a phone and gadget freak. lol. would like to meet interesting and intelligent friends and hopefully a leng zai will come across my blog and leave his number?! naik miang pulak~ lol…

well, let’s jump straight into topic shall we?!

recently, i made a decision to leave secondary school early. FYI, i’m from a chinese independence school and has just finished my form 5 year.

well, for those who dunno, chinese independence school students usually take senior 3 to sit for the UEC exam, equivalent to A Levels to a certain extent, but i chose not to study senior 3 mainly because i’m not particularly fond about academic studies but would rather pursue an education in something that i have more interest in. quite a hard decision for me, hopefully if i ever read back this entry i won’t bang my head on the wall for making this move.

sorta cried after after getting the final permit to leave school from the vice principal, dear Ah Loh~

however, here’s a thanks to my dear friends and teachers who support my bold decision.your hugs and well wishes (as well as endless nags asking me to stay) mean a lot to me!!! love ya guys lots and study well and enjoy yourselves in high school okay?! dun bother those crappy teachers and people that go along and mess up your life sometimes, that’s part of the fun!!!

a little note to self: deciding to leave school is not a mistake nor a crime. Nan told me, if i got confidence to settle in foundation, leaving early is a right choice, but make sure i choose a subject that is suitable. later end up changing courses, my friends who study senior 3 all catch up liao then my bold move to leave is pointless jor~